

Friday, January 6, 2023

FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 01/05/2023 - Daily Bits :That it May be Well with you




Daily Bits 

That it May be Well with you:

AKJV:  To the General Assembly: #1.  Genesis 4:7____.  Hebrews 12:22-29:  #2: The Hebrew Midwives:  Exodus 1:15-22: ___Psalm 33:10-22:   #3:  The Lord has Dealt Well With you: Psalm 119:65-72: ___.  Psalm 37:  #4: All is Vanity:  Ecclesiastics 8:8-12:   #5:  It Shall Not Be Well With the Wicked! ___. Ecclesiastics 8:13-17:  #6:  They Sin as Sodom:  Isaiah 3:8-12:  ____.  #7:  Bring All the Tithes:  Micah 3:10-18: ____.  #8:  Choose Whom you Will Serve:  Joshua 24:14-22:  ___. #9:  Joshua Made a Covenant:  Joshua 24:25-27:

1.  To the General Assembly:   Genesis 4:7:  "If you do well shall you not be accepted?  If you do not do well, sin lies at the door.  Unto you shall be his desire and you shall rule over him."   These are the Words that God spoke to Cain when Cain brought the fruit of the ground and God did not respect Cain's offering.  But Abel brought the first of his flock and God respected Abel's offering.  Many have speculated and wondered why God was not happy with the fruit offering.  Perhaps Cain thought it was by his own hand he had produced the fruit.  On the other hand, Abel knew it was God who gave all the flock so Abel gave the very best back to God.  This is just something I read somewhere, but the reference is Hebrews 12:   I turned there and read from verses 22-29.  "You are come unto Mount Zion and to the City of the Living God.  The Heavenly Jerusalem and an innumerable company of angels.   To the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn which are written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect: to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the Blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.  See that you refuse not Him that speaks.  For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke on earth, much more, we shall not escape if we turn away from Him that speaks from Heaven. (Hebrews 2:3:  "How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation?)  Hebrews 12:26:  "His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised: "Once more I shake, not the earth only, but also Heaven."   and this Word "yet once more"  signifies the removal of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which can not be shaken may remain.   Wherefore, we, receiving a Kingdom which can not be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  For our, God is a consuming fire.

2.  The Hebrew Midwives:  Exodus 1:15-22:   "God dealt well with the Hebrew midwives.  In verse 15 the King of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives and said:  "When you do the office of a midwife if it is a son, kill him but if it is a daughter she shall live."  But the midwives feared God and kept the sons alive.  Then the king asked the midwives why they did not obey him?  The midwives answered Pharaoh:  "Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women and they are lively and deliver before the midwives get to them."   Therefore God dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied greatly.  It came to pass as the midwives feared God that He built them houses.  But Pharaoh charged all his people, saying:  "Cast every son born into the river."_____.  Doesn't that remind you of today?   They want abortion on demand!  Listen to the sad testimonies of the young would-be mothers mourning for the babies they were taught they had the right to destroy on demand.  "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart,"  God said that and I just repeat.  Psalm 33:10-22:  "The Lord brings the counsel of the heathen to nothing.  He makes the devices of the people of no effect.  The counsel of the Lord stands forever.  The thoughts of His heart to all generations.  Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.  The Lord looks down from Heaven and beholds all the sons of men.  He looks upon all the inhabitants of the earth.  He fashions their hearts alike.  He considers all their works.  There is no king saved by the multitude of a host.  A mighty man is not delivered by much strength.  A horse is a vain thing for safety.  neither will he deliver any by his great strength.  Behold:  The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him: upon them, that hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine.  Our soul waits for the Lord.  He is our help and our shield.  For our heart shall rejoice in Him because we have trusted in His Holy Name.  Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us according as we hope in Thee.

3.  The Lord Has Dealt Well With you:   Psalm 119:60-72:   "I made haste and delayed not to keep Your Commandments.  The wicked have robbed me but I have not forgotten Your law.  The earth is full of your mercy.  You have dealt well with Your servant.   O Lord, according to Your Word.  Teach me good judgments and knowledge, for I have obeyed Your Commandments.  Before I was afflicted I went astray.  Now I have kept Your Word.  You are good and do good.  Teach me your statutes. (laws)  The proud have forged a lie against me but I will keep Your precepts with my whole heart.   I delight in Your law.  It is good that I have been afflicted that I might learn Your precepts.  The law of Your (the Lord's) Mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver.  (Psalm 19:9-10:  The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether and much to be desired: more than much fine gold: Sweeter than honey and the honeycomb."   Psalm 37: (Highlights)  Fret not against evil-doers.  They shall be cut down like grass.  Trust in the Lord and do good and you shall be fed.  Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way unto the Lord.  Trust in Him and He shall bring it to pass.   He shall bring forth your righteousness as the noonday.  Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.  Fret not because of him who prospers in his way and brings wicked devices to pass.  Cease from anger and fret not in any way to do evil.  For evildoers shall be cut off.  But they that wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth.  the wicked have drawn out the sword and have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy and to slay such as be of upright conversation.  Their sword shall enter into their own heart.  A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked.  The Lord knows the days of the upright and their inheritance is forever.  They shall not be ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine, they shall be satisfied.  But the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the Lord shall consume away as smoke.  The wicked borrows and pays not again but the righteous shows mercy and gives.  I have been young and now I am old but I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.  I have seen the wicked in great power.  Yet he passed away and was not.  The transgressors shall be destroyed together but the Salvation of the righteous is of the Lord.  He is their strength in times of trouble.  He shall help them and deliver them from the wicked and save them because they trust in Him."

