

Monday, April 30, 2018

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face”: Series 5: Prayers for the Kids on the Street

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face” 

Related imageby Sister Mary Rose McGeady: 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: Sister Mary Rose wrote this little booklet for the public in 2010. She was President of Covenant House, PO box 96708. Washington DC 20090-6708, until she died in 2012 when Kevin Ryan took over as president. Covenant House depends almost entirely upon people like you to help over 60,000 runaway and homeless kids every year. They provide food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, education, vocational training, and counseling for kids with no place to go. Please help if you can?

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street:

Series 1:

Bite 1) The Kids in the Chapel: About the author

Bite 2)The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan

Bite 3) The Kids in the Chapel: The Kid on the Asphalt

Bite 4) The Kid lying on the Asphalt Playtime is Over

Bite 5) The Kids in the Chapel: Sandy’s Story

Series 2:

Bite 6) The Saddest Questions: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?

Bite 7) The Saddest Questions: May I Sleep Here Tonight?

Bite 8) The Saddest Questions: Do I have to go Home?

Bite 9) The Saddest Questions: Can I Make it on my own?

Bite 10) The Saddest Questions:  May I Come Back Again?

Series 3: 

 Bite 11) Should I Trust You?: Too Much to Bear

Bite 12) Should I Trust You? : Choosing the Streets

Bite 13) Should I Trust You?: Too Hurt to Cry:

Bite 14) Should I Trust You?: Dangling by a Thread

Bite 15)  Should I Trust You?: Someone to Love me

 Series 4: 

 Bite 16) My Home is Nowhere: What am I Supposed to do?

 Bite 17) My Home is Nowhere:  I Used to Live at Home

 Bite 18) My Home is Nowhere: No Bed to Sleep in

 Bite 19) My Home is Nowhere: Must I always be alone?

 Bite 20) My Home is Nowhere: Covenant House Kid’s Prayer 

Series 5:

Bite 21) When Silence Speaks Volumes: More than Words Can Say

Bite 22) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Too Heartbroken to Speak:

Bite 23) When Silence Speaks Volumes: God’s Special Kids:

Bite 24) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Searching for Victims:

Bite 25) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Do it or Die!

Series 6:

Bite 26) Incredible Danger: Brutally Victimized

Bite 27) Incredible DangerAs Long as You Care

Bite 28) Incredible Danger: Too Sad to Write

Bite 29) Incredible Danger: Just Like a Statue

Bite 30) Incredible Danger: Howie’s Story

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Streets:

Series 5: When Silence Speaks Volumes: Bite 21) More than Words Can Say:

I looked at the young man sitting in front of me. “Where do you live?” I asked. He said nothing! “How did you get here?” silence... “Where are your parents?” Still, he said nothing. He was tense, sullen, and silent but his body language shouted fear, anger, frustrated, and hurt. Yet he remained utterly silent. His hair was dirty; his clothes even dirtier. We found him in the park sleeping on the ground. He was so hungry that when we took him to the cafeteria he ate enough for five people. In my office, he said his name was Zach. He kept rubbing his arms as though he couldn’t get warm. Maybe the cold was still deep in his bones. No matter how much I told him he was welcome he still looked scared and doubtful. Perhaps he was wondering when he would be back in the park in the cold. I asked him a dozen questions and he was still silent. I thought of Jesus and when they arrested Him. He was silent through all their interrogations. Jesus said very little. 

 Series 5: When Silence Speaks Volumes: Bite 22) Too Heartbroken to Speak:

I try to imagine why Jesus was so silent when they arrested Him? Why didn’t He make a sermon or tell them a parable? Why didn’t He convince them of His innocence? All His friends had deserted Him. He was accused of crimes He didn’t commit. He had no reason to trust those people who interrogated Him. He even asked His Father why He had forsaken Him. Then I thought of our Covenant kid Zach. He wasn’t the first one to be struck dumb by heartache. “We are glad you came to us, Zach. At some point, we will need to talk but it doesn’t have to be now.” I assured him he is safe with us. I started to stand up then Zach shook his head and shifted his weight as if he wanted to say something., “I don’t talk too good,” he said. “My teacher said I have a problem learning things. My Dad says I am stupid. My Mom loved me though. She only hit me when she was drunk. 
 Series 5: When Silence Speaks Volumes: Bite 23) God’s Special Kids:

I am convinced that God sends me special kids to remind me what the Lord is all about. When Zach finally began to speak he told me he loved his Mom and wish she didn’t die. He said his father nor his grandparents wanted him. He told me he flunked high school and had no friends at all. “What is wrong with me?” our kids find themselves asking. “Why do I live like this? Why doesn’t anyone love me? Am I suffering because I don’t deserve anything better?” sometimes the parallels between what these kids have to go through and what Jesus had to go through are startling! (Matthew 18:3,4: “Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoso shall receive one such little child in My Name, receives Me.) Fear and abandonment, betrayal and silence; Zach had no idea how his story would turn out in the end. Jesus knew He would be Resurrected and He knew Zach would live again. Please pray for Zach and all the Kids who are now trying to survive on the streets.

 Series 5: When Silence Speaks Volumes: Bite 24) Searching for Victims:

They lurked in the shadows just outside of the door of our shelter...waiting...for the moment when they would lure their prey with their false promises of friendship and safety. It didn’t take long. Two members of the vicious gang “Bloods” was on the prowl for new victims; innocent girls they could befriend and then betray. She was just around the corner. She had run away from the abuse at home and she had nowhere else to go. Now that she was alone and terrified, friendless, and penniless, she was an easy target. A hand shot out from the shadows and grabbed her gently. “Do you need a place to stay?” “yes,” she answered. The answer came easily after so many cold and lonely nights living on the street. Desperate for acceptance, worn down by hunger and lack of sleep, the young runaway easily accepted what she thought was a kind an innocent offer.

 Series 5: When Silence Speaks Volumes: Bite 25) Do it or Die!

Now the 3 gang members took the innocent runaway to the hotel. She wonders: “Have I found some friends at last?” The answer comes all too quickly. what she thought was a promise of friendship became a four-day ordeal of street walking, beatings, and forced imprisonment. When the young runaway failed to earn money as a prostitute for her new (so-called) friends they tied her to a chair and took turns beating her with a belt. they threatened her: “If you tell anyone...If you go to the police, we will cut you up and kill you.” Finally, she escapes her captors. She had the courage to go to the police and tell her horrible story. thankfully, one member of the gang was arrested. He was charged with kidnapping, robbery, and unlawful imprisonment. This true story illustrates the very real dangers that exist on the streets for runaways at the hands of predators, pushers, pimps, and gangs. 

(to be continued)

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