

Monday, June 13, 2022

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 06/13/2022, AS I SEE IT: Shameless Political Party,America On The Edge AND We Need Him More Than Ever!!!

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

AS I SEE IT: =E2=80=9CA Shameless Political Party=E2=80=9D

 The end of this disgusting SOCIALISTIC experiment will soon be ending. We will see it draw to a close. What we have been experiencing is utterly APPALLING.

 This is what each one of us surely knows. The PARTY OF HATE are betting their political future on a few hours of a prime-time SHOW TRIAL. The first of several hearings began last night. Of course, it failed to deliver as we all knew it would. There sat ten disgusting Trump/MAGA haters, each utterly worthless, shameless, and no damn good.

 The CORRUPT media took it all in with such great glee. So hopeful are they that this =E2=80=98kangaroo court=E2=80=99 will do all it can to prevent Donald J Trump from again winning the presidency. The lies, the mistruths, and m Misrepresentations were spewed from the mouths of these cretinous dirtbags. Liz Cheney was in her element. We saw the daughter of a loathsome WARMONGER lie about our former president. Her HATRED for him does not cease. She falsely

 claimed that Trump provoked violence against the Capitol police!

 Everyone but the brainwashed SHEEPLE sees what is clearly going on. This is all a non-stop piling on of our forty-fifth president. They so despise our be loved DON. The Democrats really believe these hearings will help their political fortunes. These scumbags live in a state of pure fantasy. A reckoning will be coming when the Congressional majority will be in the hands of the GOP. It is with great disgust that the =E2=80=98average Joe=E2=80=99 looks upon the Democrat party. It is so ultra-radical in nature. We will see them go into the dustbin of history.

 This elaborate distraction will not work. Our economy is in such a free fall it is truly appalling when all is said and done. As I write this blog it is

 being reported that inflation is over 8 percent, the highest since 1981.   When Biden took office inflation was below two percent. Look at the crime that is never-ending and the open border that is in complete disarray. In an utterly agitated so many millions of us stay. The clock is ticking for the PARTY OF HATE. To say they have ears made of tin is a monumental understatement if you ask me. More of the hearings like one saw last night make Trump=E2=80=

=99s return to the White House a certainty.=20

 Right before our eyes, we see the Democrats imploding. Once again we see them do what they do best. They are overreaching. Methinks that their death wish will come to fruition. That will be without question.


AS I SEE IT: =E2=80=9CAmerica On The Edge=E2=80=9D

 You watch with astonishment the PARTY OF HATE destroying itself as everything comes crashing down. It is truly breathtaking as we hear the inanities of Joe Biden. Never have we seen such a pathetic clown.

=E2=80=9CInflation outside of energy and food, what the economists call core inflation, moderated the last two months,=E2=80=9D Biden said. =E2=80=9CNot=

 enough, but it moderated, it=E2=80=99s come down and we need it to come down much more quickly=E2=80=9D. Huh? Joe Biden.  continues to defy credulity.=20=

 We see him continue to blame others for the woeful condition that our beloved d country is in. The proverbial =E2=80=98buck=E2=80=99 does not stop at the desk of Joe Biden. The blame for all that=E2=80=99s gone wrong is pointed elsewhere. The finger is pointed here and there. When I hear him say that this out-of-control inflation is due to Vladimir Putin it puts me on the verge of regurgitating. Hey, Biden, you are solely responsible for the pure HELL that we are going through. Let there be no misunderstanding. =20

 Yesterday he didn=E2=80=99t miss an opportunity to say a few words about the  J6=E2=80=99s SHAM that began a couple of days ago. Once again we heard him twist the truth about an insurrection that did not happen. He and the PARTY OF HATE actually wants you to believe an insurrection occurred with not one person having a weapon. Yes. There clearly was a riot and if anyone checks the chances are it was initiated by the FBI one would find. Looking for a person to blame?? The name Ray Epps quickly comes to mind.=20

This committee is not looking for the truth for it is only propaganda that they wish to spew against Trump and the MAGA movement. If they had their way they=E2=80=99d love to see jailed our beleaguered and beloved forty-fifth president. The PARTY OF HATE is as evil as can be. If the truth is to come about what happened on January 6 it will have to wait until Congress is controlled by the GOP.

 As a child who grew up in the fifties (Yes. I am that old!) the America of that time brings back of flood of good memories that I surely cherish. Was it perfect? Of course not. We weren=E2=80=99t at each other=E2=80=99s throats. Our body politic was not poisoned as we currently see it. There was reverence=

 for the Constitution. Today the HATERS that are among us drench it with their spit.

 A fraudulent election has led to consequences there so catastrophic. Every damn thing is in serious decline, made worse by a pathetic puppet who takes his marching orders from the scumbags who were part of the regime that this FRAUD worked under. In sixteen-plus months we have seen just about everything in our country being shaken asunder.=20

 We see how Biden and his PARTY OF HATE, along with the CORRUPT media have behaved. With this one-sided, highly partisan January 6 Committee they are intent on beating you into submission to accept their lies. =46rom these vermin our beloved America must be saved more than anyone can possibly realize.


AS I SEE IT: =E2=80=9CWe Need Him More Than Ever!!!=E2=80=9D

 It was seven years ago when we saw him coming down on an escalator. It was shortly thereafter when he announced that he would indeed throw his hat in the proverbial ring.  Of course, he didn=E2=80=99t have to do it. Donald J Trump had to for he saw his country in utter turmoil as the Obama presidency was nearing its end. A change was badly needed. The swamp in DC had to be drained. A call to arms he heeded and during his beleaguered presidency, he did his best to set things straight. He was up against much EVIL in our CORRUPT media and of course, in the PARTY OF HATE.

 I don=E2=80=99t have to tell you how extremely HELLISH things are now in our beloved America. We need Donald J Trump to run again. It is imperative that he do so. Things are worse than ever as we all surely know. We have to say it again. It is something that our political opposition refuses to accept. The 2020 election was stolen. Trump reminds us of that repeatedly. The consequences of it have been catastrophic. Under this ILLEGITIMATE political regime=

 there is an invasion crossing our southern border and widespread crime through our land. To further add to our misery is an utterly dreadful economy.

 The HATERS fear that Trump will make another presidential run and they do not want to see him rise up again. We see them on the attack. The main aim of the SHAM that we saw last Thursday night was to put a target on his back. They so wish to humiliate him and make sure that he will not run in 2024. Never

 has there been this much HATRED shown toward any president since the days of Richard Nixon. The HATE for Trump has been much more.

 It is highly doubtful that Trump will announce that he will be running before the election this November. No rush for he is in a good position. =E2=80=9C=

Well, something has to be done but I haven=E2=80=99t announced anything,=E2=80=

=9D he has said. =E2=80=9CBut in my mind, I=E2=80=99ve made a decision.=E2=80=

=9D A RED WAVE is coming. To hold off announcing is the right stratagem. If he does it now and the wave fizzles they will say it=E2=80=99s because of him=

. Have they not learned by now never to underestimate our forty-fifth president? Be assured that they will do it once more I would certainly say. For what Biden and his PARTY OF HATE, they will surely pay.

 Hope and confidence is what our beloved America truly does need. To the man who was our former president and will certainly be our president again we all=

 wish Godspeed.

Written by Joe Esposito,06/10-11-12/2022

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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