

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Democrats Pushing For Right To Lie, Cheat and Steal, Parts 1&2


Democrats Pushing For Right To Lie, Cheat and Steal, Part 1

I believe that America has come to a strategic inflection point.  We have to take back the politics of this country and get rid of all the corruption and knavery that is so deeply rooted in both political parties. The left was able to steal the 2020 election with massive fraud like we’ve never seen before with the full knowledge of Joe Biden.

 He even stated: ”We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”[1] There are those who say that quote was taken out of context but it wasn’t.  I listened to the speech he gave when he said it. That is exactly what he said and meant. In a speech in Michigan, he even stated that he didn’t need to voters to get elected but he needed their help after he gets elected.[2] You have to ask why he didn’t need the voters to get elected.  George Soros in an interview said that Trump may win the popular vote but Hillary will win the presidency, that’s already been decided. I would like to know who made that decision. The people are supposed to do that not a group of political elites.

Don’t be fooled. The Deep State has made inroads into our election system so far that they have the capability to control every election. They are terrified of Trump because he can and will expose them.  Trump exposed them and in a second term, he could and will destroy them.  That’s why they are doing everything they can to keep him off the ballot. They are pushing the Great Reset now because they can’t take the chance that he might run and win. They will fail.

The Deep State anti-American traitors have spent decades laying the foundation to take complete control of the elections.  Franklin Roosevelt stated: In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.[3] This is evidence that the Deep State has been at this for a long time. There are several methods the left uses to commit voter fraud. One of the easiest ways is to use mail-in ballots.  Colorado was a red state but two years after initiating mail-in ballots we went blue, Surprise, surprise.  Our Secretary of State,  Jena Griswold, is a puppet of George Soros. I could do a couple of columns just about what she did to help the fraud.  We had over ten counties with 100% plus voter turnout which having one county with 100% voter turnout which having one county with 100% voter turnout is a statistical impossibility. One county had a 150% turnout. Republicans fought these numbers but the courts allowed every vote. It doesn’t help your cause when the courts won’t even uphold the laws.

Pennsylvania sent out around 186,000 ballots but got back around 250,000. The article I had on that has been pulled from the internet.  I even remember a USPS driver declaring that he took around 100,000 plus ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Why did New York have 100,000 plus ballots for Pennsylvania?  The driver never saw his trailer again and was refused whistleblower status by Attorney General Willian Barr. Nothing to see here, move along. Mail-in ballots are a boon to those committing voter fraud. You can use the names of dead voters, voters that have moved away.  It has numerous possibilities and the liberals take advantage of all of them.

I could list story after story on mail-in ballots changing the outcome of an election but I think you get the point.  Now I want to talk about something most people don’t know much about if anything about.  ERIC.  Electronic Registration Information Center. Just like the electronic vote counting machines from Dominion, it is a gold mine for those seeking to commit voter fraud. ERIC is a membership organization ostensibly created for voter roll maintenance. In reality, it is a massive data-gathering operation that adds bogus “voters” to the system of every member state. Millions of inactive, ineligible, and “phantom” voters with undeliverable addresses appear on member states’ voter rolls. These names are used for mail-in ballot fraud, ballot box stuffing, and machine adjustments in real time.

ERIC was started in 2012 using Soros funds donated through the Pew Charitable Trust. It was conceived and organized by a highly unethical leftist named David Becker, who has spent a lifetime trying to defeat the conservative agenda in America.

Becker also played a role in the Wisconsin fraud of 2020 and has been openly named for more unethical and illegal activities, by Michael Gableman, former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, and author of the Wisconsin Election Review. Here is the link to Gabelman’s report.

Others have termed Becker a “partisan progressive”. I don’t have the patience for fancy names. I invite you to learn more from the Hon. Michael Gabelman and from the site below. Then, decide for yourself what YOU would like to call David Becker.[4]

As I stated earlier, liberals have more than one way to cheat the American people out of a fair election and they will use everyone they need to to keep themselves in power. States are required to ‘clean-up’ voter rolls I believe every 5 years but during the Obama administration whenever a state began that process Attorney General Eric Holder sued them to stop it. Think about it, if they cleaned up the voter rolls then the Democrats wouldn’t have bogus names to issue mail-in ballots to. You can call me a liar but you can’t prove me wrong. The Gateway Pundit had an article about ERIC that Has some very interesting information. For decades the Democrats and leftists have fought ferociously to prevent the cleanup of State voter registration rolls. Recognizing a potential niche, left-wing activists created ERIC to clean voter rolls their way, using their rules. So in 2012, the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was formed as a membership organization primarily for blue States. ERIC is essentially a left-wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean-up. But it’s been gaining traction in the Red States too. Originally funded by the Soros Open Society, it is now responsible for cleaning the voter rolls in 31 States, plus D.C. A top election official from each member State is appointed a seat on the ERIC Board or as an Officer, all unpaid positions.

ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization. For comparison, they only found 5.7 million in 2012, Obama’s reelection.

