

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

What's on my mind? - 04/12/2023, Threat To The World, The Worlds Policeman

What's On My Mind?

There Has Never Been A Greater Threat To The World.

There has never been a greater threat to the United States of America than there is today under this unlawful and sinful demonic democratic political party, allegedly under the control of a demented old man, placed specifically to act as the fall guy to protect this evil cabal call the Democratic Party!  

 There has never been a greater threat to world peace than there is today because of the demise and instability of the United States of America internally by foreign powers, orchestrated through the judiciary and the monopoly and organized crime syndicate known as the American Bar Association, there has never been a greater threat to world peace than there is today by this destabilization of the United States of America, with all the flaws that the United States of America has had we are still the bedrock of stability in the world, the United States, for the most part, keep Most nations in check and keep The world stable.

 With the financial and political instability of the United States of America and because of the political upheaval caused by the corruption within the Democratic Party and some of the members in the Republican Party, either being incompetent or complicit in the crimes of the Democratic Party have aided and abetted the destruction and the culture of our nation.

 If we the people of the United States of America do not take back control of this constitutional republic and rid ourselves of this communist demonic and evil democracy the MOB! The entire world will continue to spiral into anarchy, and there will be mass death and murders across the entire planet, we can already see the destabilization all over the world, we see wars and threats of war just like it protects in the Holy Bible happening every day, we the people of this constitutional republic must take back every city and every town across America. To reestablish order, not only here in America but to help reestablish order in the world, The United States of America was the world leader and all nations looked up to this nation, all nations envied this nation and the accomplishments that we have made and brought into the world.

 America was the beacon of light that brought the world out of the dark ages, and brought us into the industrial age, in the last 300 years the world has come so far with technology that it has outpaced our spiritual growth, it is time not only for America but for the world to re-examine our spiritual health and our relationship with God the creator, we must recognize that without God we are lost and we are without purpose.


I pray that the good and those who seek righteousness come back into power in this world, and correct the wrongs and reestablish our moral Compass and put our nation and the world back on the path of morality and righteousness, I pray that those who hold positions of power reevaluate what is valuable to them, what is valuable to their children and grandchildren, and reevaluate and question themselves are they doing what God wants them to do.


Dear father God I pray that you put your hand upon this nation again, and let it become your nation again one nation under you Lord, that you show this world that this is your world that you are the creator and at any given time you can change anything, you can defeat any evil and you have the mercy to save all, Dear father God if it is your will to turn us into Gideons to fight this evil that seems to be rampant around the world, then make it so, Dear father God hear our prayers, see what is in our hearts, protect the innocent among us, protect our children, give us faith the knowledge the will and the directions Lord so that we may be good servants, and be worthy of your love, Dear father God I pray for all your children I pray for all of those who have suffered under this evil time, I pray for those who are lost and cannot find the light in the darkness, I pray for those who seek you Lord, and I pray for all your children who seek out each other in this time of need in this time of sorrow, Dear father God I think it's time for you to come home and clean your house, and teach your children once again for we all have strayed and we seek your guidance and your love in your holy and precious name amen.


The Worlds Policeman

 You do realize that all of our military assets are being deployed all over the world except for the United States, this evil political regime is purging America of all of our military assets and sending them to foreign governments to be used against us, that's why they tried to destroy men from joining the military and tried to discourage military personnel to resign from the military, and that's why Barack Obama replaced over 250 senior officers from the military, we are in internal warfare by double agents working tirelessly to destroy our nation, the more important to destroy the people of this nation, first our legal system had to fall, then our industrial base had to be destroyed, our religious and moral standards had to be compromised, and now our military is being deployed to be used by foreign nations, if this is not internal warfare against our nation and our people I don't know what is! And we the people are the only ones who can or will stop this!!! And do not forget what has happened to our Allied nations that use to be aligned with America. And also they want to disarm all of the American people, if this is not a plan to destroy our nation then there never has been a plan to destroy America, a blind man can see this, and a deaf man can hear this, so there are no excuses for the American people not to pick up arms and start to defend our nation, the judiciary is helping the other team, so it's time for the American people to bring our form of law and justice to bear against the evil demonic enemies of liberty and justice, our forefathers fought for this in the beginning, and the day that we stop fighting for it is the day that we lose it.

God Save The Republic Amen


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