

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

GA Grand Jury: 2024 Selection Election, Trump

GA Grand Jury: 2024 Selection Election

 In my long life, I have never – never – seen such lying, cheating, and deceit by “elected” officials who’ve allowed, endorsed, and encouraged the stealing of our elections over the past three decades.  I became aware of massive vote fraud way back in 1992.  Few Americans were interested.

Hussein Obama who used different aliases usurped the office of president.  Hussein was and is constitutionally ineligible to be president.  The junkyard dogs in the “mainstream” media, print, electronic and stupid tube (TV) lied through their teeth to protect that Marxist right along with Republicans.  Gutless Republicans who were afraid of being called a racist for challenging his ineligibility based on the constitutional requirement of being a ‘natural born’ citizen.  Hussein is NOT.

In my lifetime, never had I seen what went on between the Ministry of Propaganda (media) and members of the U.S. Congress to keep an obvious usurper in the Oval Office. The scope of the fraud and conspiracy was breathtaking and beyond sickening.

Pelosi: Falsified Obama's vetting documents for the D.N.C\Federal Crime

Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama aka Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah aka Barry Obama, appeared on the ballot in two elections even though he was ineligible.  No one had the “right” to vote for him regardless of what some well-groomed male or female blabber mouth says on the nightly news, the daily gathering of imbeciles who host The View, or any of the anti-truth newspapers out there who censored the truth about Hussein’s eligibility.

Since the Big Steal, that would be declaring career criminal and serial liar, Joe Biden, winner of the 2020 election, the lying useful fools employed as reporters, journalists, or talking heads on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, MSM, dozens and dozens of popular web sites for the brain dead every day spit out the same propaganda:

Unfounded election fraud, false claims about election fraud, unproven election fraud, and everyone’s favorite, overturn the election.  EVERY morning on blasting headlines always about Trump and the desire to see him hanged or at the very least, indicted and sent to prison based on zero evidence.  In fact, one of the latest favorites by those communists (progressives, liberals) is the newly minted “MAGA Cult”.

When fraud is committed that isn’t an election.  It’s the same propaganda used regarding January 6, 2021: insurrection.  Not to mention, ALL of those “swing” states as well as others were ALL in violation of federal election law and therefore, the 2020 presidential election was and IS void.

Yes, so many of us tried to reach Trump but he seems to only listen to those in his inner circle, his pricey legal teams, and those out to stab him in the back.  I sent my package to Trump overnight by express mail.  In my letter, I also told Trump he should file a Writ Quo Warranto which is a federal statute enacted by Congress to remove any federal employee for fraud or constitutional violations.  No response.  “Getting his ear” is impossible when you’re a nobody.  Federal Elections End at Midnight ON Election Day – so said the U.S. Supreme Court in a 9-0 decision.

You can listen to the oral arguments here – with Ruthie Bader Ginsburg:  Foster v. Love Oral Argument – October 06, 1997.  William H. Rehnquist:  We’ll hear an argument now in Number 96-670, Murphy Foster v. Scott Love.  Spectators are admonished not to talk until they get out of the courtroom.  The Court remains in session.”

Syllabus – FOSTER v. LOVE, 90 F. 3d 1026, affirmed. (Emphasis mine)

“The Elections Clause of the Constitution, Art. I, §4, cl. 1, invests the States with responsibility for the mechanics of congressional elections, see Storer v. Brown, 415 U. S. 724, 730, but grants Congress “the power to override state regulations” by establishing uniform rules for federal elections, U. S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U. S. 779, 832–833. One such congressional rule sets the date of the biennial election for the offices of United States Senator, 2 U. S. C. §1, and Representative, §7, and mandates holding all congressional and presidential elections on a single November day, 2 U. S. C. §§1, 7; 3 U. S. C. §1.”

3 U.S.C. § 7 Proves Electors Must Be Appointed On Election Day, Not Certification Day

I also provided this to Jesse Binnall, the attorney who represented Trump in Nevada, another state drowning in election fraud as well former U.S. House rep, Louis Gohmert. Crickets.