The ERIC database is comprehensive and would be one of the most coveted by bad actors looking to influence an election. Member States must not only submit all details on inactive and active voters to ERIC every 60 days. But they must also provide every individual in their state's Motor Vehicle Department database, both licensed and ID recipients. This combo of data is breathtaking. It’s everyone who could generate a legal ballot. It includes those approaching voting age, even those here illegally yet issued an ID by their left-leaning State. This data includes names, addresses, DOB, License #, last 4 of social #, voter activity, phone, email, title and type of citizenship documentation, and much more!5

First, I want to say that anything that George Soros supports is NOT good for America. Second, I need to emphasize that we cannot set back and watch. We must become engaged in elections.  Run for office, support someone who supports the Constitution, hold elected officials’ feet to the fire, and know what your elected official is doing.

Foot Notes

  5. Cleaning-voter-rolls-Soros-founded-funded-eric-now-used-31-states/
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) pp. 36-37

Democrats Pushing For Right To Cheat In 2022, Part 2

The use of ERIC for voter rolls, when you look at what they require member states to do, it is obvious it isn’t to clean up voter rolls it’s intended to increase voter rolls without removing dead voters and those that have moved away. Those names are retained for future use.  Now you see why so many states have 100% plus on their voter rolls. ERIC doesn’t just manage lists, they demand action. But it’s not the action you would expect, like cleaning voter rolls. ERIC provides each member State a targeted list of people that are not registered to vote. The Membership Bylaws require the State to contact at least 95% of these people within 90 days, soliciting them to register. ERIC also wants specific registration profiles updated and requires the State to contact these voters within 90 days too. It’s essentially a left-wing voter registration drive all paid for by the States, not the Democrat Party. The membership fee is $25,000 but costs can run into the millions to fund the activities and membership dues.

Oddly, ERIC has no requirement or mandate that member States clean up their voter rolls. States are only “strongly encouraged” to request ERIC’s voter updates at least once a year. If a member fails to make a request in 425 days, the data will be sent automatically. What’s even odder, and seemingly corrupt, is that ERIC does NOT want to know who is voting illegally. Their rules explain that “Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.” as stated in Exhibit A, 2b. If ERIC hears no evil, then they see no evil.[1] Colorado uses this corrupt system and they use ‘motor voter’ registration. This is nothing more than another avenue to generate fraudulent voters.  I got a new driver’s license a couple of years back and I was asked if I wanted to register to vote. I asked the lady if she was going to ask if I was a citizen or not and her answer floored me.  She said that she was not allowed to ask that question!  Why are they not allowed to ask about the citizenship status of someone that is registering to vote? This is another reason why states have 100% plus voters.

This type of blatant abuse of our election system has to stop.  ERIC, simply put, completely controls our elections and favors the Democrat Party at every turn. Another organization founded by David Becker, an experienced Democrat election lawyer, is the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR). Some of their funding has come from Mark Zuckerberg who funded the voter fraud in Georgia in 2020. As is typical for Democrats they do all they can to discredit or destroy their competition. J. Christian Adams from PILF explains: “The history of ERIC is important. Kansas State Cross Check was a group of States doing this for free. This caused leftists to go wild. They sued Cross Check participant States, particularly Indiana, and got court orders to basically shut down Cross Check. There’s no longer a competitor to ERIC. Once this happened, red states started joining ERIC like GA, FL, and TX. This is what really opened the floodgates to ERIC’s power. If a State like Georgia wants to know who’s registered in both Louisiana and Georgia, there’s no one else.

Mr. Adams also says: “One thing we do kn:2ow is ERIC is hiding the facts about how States are making these decisions. It’s a system breakdown. It’s a leveraging of the power of who writes the rules. It’s not just outright cheating, it’s way more sophisticated involving who has power, who can see records, who gets to vote, and who are the observers. It’s (ERIC) a comprehensive suite manipulating the process. And it’s not always cheating. Sometimes it’s totally legal what they do.”[2]

In all of this, we see Soros’s money which is all the evidence we need to know that it is corrupt to the bone. Not only that we see money from the Rockefeller Family Fund. Traitors to America for decades doing all they can to bring about the New World Order. In an address to the Trilateral Commission in 1991, David Rockefeller stated: “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries”

All of these programs are designed for fraud and data-gathering and after the last few elections, we can see that they worked very well.  The wisdom of the Founders is, at times, beyond what we can comprehend. Samuel Adams warned us; “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” He also stated; “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” We are seeing this manifest before our eyes. His cousin, John Adams, even told us; “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” When immoral people are placed in authority and they have been, we see our Constitution ignored and thrown to the side. I read some people’s comments that the Founders would be stacking bodies by now.  Maybe they would have.  They paid an awful price for the nation they gave us and we have let it go to hell in a handbasket.  Even scripture warns us in Proverbs 29:2

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Our Founders lived their lives by the principles of God and gave us the greatest nation the world has ever seen. We have let it go down the road to destruction. We can stop it but we need God’s help to do so. Franklin told the Constitutional Convention that we should not forget the Creator: “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth — that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without [H]is notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without [H]is aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that “except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this, and I also believe that without [H]is concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel . . .”  If the nation could not be built it cannot be saved without His help. He promises us that He will come to our aid. 2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Our nation has allowed homosexual marriage, the sexualization of our children, we’ve aborted sixty million babies for the sake of convenience, we’ve taken God out of our schools and let satan in, and it is high time that we get our politics back to the basics grounded in God’s principles.

We have a nation to save!

Foot Notes

  1. Cleaning-voter-rolls-Soros-founded-funded-eric-now-used-31-states/
  2. Cleaning-voter-rolls-Soros-founded-funded-eric-now-used-31-states/

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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