

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Communism In America


Communism In America, Part 1

When I was a kid the threat from communist Russia, USSR, was real. We had drills in school in case of a nuclear explosion. I remember hearing that Nakita Khrushchev warned that America would fall from the inside and not buy an outside enemy. The enemy would come from the inside. When I listen to all of our college ‘educated’ fools today I can see how that can happen. They are not educated, they have been indoctrinated into a socialist mindset. When I was in school, we had patriotism. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. There was even a copy of the Ten Commandments hanging in the classroom for all to read. We even said a very short non-denominational prayer every day asking to bless the teachers and the nation.

But liberals ‘decided’ that God didn’t belong in schools. Separation of Church and State the courts said, even though if you read the Bill of Rights, there was no separation. We have to remember that the Constitution defined was the government was allowed to do not what the government could force us to do. But we have forgotten that our government is a representative government in that our elected officials can only do what the Constitution allows them to do. They have gone way beyond those bounds and seem to demand more and more control over us daily. Both political parties are at fault but the Democrats have gone way overboard. I remember Khrushchev saying, “Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism.” Some sources say he never said that but either way, that statement is right. One little bit at a time until it’s too late to stop.

In 1945 we defeated fascism in Germany but since then we have seen the rise of socialistic policies become prominent in American societies and we haven’t even blinked an eye.  One of the things that are not allowed in communism is private property. Our Founders believed that the only true form of freedom must include the ability to own property and the right to pass that property on to our offspring. We are seeing that slowly be opposed. Remember the little situation in Nevada when the government tried to take land from Cliven Bundy? The feds will try anything to get their way and use any excuse. In this case, it was a turtle. Militiamen squatted among the sagebrush and crouched on a highway overpass, cradling guns and issuing barely veiled threats at the government officials massed behind makeshift barricades. The specter of a violent standoff hung over the high desert.

The hair-trigger tension seemed at odds with the arcane origins of the dispute. Twenty years ago, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decided to clear privately owned cattle off this patch of public land to protect the endangered Mojave Desert tortoise. Dozens of ranchers left. Cliven Bundy stayed. 

Jim Urquhart—Reuters

Bundy, 68, has refused to recognize federal authority over the land or to pay the feds for allowing his cattle to graze there. Those accumulated fees and fines now total more than $1 million, according to the government. Armed with fresh court orders, the government moved last week to impound a few hundred of the rancher’s cows.

Bundy balked, and the far right-wing media sounded a clarion call for his cause, casting the standoff as a flashpoint in a broader struggle against federal oppression. A cavalry of patriots arrived, bearing weapons and a seemingly bottomless grudge against the government.

On April 12, BLM retreated, abandoning the round-up amid “serious concerns” over the safety of federal employees. The cattle “gather is over,” BLM spokesman Craig Leff says. No shots were fired; no blood was spilled. Bundy declared victory in the Battle of Bunkerville.[1]

They use other means as well. The imminent domain is their most common tool. It is only to be used for schools, roadways, and public buildings like libraries and city council buildings but I have seen them take property for pennies on the dollar and sell the property to large corporations at full value. The owner of the property is supposed to receive ‘fair market value’ but rarely does.

We also have to keep in mind that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has stated that by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. Where this man believes he has the right to take over a sovereign nation and play dictator is beyond me. We have over seventy million people that own guns and will not just stand by and have their property taken from them. I was listening to Dutch Sheets the other day on his podcast and he brought up a statement by Ronald Reagan that I thought was very appropriate for this column because it opens our eyes to the reality of the situation we are facing. “Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, ‘We don’t know how lucky we are.’ And the Cuban stopped and said, ‘How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to.’ And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth…

“…If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand—the ultimatum. And what then—when Nikita Khrushchev [Leader of the Soviet Union at the time] has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we’re retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because, by that time, we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because, from our side, he’s heard voices pleading for ‘peace at any price’ or ‘better Red than dead,’ or as one commentator put it, he’d rather ‘live on his knees than die on his feet.’

“…those voices don’t speak for the rest of us,” Reagan stated.

“We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”[2]

I do not accept the idea that we will capitulate to the liberal ideology of socialism/communism that is being shoved down the throats of our college students today. We must take a stand to reverse the path that we are on. We must have God’s help to do this because we have let it go too far to stop it ourselves. We have a praying church, not all the church but the remnant that God needs to get the job done.

The foundation America was built on is what we must get back to. We need to teach our kids our Constitution and the history of this great country. Each generation must be taught how to be free and stay free. John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States commented: Every member of the State ought diligently to read and study the constitution of his country and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be better prepared to defend and assert them.[3]

We must preserve this nation, the greatest nation to ever exist, for our children and our grandchildren and teach them how to do the same.