You see, this is very similar – and I must take this time to educate new readers – to a very important court decision I found years ago when I sued to stop senate candidates on the ballot here in Texas.  The Seventeenth Amendment was not ratified by enough states therefore, U.S. Senators are serving under a law that doesn’t exist.  Of course, the shadow government will never let the truth be known so the best we can hope for is to abolish the Seventeenth Amendment.  Quoting from my column:

“I found a U.S. Supreme Court case that supports my position:

United States Supreme Court – DILLON v. GLOSS, 256 U.S. 368 (1921) 256 U.S. 368 DILLON v. GLOSS, Deputy Collector. No. 251. Argued March 22, 1921. Decided May 16, 1921.

“The provisions of the act which the petitioner was charged with violating and under which he was arrested (title 2, 3, 26) were by the terms of the act (title 3, 21) to be in force from and after the date when the Eighteenth Amendment should go into effect, and the latter by its own terms was to go into effect one year after being ratified. Its ratification, of which we take judicial notice, was consummated on January 16, 1919. That the Secretary of State did not proclaim its ratification until January 29, 1919, is not material, for the date of its consummation, and not that on which it is proclaimed, controls.”

“Then, much to my shock right on the heels of finding that case, what else did I discover?

“On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment – 89 years after the alleged ratification. Back in 1913, not all states were in session; some were out of session for four years at a time. Others took no action on the amendment – Georgia specifically based on an investigation ordered by their governor at the time that the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally adopted by Congress before it was even sent to the states.

“On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it. On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment. How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for close to two decades, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.  Now you see why Dillon v Gloss is so important to my case as is the taxpayer ‘standing’ exception here in Texas.”

So, you see, amendments to the U.S. Constitution can’t be “ratified” 50, 80, or 100 years later.  FEDERAL elections end at midnight ON election DAY.  Not 4:00 am with dumps of hundreds of thousands of ballots or 3 days or 3 weeks after election day at midnight.  You can take money to the bank in other election-corrupt states like AZ, PA, MI, and MN besides Georgia ALL violated federal election law in Nov. 2020 and no one seems to give a damn.  GA governor Brian Kemp and equally corrupt SOS, Brad Raffensperger (both Republicans) are just as complicit as those who actually carried out the fraud.

Constant repetition of a big lie is essential.  It’s used constantly as political propaganda.  Eventually, those who do no real research and are already pre-disposed to believe anything “bad” about the opposite party or person, feast upon the daily lies.  I would say modus ponens:  “…the reasoning that, when a conditional statement (if X is red) is accepted as true, a subsequent statement, beginning with “then” (then Y is blue), is also affirmed as true.”  If Rachael Maddow, Joy Reid, or any of the other charlatans on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and even FOX say it’s true, it is no matter how untrue.

And so, We the People of the supposed “land of the free and home of the brave” were cheated once again and a globalist puppet was selected and installed in the White House. Right along with the ‘down ballot’ which I covered in my column:  Illegal Ballots Counted: What About Those House and Senate Seats?, Nov. 9, 2020.

The Bâtards got away with it the first time with Hussein Obama.  The shadow government rammed the cheating and fraud down our throats with the help of cowardly judges, lying, cheating election officials, and the disgraced “mainstream” media.  Nov. 2020 was just a replay with different players.  Oh, and don’t leave out FOX with the rest of the deceitful media.

The big news over the weekend is the release of parts of a grand jury empaneled to “get Trump” led by corrupt Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis.  This headline is beyond preposterous:  Trump ridiculed for pretending he has been ‘exonerated’ by Georgia grand jury over his bid to overturn the election, Feb. 18, 2023 – “Donald Trump took to Truth Social to claim that he had received a “total exoneration” from the Georgia grand jury investigating his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results in the state.”

Trump wasn’t trying to overturn the election; he knew it was brazenly being stolen while “conservative” Republicans like Kemp and Raffensperger did NOTHING.  Individuals Lied During President Trump’s Call with Georgia After 2020 Election – SoS Raffensperger and His Attorney Ryan Germany, Feb. 16, 2023

Ultimately, it was Republicans who put Biden in office despite the massive fraud.  The Jan. 6, 2020 event was planned and executed by government operatives.  The proof is in videos and deep investigative reporting all censored by the prostitute media, Twitter, and Facebook. When CON-gress reconvened after the mess, those who pledged to challenge the Electoral College votes turned cowards.  The rioting had NOTHING to do with election fraud that should have, hands down, stopped the Electoral College votes from being tallied. Many House members openly objected but it was the Senate side that killed what should have been done.  Senators who pledged to object to the Electoral College votes in certain states killed the truth.  GOP senators from TN, Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, Ron Johnson (ILL), Mike Braun (IN), James Lankford (OK), and Steve Daines from Montana all went back on their pledge.

