

Friday, November 25, 2022

Are Senate and House Seats Midterm 2022 Elections Void?

Are Senate and House Seats Midterm 2022 Elections Void?

 “Cheating is not the American way. It is small, while we are large. It is cheap, while we are richly endowed. It is destructive, while we are creative. It is doomed to fail, while our gifts and responsibilities call us to achieve. It sabotages trust and weakens the bonds of spirit and humanity, without which we perish.”  —Terrance McNally

The 2022 midterm selections/elections were no different than the primaries and the 2020 general selection/election.  Media whores all across the communication spectrum dance to the same corrupt tune and label anyone who questions results as an “election deniers”.  Yawn.  “Climate deniers”.  Yawn.  The list of propaganda tools goes on.

Cheating and stealing elections has now become the American way for the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  They are supported by Democrat voters and a percentage of independent voters who have no clue but do have their hands out for more “free” from the teat of the mother government.  Both Washington District of Criminals and state legislatures.

While there were dozens and dozens of well-meaning Republicans in state legislatures who tried and did get passed some new laws in an effort to stop election cheating, both human and machines, the cheating was massive once again in swing states.

Nearly two years after the 2020 farce, higher courts in a couple of states (I covered recently) made rulings that would have directly impacted the 2020 presidential election.  Gee, that’s swell.  The cows weren’t just out of the barn, they were now on dinner tables by the time those courts made their rulings.

I wrote about this in two previous columns (Dec. 29, 2020 and Nov. 2, 2022) regarding federal election law for FEDERAL offices – U.S. House, Senate and President.  For those offices voting ENDS at midnight ON election day.  Declaring a winner for many senate seats dragged on for days or even a week, again.  It’s as if Foster v Love and circuit courts using Foster v Love doesn’t exist. 

The DemonRats simply run amok of the law so they can cheat to keep “power”.  This last midterm election was nothing but a damn mess, again.  We the People were again cheated and if it isn’t stopped, a couple more “elections” down the road and no Republicans will get elected unless they play in the sandbox with the Democrats and their globalist masters.

No way Fetterman out in Pennsylvania beat (hold your nose and vote) Dr. Oz.  Fetterman’s wife is the driving force behind Fascist John Fetterman who is so obviously mentally impaired he simply cannot function as an elected official.  Another power-hungry harridan like Jill Biden who is willing to sacrifice her husband’s health for her benefit.

Wouldn’t surprise me six months down the road Fetterman has to retire because of his health.  PA governor and another one of Satan’s Pimps, Democrat governor Tom Wolf, appoints her temporarily.  Wolf who destroyed the lives of so many with lockdowns.  Who supports killing the unborn after 20 weeks, supports the myth of marriage for sexual deviants called ‘same-sex marriage’ spitting in God’s face, hostile to the Second Amendment and the list goes on.

Allegedly incumbent senator Comrade Maggie Hasson beat Brigadier General (Ret.) Don Bolduc in New Hampshire.  Not in this economic environment and a Democrat Party that’s destroying this country.  Not with her record and his uber impressive credentials and the excellent campaign he ran.  What a damn shame.

This cannot stand as a legitimate election.  Alaska election results: Murkowski takes lead in tight ranked-choice general election, Nov. 19, 2022 – “As of Saturday morning, Murkowski leads Tshibaka by fewer than 2,000 first-choice votes, with no candidate in the race claiming an outright majority that would end the election. Murkowski has 112,519 votes, 43.3% of the total vote share, and Tshibaka has 110,861 votes, 42.7%.

“The deadline to receive absentee ballots was Friday, Nov. 18, and the tabulation of second-choice votes is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, Nov. 23.”

Federal elections end ON election day at midnight.  Absentee ballots received, never mind counted, ten days AFTER ‘the day’ – why has no one in Alaska challenged this violation of federal election statutes?  Very similar to the Louisiana case that ended up in the Supreme Court and the Foster v. Love decision.  As for Murkowski, she is another RINO and should go register as a Democrat.