Foot Notes

  1. The armed rebellion on a Nevada cattle ranch could be just the start/
  3. “The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay”, Henry P. Johnson, editor, (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1890), Vol. I, pp. 163-164, from his “Charge to the Grand Jury of Ulster County”, September 9, 1777

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and study the constitution of his country and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be better prepared to defend and assert them. – John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, “The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay”, Henry P. Johnson, editor, (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1890), Vol. I, pp. 163-164, from his “Charge to the Grand Jury of Ulster County”, September 9, 1777


Communism In America, Part 2

The citizens of America have gotten too soft. They have allowed themselves to be duped into believing that something like communism could never take hold in America. It not only can and it has a stranglehold on our schools, businesses, and our government. Trump wanted to give us back our government and that is why the left’s heads were exploding. I came across an excellent article by Paul Engel, a fellow writer on which you can read here.[1]

He discusses what freedom is, explains what has happened to us that has restricted us in so many ways, and gives direction as to what we need to do to get back on track. Excellent article!

We were founded to be free to do and say what we want. Of course, this is all within reason. The government we were given allows us to speak our minds, and have differences with others without the fear of the government taking us away never to be seen or heard of again. If we don’t like what the government is doing we can address that and demand a change if necessary. Our 1st Amendment gives us the right “to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” But when parents confronted the school boards about the pornographic trash, they were allowing our children to access, we were labeled domestic terrorists. On Monday, Garland sent a memo to the federal law enforcement agency directing it to coordinate with the nation’s 14,000 school districts. This action comes after the Biden administration received a plea from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to protect schools from the “imminent threat” of parents sending “threatening letters and cyberbullying” school officials. The association considers such activities to be akin to “domestic terrorism.”

“As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” wrote the NSBA.

Has a great number of teachers, principals, and district leaders come under violent attack? Of course not. What both the Justice Department and the concerned school boards are really talking about it is the increased number of recent community meetings that have featured angry feedback from parents. These parents are sick of COVID-19 mitigation efforts that have relegated actual students to afterthought status within the education department: the farce of virtual learning, mandatory closure when asymptomatic cases are detected, and ceaseless masking.[2]

These actions are the actions of a communist government, not a free and sovereign nation. The House passed this week a Parents Bill of Rights bill pointing out the obvious rights that parents have over their children and denying school unions a free hand to do what they want. All democrats voted against the bill and one Democrat even stated that if the bill did not pass “can we finally classify parents as domestic terrorists?” Seriously? When did the Democrats decide that the government has more rights over a child than the parents?

Another little aspect of how communism has crept into our government is our lack of free speech. We can say it, write it, and post it, but Big Tech decides who, if anybody, gets to see it.  “Thousands of pages of documents have exposed a censorship campaign both unprecedented and formerly unimagined in scale and in scope,” said Younes.

We also heard today from the attorney general of Missouri; an excerpt follows:

In May, we filed a landmark lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for colluding with social media companies to censor free speech. We have already received documents that show their cozy relationship, and now we’re demanding more.

In July of 2022, MO and LA served discovery requests and third-party subpoenas, demanding documents from top-ranking Biden Administration officials and social media companies over their alleged collusion to suppress freedom of speech.

The Department of Justice is refusing to produce communications between the most senior officials and social media companies – yesterday we filed a joint petition asking the Court to compel them to produce those documents.

Here’s what we know so far. DOJ identified 45 federal officials who have interacted with social media companies on misinformation.[3]

Our Constitution gives us the right to free speech but this administration has decided to take on the role of determining if that speech is ‘misinformation’. I have found that if it doesn’t line up with what the administration is pushing, then it is misinformation. I have also found that 98% of what the administration classifies as ‘correct’ information is actually misinformation. Case in point, COVID vaccines stop you from getting COVID. COVID vaccines are safe. I could write a book on how unsafe that jab is. How about global warming? Government studies have even shown that the planet has not warmed in the last 18 years but Biden wants to spend billions on getting America to a net-zero carbon position. That will be impossible but they plow ahead with it anyway not caring how many people are hurt in the process.

As you have heard recently Biden wants 96% of gas stoves eliminated. I have not found in the Constitution where the federal government has the right to control what kind of stove we have. He is also after our washing machines. I understand that the new design will take longer to wash and won’t clean as well. Typical democrat policy. His new target is our air conditioning units. I have not found the provision for that in the Constitution either.

This is what happens when we let the government have its way. We have forgotten and many have never been taught that the government gets its power from the people. The Constitution is a document that tells the government what it can do not a document that lets the government tell us what to do.

There is a guy out there that is trying to put together a Constitutional Convention which is allowed in Article V of the Constitution. Dumb idea because he has a complete rewrite of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Seriously dumb. We already have the best government document ever designed by man, with the help of the Holy Spirit, why change it? We just need to get people who will follow that Constitution. It is what made us the greatest nation in the world and if we get back to it we will regain that title.