They all planned to object unless Congress immediately put together a commission that would conduct an audit of the election results right away.  We’re talking about electing a president of the United States of America where the fraud was massive.  I am not a Trump zealot but like or hate him, Donald Trump is still President-Elect and cheating, lying China pimp, and Joe Biden is not the president.  That whole election was one of the worst crimes committed on America all because of party loyalty and searing hatred of a candidate so many loved when Trump opened his fat wallet for their cause or his TV show, The Apprentice.

I watched every hearing in GA, read all the lawsuits, and like so many, intensely covered the fraud.  Biden did NOT win GA, AZ, PA, or NV and I don’t care what those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome or making their living lying on the boob tube or some website vomit up.

HUGE: FOX News Filing Shows DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs”, Feb. 17, 2023  // Dominion IT Technician: 27 hours and not 1 vote was for Trump!!

After seven months the Grand Jury report did not find Donald Trump guilty of anything.  Just like the phony Jan. 6th hearings headed up by Liz Chaney couldn’t “get Trump”.  All that Fulton County Grand Jury did was make the report and send recommendations for the corrupt DA to file perjury charges against unnamed individuals.  If Trump was named it would have been leaked by now.

Georgia Witch Hunt Into Trump Call with Corrupt Raffensperger Comes Up with Big “Nothingburger”, Feb. 17, 2023 – “Davis noted that the DA in Fulton County is a left-wing radical whose dad was a Black Panther.  So I think the headline out of this is President Trump is cleared in Fulton County even with his radical left-wing Democrat DA in Fulton County pushing this bogus investigation trying to criminalize democracy and elections.”

Georgia grand jury recommends perjury indictments in Trump election probe, finds no ‘widespread fraud’ in 2020, Feb. 16, 2023.  “Separately, the grand jury also found “by a unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result in overturning that election.”

WHAT?  And just what was presented to that Grand Jury to investigate regarding all the fraud?  Unbelievable.  We don’t know and the recommendations for indictments regarding perjury are “eyes only” to the Fulton County DA.  From the same yellow journalism above:

“Ambassador Norman Eisen (ret.), a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institute who served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee from 2019 to 2020, told ABC News that despite the judge shielding most of the report, “it’s clear from the judge’s order that the grand jury recommended charges.”

“The question is: I don’t think that if people are being charged, Trump can logically be left out, because he was the ringleader,” Eisen told ABC News. “He was the mastermind of the plots.”

There isn’t a scintilla of evidence of any kind to support his BS.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Trump should sue him.

And now comes the dirt from the Dominion lawsuit against FOX.  Fox News feared losing viewers by airing the truth about the election, documents show – “A stunning cache of internal correspondence and deposition testimony obtained by the software company and made public on Thursday in a Delaware court filing showed high-level Fox executives and on-air stars privately agonizing over the wild and false claims of a stolen election that Trump allies promoted on Fox airwaves in the weeks after the 2020 election. “Sidney Powell is lying,” prime-time star Tucker Carlson wrote to his producer about a Trump lawyer who had appeared on Fox and spewed baseless accusations. “There is NO evidence of fraud,” anchor Bret Baier wrote to one of his bosses…

“As Trump refused to let up on his election fraud claims, Murdoch suggested that Fox might have the clout to push back. In early January 2021, he relayed in a message to Scott a suggestion that their three biggest prime-time stars — Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham — “should independently or together say something like ‘the election is over and Joe Biden won.’” Murdoch passed on the suggestion that such a move “would go a long way to stop the Trump myth that the election was stolen.”

“But such a coordinated announcement never came. In forwarding his email to her staff, Scott added, “we need to be careful about using the shows and p—ing off the viewers.”

“Within Fox, the messages show, many worried that the network had been hurt by two key incidents: a debate in which some conservatives believed Fox anchor Chris Wallace lobbed unfair questions to Trump; and Fox’s election night prediction that Biden would win the hotly contested state of Arizona.

