

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face”: Series 6: Prayers for the Kids on the Street

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face” 

Related imageby Sister Mary Rose McGeady: 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: Sister Mary Rose wrote this little booklet for the public in 2010. She was President of Covenant House, PO box 96708. Washington DC 20090-6708, until she died in 2012 when Kevin Ryan took over as president. Covenant House depends almost entirely upon people like you to help over 60,000 runaway and homeless kids every year. They provide food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, education, vocational training, and counseling for kids with no place to go. Please help if you can?

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street:

Series 1:

Bite 1) The Kids in the Chapel: About the author

Bite 2)The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan

Bite 3) The Kids in the Chapel: The Kid on the Asphalt

Bite 4) The Kid lying on the Asphalt Playtime is Over

Bite 5) The Kids in the Chapel: Sandy’s Story

Series 2:

Bite 6) The Saddest Questions: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?

Bite 7) The Saddest Questions: May I Sleep Here Tonight?

Bite 8) The Saddest Questions: Do I have to go Home?

Bite 9) The Saddest Questions: Can I Make it on my own?

Bite 10) The Saddest Questions:  May I Come Back Again?

Series 3: 

 Bite 11) Should I Trust You?: Too Much to Bear

Bite 12) Should I Trust You? : Choosing the Streets

Bite 13) Should I Trust You?: Too Hurt to Cry:

Bite 14) Should I Trust You?: Dangling by a Thread

Bite 15)  Should I Trust You?: Someone to Love me

 Series 4: 

 Bite 16) My Home is Nowhere: What am I Supposed to do?

 Bite 17) My Home is Nowhere:  I Used to Live at Home

 Bite 18) My Home is Nowhere: No Bed to Sleep in

 Bite 19) My Home is Nowhere: Must I always be alone?

 Bite 20) My Home is Nowhere: Covenant House Kid’s Prayer 

Series 5:

Bite 21) When Silence Speaks Volumes: More than Words Can Say

Bite 22) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Too Heartbroken to Speak:

Bite 23) When Silence Speaks Volumes: God’s Special Kids:

Bite 24) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Searching for Victims:

Bite 25) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Do it or Die!

Series 6:

Bite 26) Incredible Danger: Brutally Victimized

Bite 27) Incredible DangerAs Long as You Care

Bite 28) Incredible Danger: Too Sad to Write

Bite 29) Incredible Danger: Just Like a Statue

Bite 30) Incredible Danger: Howie’s Story

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Streets:

 Series 6: Incredible Danger: Bite 26) Brutally Victimized:
Here at Covenant House we constantly warn the kids of the incredible danger that awaits them on the street. The gangs are not their friends and never will be. Sadly this is not the first time the children we love will be brutally victimized by these gangs. We want to protect them. In another incident, the young runaway was similarly lured into prostitution. robbed of the money she made and punched in the face. Gangs like “The Bloods” are an ever-present threat to Covenant House, going as far as to actually infiltrate the safe haven we provide, in their attempt to recruit from within. In spite of our vigilance, events like this one just described can still take place. That convinces me more than ever of the importance of our work here.
Series 6: Incredible Danger: Bite 27) As Long as You Care:
If this horrible danger did not exist there would be no need for a place like Covenant House where these runaway kids can get a decent meal, a clean warm bed. a decent meal and a loving heart from all of us who devote ourselves to them. Our work, by its very nature, is difficult, dangerous, and sometimes very frightening, but that is exactly why we are here. It is also why we need your continued loving support. These young runaways can so easily fall victim to the most despicable elements of our society; of criminals who prey on the young, the innocent and the needy. They are such easy prey; as long as they are kids on the street who are lonely, hungry, and afraid; as long as they remain the prey of vicious sexual predators; we at Covenant House will be there to shelter them, and I save them. As long as there are people like you who read this, with gentle spirits, we will succeed.
 Series 6: Incredible Danger: Bite 28) Too Sad to Write:

This kid was one of the most unusual homeless kids I had ever met. The 180-pound gray-clad statue sat dead still in the middle of our shelter perched on top a large green sofa. For hours and hours, days and days, the statue just sat there taking a place among the bedlam of our shelter but never taking part in any of it. Like all statues, the eyes never moved. The hair never went out of place. the body never seemed to move as much as an inch. But in this case the statue's eyes were brown; his hair was gold. His soft pasty skin hung from his body like an old suit of clothes. Our statue was a flesh and blood kid named Howie. He came to us one day like all kids do, quietly and unannounced. A lost and lonely kid wandering through life, searching for somewhere to lay his head down and rest. From the moment he stepped inside we could see he had a lot more problems talking than the other kids. Any physical contact he rejected.

 Series 6: Incredible Danger: Bite 29) Just Like a Statue:
After we tried to talk to Howie and got no response we decided he needed to find his own way back to trusting anyone. We cleaned him up, fed him, gave him a warm bed to sleep in and for the first few days he would go down to the center of the shelter and sit there transfixed on the sofa. On the one hand, he desperately needed to be around people, and on the other hand, he didn’t know how to interact with us or to reach out and trust us. He was like a statue in our presence. As the days wore on and we hovered over him the words and feelings began to come out. At first, he played tricks to get attention; like taking the phone off the hook so someone would come and check on him. Finally, he began to speak and the more he spoke the more we realized why he was so afraid to trust in other people. “I’ve been on the street for months,” he said. “I don’t have anywhere I can go.” At last, I saw a tear forming in his eyes. “Can you tell me your story now Howie?” I asked. He nodded his head yes.
Series 6: Incredible Danger: Bite 30) Howie’s Story:
Please tell me your story, Howie?” I asked one more time. He stood rigid like a statue and nodded. “If I leave here the only place I know to go is way too dangerous. I lived in a house with my mother and her boyfriend. He did some pretty bad stuff to me. His favorite trick was to beat me with a broom handle.” He lifted up his shirt slightly and turned his back to me to show me the scars. I patted him on the shoulder to show him I care. “It got to where he was beating me every day and telling me what a jerk I am. I told my Mom but she didn’t believe me. I had to get out so I ran away but it was even worse on the street.” His voice trailed away. “I can’t talk about it but I want to make something of my life and when I leave here I will” He was determined when he left. It was only about an hour after he left that the phone rang. Unfortunately, he had to leave a message. I knew he had gone for a job interview. When I played the message I heard these encouraging words: “Hello...I don’t know what to say...but...I did it!” I knew Howie had gotten the job.


(to be continued)

Contacts for Help: 
Make sure the police list your runaway teen in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) / Contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for help with law enforcement officials: 1 800 843 5678: Call the Covenant House NINELINE 1 800 999 9999 to call and check messages and to leave a message. contact runaway shelters locally and in nearby states: Make posters and photos of your teen listing age, height, weight, hair and eye color. circumstances of disappearance along with your phone number. distribute posters to hospitals, truck stops. and law enforcement agencies. donate to any shelters. To donate to Covenant House send any donation large or small to Covenant House, PO Box 96708, Washington DC 20090 6708: End Of This Series:

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