The creep towards communism has been slow but it has to come to a complete stop and the people that are pushing us down that road must be removed from government. Remember there are about 70 members of Congress, all in the Democrat Party but one, that belongs to the Democrat Socialists of America. Joe McCarthy tried to warn us after WWII that they were infiltrating our news organizations, Hollywood, big businesses, and everywhere they could get a foothold. He was mocked but who is laughing now?

We either wake up or we will be where Klaus Schwab wants us in 2030, owning nothing. For me, that dog doesn’t hunt.

Foot Notes



Communism In America, Part 3

Another thing that points to the building blocks of communism being embedded in America is the graduated income tax system we have. Democrats call it ‘paying your fair share’ but we saw especially during Obama’s administration that the party that demands ‘pay your fair share’ too often didn’t pay any of their ‘fair shares’.  A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama’s executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share apparently haven’t paid any share, let alone their fair share.

Previous reports have shown how well-paid Obama’s White House staff is, with 457 aides pulling down more than $37 million last year. That’s up seven workers and nearly $4 million from the Bush administration’s last year.

Nearly one-third of Obama’s aides make more than $100,000 with 21 being paid the top White House salary of $172,200, each.[1]

Al ‘The Race Pimp’ Sharpton has a long history of not paying taxes: The Rev. Sharpton, the civil-rights leader who has become a close confidant to President Barack Obama and New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, has more than $4.5 million in state and federal tax liens outstanding against him and his for-profit businesses.[2]  Biden himself appears to have been lax in ‘paying his fair share’. President Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office and could owe the IRS as much as $500,000, according to a Congressional Research Service report.[3]

The progressive income tax that we have is one of the tools of the communists that helps undermine a society. In 1913 the income tax was ratified though there have been some doubts about that.[4] From the research that I’ve done, it is seriously questionable that it was ratified, It was not opposed by Taft, a Republican, and didn’t become ‘ratified’ until Woodrow Wilson, a socialist democrat to the core, was in office. It is understandable why Wilson did not object to it.

The next signal that communism has crept into our government is the fact that we see the Democratic Party demanding an exorbitant tax on inheritance. What has become known as The Death Tax is actually a step towards the elimination of the right to an inheritance.  Right now if your estate is worth $5.4 million the tax is 40%. If the estate goes to a spouse there is usually no tax but if it goes to the children then the tax is assessed. I would like to know why the government feels that it is entitled to any of the estate, period. I remember hearing Nancy Pelosi attempting to explain the tax saying that if the estate goes to the children that the children didn’t earn it so the government has the right to take 40%. Well, the government didn’t earn it either.  There are ways to get around this gross violation of your rights by putting the assets into a trust. Taxation is nothing but theft anyway and that is definitely taxation without representation the principle that we fought the Revolutionary War over. It starts with this and works its way up to larger percentages and will end up with laws that outlaw inheritances altogether.

The confiscation of property is also a sign that communism has crept into our government. The government does this with tax liens and outright seizures. Some seizures I can understand like drug dealers, human traffickers, and money laundering but way too many times it is an opportunity for a crooked cop to take your property and never charge you with a crime.  “Asset forfeiture is the government’s new, twisted form of guilt by association. Only it’s not the citizenry being accused of wrongdoing, just their money,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “What this adds up to is a paradigm in which Americans no longer have to be guilty to be stripped of their property, rights, and liberties. All you have to be is in possession of something the government wants.”

Civil asset forfeiture is a practice where government agents (usually the police) seize private property they “suspect” may be connected to criminal activity, then whether or not any crime is actually proven to have taken place, the government keeps the citizen’s property, often divvying it up with the local police who did the initial seizure. Relying on the topsy-turvy legal theory that one’s property can not only be guilty of a crime but is guilty until proven innocent, government agencies have eagerly cashed in on this revenue scheme, often under the pretext of the War on Drugs. By asserting that someone’s property, a building or a large of amount of cash for example, is tied to an illegal activity, the government—usually, the police—then confiscates the property for its own uses, and it’s up to the property owner to jump through a series of legal hoops to prove that the property was not connected to criminal activity or that the owner had no involvement or knowledge of the criminal activity. But challenging these “takings” in court can cost the owner more than the value of the confiscated property itself.[5]

America has seen way too much of the influence of communism be forced onto the population. Most people do not even see it happening even when you point it out. This is why we need a complete overhaul of our so-called education system. It has become nothing more than indoctrination camps for the liberal ideology of socialism/communism. FDR even stated: In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Trump exposed the Deep State and they hate him for it. They’ve tried to stop him but have only delayed him. We must stand with Him so He can do what I believe God has called Him to do. He stated recently that if we lose 2024, we lose America. The choice is ours. Freedom or tyranny. Let us not forget the powerful speech by Patrick Henry: I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.

Z*Z*Z  Source:

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