“Hannity wrote to Carlson and Ingraham on Nov. 12 that the combination “destroyed a brand that took 25 years to build and the damage is incalculable.”  “It’s vandalism,” Carlson responded.”

Sean Hannity threw Trump, his best buddy for decades under the bus when he testified in the Dominion v FOX lawsuit:  he didn’t believe the election was stolen.  Gee, I wonder if Hannity & “good friend” President Trump still talk with each other, sometimes daily?  Fox News hosts and executives privately mocked pro-Trump election conspiracy theories after he lost, internal texts show, Feb. 16, 2023

“When the network declared on November 5 that Biden won the crucial swing state of Arizona, its viewers rebelled. “Those fuckers are destroying our credibility. It enrages me,” Tucker Carlson wrote in a text message to his producer Alex Pfeiffer. Carlson worried Trump would “destroy” the network.

“What [Trump]’s good at is destroying things,” he told Pfeiffer. “He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”…

“The messages and deposition testimony obtained through the lawsuit’s discovery process show Fox News brass always thought claims of election fraud were bunk, Dominion argued.  Tucker Carlson said Powell was “lying” and called her a “fucking bitch.” Laura Ingraham said in a group text with Carlson and Hannity that Powell was “a bit nuts.” Hannity said he “did not believe it for one second” when he heard Powell’s claims.”…

“When Carlson and Hannity saw a Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich fact-checking Trump’s falsehoods about the election on Twitter, they tried to get her fired, messages obtained by Dominion show.

“Please get her fired. Seriously…What the fuck?” Carlson wrote in a text message. “I’m actually shocked…It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.”

Yeah, the stock price is more important than the truth.  But then again, it’s also those big, fat paychecks.  Hannity’s contract with FOX as of 2022:  $40 MILLION a year.  Poor Tucker Carlson works so hard that FOX hauled in $108 million in commercial ads time on his show last year.  Forbes: “Carlson has become the highest paid in the industry with an estimated net worth of $520 million.  The fixed annual salary of Tucker Carlson is $41 million dollars. In addition to this, Tucker Carlson is also eligible for an additional $3 million in bonus, based on the ratings garnered by his show. The salary paid to Tucker Carlson by Fox News is for his services as a television host and also for his podcast content.”  He also owns stock in Pfizer.

And it only took 30 pieces of silver for Judas Iscariot to betray our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Must be inflation.

What do we do?  First, states are starting to withdraw from ERIC.  My state of Texas hooked up with ERIC in 2020.  Texans must demand our state withdraw membership from that organization.  I am working on it and you must, too if you live in Texas. To understand ERIC, please read Kat Stansell’s excellent explanation of what ERIC is and why no state should belong:  ERIC – the Epicenter of Voter Fraud, Sept. 2, 2022 –  33 states are ERIC members.  Kat reported:  Louisiana resigned as of July 15, 2022, thanks to the actions of citizen activists.

Alabama Withdraws From Democrat Operative-Controlled Voter Registration Database, Nov. 21, 2022 – “However, member states may not realize ERIC was started by far-left political activist David Becker, who has dedicated his life to attacking conservatives and advancing left-wing policies. Becker also started the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), one of two leftist groups that funneled $419 million in grants from Mark Zuckerberg to mostly blue counties of swing states, funding Democratic get-out-the-vote operations from government election offices in 2020.

“ERIC shares voter roll data – including records of unregistered citizens – with CEIR, which then reportedly creates targeted mailing lists for unregistered but likely Democrat voters and sends them back to the states for voter registration outreach.”  Louisiana pulled out in Feb. 2022.

Put together a strong package on election fraud using any electronic machines, counters, and scanners and present it to every county commissioner in your county.  If you can, get a dozen or more of your friends, family, or others you know to go as a group.  Don’t be the lone voice.  I’m working on mine in between the million other things in my “golden years”.  Ha! There’s a fine joke.  But, it is at the top of my list now that I’m finished with a big project I’ll be doing a column on soon.