4.  All is Vanity:  Ecclesiastes 8:8-12:   "There is no man that has power over the spirit to retain the spirit.  Neither has he power on the day of death.  There is no discharge in that war.  Neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given "into" it.  All this I (Solomon) have seen and applied my heart into every work that is done under the sun.  There is a time when one man rules over another to his own hurt.   And so, I (Solomon) saw the wicked buried who had come and gone from the place of the holy and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done.  This is also vanity.  Because a sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily.  Therefore, the heart in the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.  Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God.  Psalm 37:11  "The meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

5.  It Shall Not Be Well with the Wicked! Ecclesiastes 8:13-17:   "It shall not be well with the wicked.  Neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow because he fears not before God.  There is a vanity which is done upon earth that there be just (righteous) men unto whom it happens, according to the work of the wicked.   Again, there be wicked men unto whom it happens according to the work of the righteous.  This also is vanity.  A man has no better thing under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry.  For that shall abide with him of his labor all the days of his life which God gives him.   When I (Solomon) applied my heart to know wisdom and to see the business that is done upon the earth: then I beheld all the works of God: that a man can not find out the work that is done under the sun.  Though a man labor to seek it out he shall not find it." ______.  Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14:   "LET US HEAR THE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER: FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.  FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.  FOR GOD SHALL BRING EVERY WORK INTO JUDGMENT WITH EVERY SECRET THING."  _____.  DEUTERONOMY 6:1-2:  "THESE ARE THE COMMANDMENTS, THE STATUTES AND THE JUDGMENTS WHICH THE LORD YOUR GOD COMMANDED TO TEACH YOU SO THAT YOU MIGHT DO THEM IN THE LAND WHERE YOU GO TO POSSESS IT.  THAT YOU MIGHT FEAR THE LORD YOUR GOD AND KEEP ALL HIS STATUTES AND COMMANDMENTS, WHICH I (MOSES) COMMAND YOU, YOUR SONS, AND YOUR SONS' SONS. ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE THAT YOUR DAYS MAY BE PROLONGED."

6,  They Sin as Sodom:  Isaiah 3: 8-12   "Judah is fallen because their tongue and their doings are against the eyes of the Lord to provoke the eyes of His Glory.  The show of their countenance witnesses against them and they declare their sin as Sodom.  They hide it not!  WOE UNTO THEIR SOUL.  FOR THEY HAVE REWARDED EVIL UNTO THEMSELVES!   Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them.  For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.  Woe unto the wicked.  It shall be ill with him!  For the reward of his hands shall be given him.   AS FOR MY PEOPLE:  CHILDREN ARE THEIR OPPRESSORS AND WOMEN RULE OVER THEM!  O, MY PEOPLE!  THEY WHICH LEAD YOU CAUSE YOU TO ERR AND DESTROY THE WAY OF YOUR PATH!  THE LORD SHALL STAND UP TO PLEAD AND TO JUDGE THE PEOPLE!"   ____.  Reference:  Psalm 11:6-7:  "Upon the wicked, HE shall rain snares, fire and brimstone and a horrible tempest.  This shall be the portion of their cup.  For the righteous Lord loves righteousness.  His countenance does behold the upright.      

Give the Devil his Dues: by PL Sturgis:   Slaughter on the highway:  Crime in every bi-way: Murder in the name of booze!  Hungry children crying: pain and fear and dying!  We've got to give the Devil his dues: __.  Satan's got to hurry:  Got to make you worry!  Turn you every way but loose!  Don't you ever doubt it!  He knows all about it!  We've got to give the Devil his dues! __.  Tell it like it should be!  The only way it could be!  Jesus is the way and truth!  The devil is a liar!  He'll send you to hellfire!  We've got to give the Devil his dues./  The Lord says:  "Vengeance is Mine!"  The Lord's going to do just fine!  The Lord says:  "I AM JUST AND TRUE AND THE DEVIL'S GOING TO GET WHAT'S DUE!"