The prostitute media likes to spin alleged GOP losers were all endorsed by Trump or the choice for a Republican was bad (Dr. Oz).  Well, how many times do people like me have to hammer on this:  The November elections START during the primaries.  If you don’t oust an incumbent, good constitutional/conservative candidates allegedly lose and come Nov. you hold your nose and vote – just as I had to do in our governor’s race here in Texas.  I did not vote for our current governor Greg Abbott in the primary but he allegedly won so earlier this month I held my nose and voted for him to keep nut case Democrat Francis aka ‘Beto’ O’Rourke from becoming our governor.

Dr. Scott Jensen in Minnesota was ahead in the polls in their governor’s race yet allegedly lost to DemonRat incumbent Tim Walz, another morally bankrupt socialist.  Pro-killing the unborn, an environmental extremist greenie, supports the disaster called universal health care, pro-illegals, supports the myth of queer marriage.

10,000 Unexplained Votes Dropped on Friday Morning Gave Maryland US House Seat to the Democrats, Nov. 13, 2022.  Election VOID.  Election day was Tuesday, not Friday.

Adam Laxalt should have won in Nevada against ghost incumbent DemonRat, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto.  There’s no question – NO question – proven illegal voting in NV in 2020 was repeated this round.  I’ve covered that cheating in detail before.  Laxalt allegedly lost by 8,000 votes.  ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week, Nov. 10, 2022 – Laxalt was leading at that time.  That election is also VOID.

Blake Masters should have won AZ over Second Amendment hater do nothing incumbent Senator Mark Kelly.  But, Arizona is in the top three for proven massive vote fraud and the DemonRats continue to get away with it every two years.  Tudor Dixon should have defeated demonic incumbent governor, witless queen of lockdowns, Gretchen Whitmer.  I followed those races closely. I knew the DemonRats would cheat like crazy and they did.

Instead of fighting back, they just all walk away except for Kari Lake in AZ.  No way liar and cheat incumbent Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs won that governor’s race.  The numbers were not there and they still aren’t which looks like a recount will happen.  Hobbs as SoS (Secty of State) running the elections and certifying the vote in all races should have recused herself but she has no integrity and is a yellow-bellied coward.  Hobbs right to the end refused to debate Lake because she knew Lake would wipe her corrupt arse all over the floor.

As for the run-off senate race in GA using the same machines and no doubt ballot dumps and all the tricks DemonRats use to steal elections, I will be very surprised if Walker wins because the Masters of the Game who control Washington and the Democrat machine cannot let control of the Senate go to Republicans.  Federal elections END ON election day.

One reason is judges confirmed by the U.S. Senate which I have written about before:  The U.S. Senate has failed the American people by not impeaching partisan, activist judges with their anti-constitutional decisions.  And in this case, a whining liberal (socialist) who spews vomit, Judge Lynn Adelman of the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Wisconsin.  Federal judge goes nuclear on chief justice and conservatives on U.S. Supreme Court, March 11, 2020.  His crap was to be published in the Harvard Law & Policy Review.  Adelman is a Clinton appointee who doesn’t even know our form of government.  I am so SICK AND TIRED of hearing about ‘saving our democracy’ ‘assault on our democracy’ I could scream.  Quoting from the article above:

“The Court has virtually eviscerated the landmark Voting Rights Act, it has upheld strict voter identification laws that serve no purpose other than to make voting more difficult, and it has authorized states to purge thousands of people from the voting rolls.”

You need an ID to get welfare, Medicaid, fly on a commercial air liner, open a bank account, buy cigarettes and alcohol and dozens of other things but Adelman is claiming providing an ID makes voting more difficult.  Yes, the states must purge their voting rolls of the deceased, people who’ve moved out of state, marriage and so forth.  But, oh, wails, Adelman, it hurts people of color and the poor.  What BS.  Adelman doesn’t know the law so he should shut his flapping jaws.

Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Colorado, Virginia to Clean Up Voting Rolls or Face a Federal Lawsuit, Jan. 2, 2020 – “(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it is continuing its efforts to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), by sending notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that it intends to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from its rolls.

“Despite successful litigation by Judicial Watch to bring counties and states into compliance with the National Voter Registration Act, voter registration lists across the country remain significantly out of date. According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%.

“These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark, which is a drop of about one million from Judicial Watch’s previous analysis of voter registration data. Although San Diego County removed 500,000 inactive names from voter rolls following Judicial Watch’s settlement with Los Angeles County, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% and has one of the highest registration rates in the country.”

How many other states did not call U.S. House and Senate seats by midnight ON election day but allowed counting to go on for 2 or three more days?  I don’t know but it must stop.

It’s not enough just to read something on the Internet that favors your position.  One must cross-check and verify.  I once again point to a comprehensive legal analysis by attorney, Ren Jander, Nov. 18, 2020:  Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

After reading it through the first time, I then went back and read it again to get the federal statutes he cites, i.e., 3 U.S.C. § 2.  What I do is use a search engine with the statute + cornell law and it takes me right to the statute.  I did it for each one Jander cites in his analysis.   You can listen to the oral arguments in that case here.  Please be mindful darling of the “left”, the late Ruthie Bader Ginsberg was on the bench at that time.

Foster v. Love Oral Argument – October 06, 1997

William H. Rehnquist

“We’ll hear argument now in Number 96-670, Murphy Foster v. Scott Love.

“Spectators are admonished not to talk until you get out of the courtroom.  The Court remains in session.

Richard I. Leyoub.  “Mr. Chief Justice and may it please the Court:  This is the Federal Election Day case up from Louisiana.”

Every U.S. Senate seat race as well as U.S. House reps had to end at midnight ON election day, Nov. 8, 2022.  No more ballot drops in the middle of the night, counting stops overnight, counting ballots 3, 4, 5 days later – every one of those election are VOID.  It’s not too late for the alleged losers to file to STOP CERTIFICATION of the vote and if their SOS refuses, file an emergency restraining order or whatever it’s called before the deadline.

What did attorney Jander say in his analysis should be done (he wrote it after the Nov. 2020 election)?  “Citizens may file actions in the Federal District Courts and appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.  Get this information to your State Representatives and Senators.  Forward it to the White House if you know anyone with connections.  Blog it.  Video it.  Podcast it.  Share it in comments, please.  The President’s team has not made this argument yet.  They have not plead it.  And they must get up to speed.

“You were disenfranchised by the failure of States to follow federal law.  Your pursuit of happiness is directly infected.  You have a cause of action.  This is the peaceful, legal battle plan of the Republic.  Let’s roll.”

I did try.  Overnight express to Trump.  To Senate and House candidates who allegedly lost.  Not a peep from any of them.  The rest is history and it is repeating itself as I sent Jander’s legal analysis to Oz, Laxalt, Masters, Bolduc, Walker and telling them to file to stop certification and fight back.  Not a peep from any of them.  Well, I’m not in their state and I’m a nobody, but it’s up to voters in those states to contact them and tell them to stop certification of the vote and file a lawsuit immediately before time runs out.  I’m not an attorney so I don’t know about filing after certification but at least try.

All those U.S. House seats where Republicans were allegedly beaten when they by all accounts should have won – the same thing applies.  Instead, they just walk away, as usual.  As I wrote above, a couple more elections and it’s over.  Voters by the millions must stand up as well as alleged losers.  Stop certification of the vote.  BREAKING: Berlin to Redo Their Fraudulent Elections Following Long Lines, No Ballots, Voter Suppression – Berlin High Court Throws out Results, Nov. 16, 2022.

While we are in the fight for our freedom and liberty with major battles ahead, I sincerely wish each and every one of you a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.  Thank God for what he made possible for us and ask for his help.

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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