

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Communism In America


Communism In America, Part 1

When I was a kid the threat from communist Russia, USSR, was real. We had drills in school in case of a nuclear explosion. I remember hearing that Nakita Khrushchev warned that America would fall from the inside and not buy an outside enemy. The enemy would come from the inside. When I listen to all of our college ‘educated’ fools today I can see how that can happen. They are not educated, they have been indoctrinated into a socialist mindset. When I was in school, we had patriotism. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. There was even a copy of the Ten Commandments hanging in the classroom for all to read. We even said a very short non-denominational prayer every day asking to bless the teachers and the nation.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

What's on my mind? - 04/19/2023, What Difference Do Our Laws Make if the Criminals Are in Control of the Justice Department?


What's on my mind?

What Difference Do Our Laws Make if the Criminals Are in Control of the Justice Department?