Stay on them every time they meet.  No more machines.  Hand-counted ballots in front of everyone even if they have to count them at the auditorium at the community college.  When I moved to my city in 2006 we had only paper ballots for three elections.  Now we’re forced to use machines.  No counting votes for any FEDERAL office after midnight ON election day per federal law and make sure they know you WILL follow up on that the morning after an election.  Computer programmer warns Arizona lawmakers to ‘never trust’ election machines, Feb. 17, 2023 – ‘There are too many ways to hack them’

WATCH LIVE: Arizona Senate Elections Committee To Hear “Elections Mechanics Part 3” Investigation Into Voting Machine Hacking With Clint Curtis, Vote On Bill To BAN Non-American, Hackable Voting Machines, Feb. 13, 2023

As for mail-in ballots, they’ve become poison.  But, apparently, Trump believes he can fix the problem:  Trump Turns 2024 Election on Its Head – For Donald’s Run, He Plans to ‘Master’ Democrat Ballot Harvesting Not as long as you have dishonest people working the precincts using easily programmed and hacked machines to count those mail-in ballots. 

 Ballot harvesting is a giant magnet for voter fraud.  Lots of new laws aiming at election integrity were passed after 2020 but look what happened in the 2022 mid-terms AND the other big lie maniac California gov. Gavin Newsom won his recall election.  Don’t believe it for a second.

Those who control the game will make damn sure THEIR selection for 2024 gets “elected” unless we make this a top priority.  WE.

See my column for an explanation of the numbers displayed, in 2020.


15 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol, Jan. 19, 2023

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision) by Ren Jander, JD

Redacted Public Version FNN Opening Brief in Dominion Case – With Leaked Dominion Emails

Fulton County Grand Jury could find no fraud?  Fulton county is the largest populated county in Georgia.  A small sample from my past columns for Georgia.  The Grand Jury for Fulton County found no fraud?

BREAKING BIG: Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Called in Trucks to Get Rid of the Evidence in Fulton County He is Supposed to be Scanning! (VIDEO)    

Too late:  WE CAUGHT THEM: Pallets of Fake Ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified, Filmed, and Sampled Before Moving Trucks Picked Them Up and Shredded Them

BIG NEWS: COUNTERFEIT FULTON COUNTY GEORGIA BALLOTS. “On a tip, our operative entered the Fulton County (Atlanta) Warehouse and took this series of photos: THESE ARE FAKE BALLOTS (note the quantity):” (Rest at the link.)

Who ordered the ballots?  The State of Georgia.  Therefore, there has to be a purchase order by the vendor billing the State of Georgia for the job.  Live in Georgia?  Now is the time to file an Open Records Act or whatever it’s called in Georgia and collect the documentation.  Always follow the money trail.  Who authorized the purchase?

RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged! 

 Hundreds of thousands of Georgia presidential ballots ‘missing documentation’   

 Georgia County Official: Raffensperger Sent Armed Secretary of State Agents with Handcuffs to the County After They Complained about the Inaccurate Dominion Machines (VIDEO)

Georgia’s Fulton County fires election workers accused of shredding voter applications, Oct. 12, 2021 

 “This Isn’t the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!” – Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia’s Corrupted 2020 Election Results, Dec. 30, 2020. (Instead, it was all swept under the rug.  Just remember in 2020, Georgia’s governor, Secty of State, House, and Senate state legislature were completely Republican majority.  Think about that next time those incumbents want money from you.)

Get ready for this one because I have NEVER heard this happening – EVER:  Georgia Democrats Going Door-to-Door to Fix Flawed Ballots, Told to ‘Minimize’ Helping Republicans – AFTER the election is over!  

  HERE WE GO: State Officials Find 25,000-35,000 More Ballots in Georgia from 6 AM to 8:30 AM  (That would be the suitcases rolled in during the night caught on video)

Democrat, Big Tech, and Media Actions to Steal the Election – Here’s What’s Going on in Georgia and North Carolina–“Last night President Trump was ahead in both Georgia and North Carolina and the election officials there decided to stop counting and go home. This was strange. To our knowledge, never before in US history has a state just decided to go home and stop counting.” In violation of Federal election law.

Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris 

  Former FBI investigator found tens of thousands of GA voters who moved

Dominion Advisor Met With John Podesta Offering ‘Anything’ That Would Help Defeat Trump, According to Email Released by WikiLeaks  

 Georgia Election Officials Warn Judge If they Are Not Allowed to Wipe Machines Clean “There Could be Grave and Serious Consequences”  

  Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots  

  BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election


"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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