

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

LIBERTY TREE-FRIENDS AND PATRIOTS: FYI - THINGS WORTH KNOWING: 05/18/2022, Part 2- Joe Biden's Department of Education Is Brainwashing Our School Children On Race

 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"; it may have originated as "a little learning is a dangerous thing": A little learning is a dangerous thingdrink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: their shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.

Image result for FYI



Four-Part Battle against Critical Race theory:

  This is the second part of the letter. The first part has already been published: The Author is Nick Adams: And the Conservative group is: "The Foundation for Liberty of American Greatness:

FLAG has put in place a four-part Battle Plan to confront and remove "Critical Race Theory" from our American Schools.

1. We are creating and distributing educational materials: (Books and booklets, fact sheets, and videos) to millions of parents, grandparents, teachers, and elected officials, via postal mail, e-mail, and social media. I am also making an appearance on Fox News and many other TV and radio broadcast outlets to sound the alarm on how dangerous "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) is to America and to our children.

2. I am traveling all over the country every week to speak at conferences and forums to recruit parents, grandparents, and teachers to become active in the fight to remove the "Critical Race Theory" indoctrination from our schools. Specifically, we are urging parents and teachers to run for the School Board. also to attend the School Board meetings and speak out against the "Critical Race Theory."

3. We remind parents and teachers to make sure their comments are captured on video. We then help distribute these video clips to the media and social media. Very often Fox News and other broadcast outlets will air these videos. This is a big part of how we generate an overwhelming voter backlash against CRT.

4. We are urging governors and state legislators to ban CRT from their schools. So far Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Idaho, and Iowa have now banned the evil "Critical Race Theory" in the Public Schools of those states. Many states are now debating legislation to ban CRT in K-12 Public Schools.

Governor Ron DeSantis explained why he and the Florida legislature banned Marxist "Critical Race Theory" from Florida's K-12 Public Schools: 

"The woke class wants to teach kids to hate each other, rather than teaching them how to read, but we will not let them bring nonsense ideology into Florida's schools. As the Governor of Florida, I love this state and I love my country. I find it unthinkable that there are other people in positions of leadership in the federal government who believe that we should teach our kids to hate our country! We will not stand for it here in Florida. I am proud that we are taking action here today." ________. So we are making progress. We are getting the attention of many influential pro-American elected officials who are introducing legislation to ban CRT from the schools. But we have a long battle ahead! We are making CRT indoctrination of America's children a Key Theme and focus of the all-important 2022 Mid-Term Elections. We are asking politicians where they stand on this issue. We then publicize where candidates stand on the indoctrination of children into this radical anti-American ideology: We need donations to fund this effort. Every dollar we can raise will help us educate and mobilize millions of parents to pressure School Boards and America's Leaders to get CRT out of the schools. Thank you for reading my letter: I will anxiously look to hearing back from you in the next few days. Sincerely, Nick Adams, Founder, and Executive Director, FLAG

Divide to Conquer: Submitted by PL Sturgis:

From Nick Adams, PO 98139, Washington DC 20090-8139

Critical Race Theory in the News: Breitbart: "Middle School Teacher Ousted for Helping expose Critical Race Theory:

A teacher at Joseph T. Henley Middle School in Albemarle County, Virginia has been ousted for sharing the county's "radical ideas" on Critical Race Theory (CRT) with parents. Dan Ferraro, a sixth and seventh-grade language arts teacher, shared Henley Middle School's "Courageous conversation about race" slides with parents in an effort to be transparent. and as he described Breitbart News, (because he felt he had a moral obligation to do so) As a result, according to Ferraro, school principal, Beth Costa, told him his views were inconsistent with the direction of the school!

Fox News: Virginia teacher says colleagues "Afraid" to Oppose Critical Race Theory:

Virginia teachers are rejecting Critical Race Theory in schools, but few have spoken out for fear of losing their jobs. Lila Vanetsyan, a teacher in Fairfax County, joined America's Newsroom to take a firm stand against the curriculum many called divisive. Vanetsyan says she is standing up for her students. ____." These children are the future of this country and if you love this country you will do anything and everything to stand up for this vulnerable population that is our children." she told Fox News, Dana Perino. "They can not stand up for themselves! They can not speak for themselves! They fear retaliation! It is up to us adults, parents, and teachers, alike to come together and speak up for them for the sake of this country! Despite this victory, parents remain hesitant to come forward, but Vanetsyan is hopeful that continued efforts will yield results.

Pearl's Poem: "The Banner that God Gave US" Red reminds me of God's Son, Who gave His Life for me. White stands for His righteousness for all the world to see. Blue is for His Heaven that surrounds US all about. Stars portray His Universe: The Lord is King, no doubt! High above the ground, it flies to Free US. For it is the symbol of God's law. He has said: "My laws will not be grievous if they are obeyed by one and all:


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"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


Knowledge Is Power - Information Is Liberating: The LIBERTY TREE & FRIENDS is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Big Tech has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources. When you share with your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you

Please share… Like many other fact-oriented bloggers, we've been exiled from Facebook as well as other "mainstream" social sites. 

We will continue to search for alternative sites, some of which have already been compromised, in order to deliver our message and urge all of those who want facts, not spin and/or censorship, to do so as well.

Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.

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