

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The incredible expanding lies of Joe Biden

President Joe Biden has stumbled, mumbled, and bumbled his way through his first year in office. While many of his gaffes leave us laughing, much of what comes out of his mouth isn’t just nonsense, it’s outright lies. Here’s a look at Biden’s top 10 lies of the past year.

The incredible expanding lies of Joe Biden

President Biden blamed congressional Republicans for record-high inflation while addressing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in a recent speech in Philadelphia.  Biden pathetically argued that his economic agenda, which relies on massive government spending, would help tame inflation.

 He also lamely — and falsely — blamed Republican obstruction of that agenda for the country's current economic woes.  (It seems Biden is an alumnus of the Hillary Clinton Institute for Excellence in Blame-Shifting and Denouncement.)

Biden boldly — if comically — stated, "Under my plan for the economy we made extraordinary progress and put America in a position to tackle a worldwide problem that's worse everywhere but here: inflation."

As if that wasn't a big enough lie, he added: "The problem is, Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families.  That's why my plan is not finished, and the results aren't finished, either."

Now tell us the one about the three bears.  (Okay, I've used that one before.)

Apparently, Biden is also a graduate of the prestigious William Jefferson Clinton School for the Advancement of Prevarication.  First off, overspending is a primary cause of inflation, not a cure.  Secondly, (relatively) moderate Democrat senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona also opposed the plan, effectively killing Biden's Build Back Better social-spending bill at this time -- taking Republican opposition into legislative relevance.

If Biden's "plan" is to fight inflation by dramatically increasing the already drunken-sailor rate of federal spending, he will make us all pine for the halcyon days of the Carter Era.  That is akin to bloodletting for the sick.  It would be like fighting obesity by ramping up your caloric intake or fighting STDs by engaging in more frequent anonymous sexual encounters.  In a word, it is preposterous.

But then a great many things are in the Biden Era.


Is Biden a Compulsive Liar? 

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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