7.  Bring All the Tithes:   Micah 3:5-12:   "Thus saith the Lord, concerning the prophets that make MY people err:  that break with their teeth and cry peace and prepare war against he that puts not in his mouth.  Therefore night shall be unto you that you shall not have a vision.  The sun shall go down over the prophets and the day shall be dark unto them.  Then shall the seers be ashamed and the diviners confounded.  They shall all cover their lips for there is no answer from God.  Truly I (Micah) am full of power by the spirit of the Lord: and of judgment and of might: to declare unto Jacob his transgression and his sin.  Hear this, I pray you: Heads of the House that abhor judgment and pervert all equity!  They build up Zion with blood and with iniquity!  The heads thereof judge for reward and the priests teach for hire and the prophets divine for money!  Yet they will lean upon the Lord and say:  "Is not the Lord among us?  No evil can come upon us!"  Therefore shall Zion, for your sake, be plowed as a field and become heaps and the mountain of the House as the high place of the forest!" _____. Micah 2:7-10:   "You are named the House of Jacob.  Is the Spirit of the Lord straightened?  Are these HIS doings?  Do not MY Words do good to him that walks uprightly?  Even of late, MY people is risen up as an enemy.  You pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass by securely, as men averse from war!  The women of MY people have you cast off from their pleasant houses!  From their children have you taken away MY Glory forever!  Arise and depart!  For this is not your rest!  It is polluted!  It shall destroy you: even with sore destruction!"   Malachi 2:17: "You have wearied the Lord with your words when you say everyone that does evil is good in the sight of the Lord and HE delights in them."   Then there is the God of judgment?"  Malachi 3:10-18: "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in MY House!  Prove ME now, says the Lord of Hosts if I will not open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.  I will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground.  All nations shall call you blessed.  For you shall be a delightsome Land.  Your words have been stout against ME.  You have said it is vain to serve God and they that tempt God are even delivered.

Days of Lot:  by PL Sturgis:   We're living in the Days of Lot: where evil reigns and good does not.  Where hate and ridicule is strong: for those who try to right the wrong:  Where even brothers are condemned!  We judge the ones who judge the sin:  We say:  "Keep silence in the Gate!  Let evil forces dominate!  We're living in these trying times:  Forgiving high and treasonous crimes!  Though we live in the Days of Lot: where evil reigns and good does not:  Still, righteousness exalts the Land!  And just men fall but rise again.

8.  Choose Whom you Will Serve:   Joshua 24:  14-22:   "Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth:  and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood and in Egypt and serve the Lord.  If it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose whom you will serve.  As for me (Joshua) and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Then the people said: "God forbid that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods!  for it is the Lord that brought us up out of the Land of Egypt and from the House of bondage.  He did those great signs in our sight and preserved us in all the way which we went and among all the people from whom we passed.  The Lord drove out from before us all the people which dwell in the Land.  Therefore, we will serve the Lord for He is our God."   Then Joshua said to the people:  "You can not serve the Lord, for He is a jealous God!  He is a Holy God.  He will not forgive your transgressions, nor your sins if you forsake the Lord and serve strange gods!   He will turn and do you hurt and consume you after that He has done you good.  Then the people said unto Joshua:  "No!  We will serve the Lord."    And Joshua said to the people:  "You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord."   And the people said:  "We are witnesses."

America Preys:  by PL Sturgis:   She preys upon her public schools today and every day: by confiscating God's own Word!  By taking it away!   She takes her Constitution and rips it all to shreds: by writing resolutions brought forth from her own head!  She preys on those she represents who question evil laws.  She names them "Anti-government"  who'd dare to mend her flaws!  She preys upon all residents with propaganda news.  She murders future citizens and calls it "right to choose!"   So far away her steps have strayed from narrow paths she trod: when once she "PRAYED" spelled with an "A" ...  "ONE NATION UNDER GOD!"

9.  Joshua Made a Covenant:   Joshua 24:25-27:   "Joshua made a Covenant with the people that day and set them a statute and an ordinance in She-chem.  Joshua wrote these words in the Book of the Law of God and took a great stone and set it up there under an oak that was by the Sanctuary of the Lord.  Then Joshua said to the people:  "This stone shall be a witness unto us.  For it has heard all the Words of the Lord which He spoke unto us.  It shall be a witness unto you, lest you deny your God."   Joshua 24:28-31: Then Joshua let the people depart to his own inheritance.  It came to pass after these things that Joshua, the son of Nun, died being a hundred and ten years old.  They buried him on the border of his inheritance which is on Mount Ephraim on the North side of         Ga' ash.  Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, which had known all the works of the Lord and what He had done for Israel.

My Savior Sees Each Heartache:  by PL Sturgis:   My Savior sees each heartache.  He's counting every tear.  When earthly friends forsake me He's always lingering near.  He feeds the tiny sparrow:  He clothes the meadows green: and though my path is narrow: He's watching over me.  He's holding my tomorrow: my trials yet unseen:  He's hiding every sorrow that lies ahead for me.  Though life's storms gather 'round me and Satan tempts me sore:  My Savior's love surrounds me.  I'm safe forevermore.  end.  "That it may be Well With You."


Pearl Sturgis Hear,


God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 




"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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