

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 04/27/2022, AS I SEE IT: “Lock ‘Em All Up!!!!”/ “Always In A Delusional State!!!”/ “Had Enough??”/ “Help Wanted: New GOP Leadership!!!”

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

AS I SEE IT: “Lock ‘Em All Up!!!!”


“Report: Joe ‘THE BIG GUY’ Biden Met with Hunter Biden’s Business Partner at White House”

 With his dirtbag son’s business partner he met a total of twenty-seven times when he was VP. Visitor logs show this to be the case. Joe Biden who claims to have no direct contact in any of his scumbag son’s schemes is clearly lying. His whole damn family is a DISGRACE. Isn’t it time that he comes clean? That is what we’d all like to see. Don’t anyone dare try and convince me that Joe Biden is not full of corruptibility?

  “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019. Yeah. Right. Joe Biden is many things, none of it good. He’s a FRAUD, so damn corrupt and far from bright.

 Of course, the despicable media runs interference for this POS who we know is the infamous BIG GUY. This FRAUD who plays president belongs locked in a damn prison cell and that, my fellow patriots, is no damn lie.

 The text messages from Hunter’s LAPTOP FROM HELL detail the criminality of the Biden family. What total scum each one is. On that, there can be no denying it. According to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman, the Biden’s family payment mechanism of collecting 50 percent of family salaries for 30 years could be legal “predicates” for charges of racketeering.

 Public opinion shows that a significant majority of the public believes Biden is not being truthful. Sixty percent feel that Hunter sold influence and access to his scumbag dad. Not surprising in the least for Biden is beyond contemptible.

 It is becoming quite clear that many feel that the BIG GUY should be IMPEACHED if he secretly participated and facilitated in the shady business dealings of his disgusting, corrupt family. Once again I say lock ‘em all up and throw away the damn key.


AS I SEE IT: “Always In A Delusional State!!!”


“Report: Joe Biden Plans to Avoid Midterm Disaster by Blaming Woes on GOP”

 Our beloved America is in a free fall and, of course, this demented FRAUD in Chief does not accept responsibility for the failing policies he has put in place. Listen as he says, “Don’t blame me. Blame the GOP!!” This scumbag can’t help being a damn DISGRACE. This will go over well with the uninformed among us for they will believe anything that Democrats spew. To deceive and indulge in demonization the scum in the PARTY OF HATE will do.

 This FRAUD has been in office for close to a year and a half. There’s not a doubt that his strings are being pulled by Obama who plays the role of an evil master puppeteer. Oh, how millions of us so desire that these scumbags will disappear This will not be easy for the power that they have is firmly in their grip. Oh, how we miss our forty-fifth president who led our beloved land with strong leadership.

 Biden tries to blame anyone other than himself for the many woes we are suffering from. He has got to be kidding. He really thinks we are that dumb. Hey, you pathetic doucebag, let me say something that is quite true. The proverbial buck stops with you.

 This mantra of first blaming Putin and now the GOP will not work. It is you who are to blame for the misery we are all suffering, you effing, delusional jerk.  Soaring gas prices, historic inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, lifting crime rates, and a porous southern border are destroying your illegitimate Presidency. Their attempt at widespread FRAUD in the upcoming midterms will fail miserably. Electoral cheating has been a staple of the PARTY OF HATE. Fear not, my fellow parrots, Joe Biden has sealed his fate.

 In addition to the 435 House seats that are up, there will be 35 Senate seats that will be contested. Methinks a RED WAVE is in the making. The GOP will get massive support. If we retain the current Republican leadership in the new Congress the victory that we will have achieved will go for naught. The GOP is a MAGA party and from it, we must purge each and every RINO. Out of the door, they must all go!


AS I SEE IT: “Had Enough??”

 These past fifteen months have been a most miserable time for our beloved America one would have to clearly state. For the midterm elections, millions of us anxiously wait. Fear not, fellow patriots, the end is coming for the PARTY OF HATE. The analysts shift House predictions heavily toward the GOP. There is no way that the Republicans can screw this up. I say this with much certainty.

 We have clearly had more than enough from this reckless, illegitimate political regime. The Democrats will not give up so very easily. Behind closed doors, they undoubtedly scheme. So hungry for power are they. We must be on guard to make sure our upcoming election is as fair as can be. There must not be a repeat of 2020.

 Biden and his PARTY OF HATE have deliberately and wantonly destroyed our country with reckless abandon. We want no part of the America of Joe Biden.

The Democrat Party is one of utter HYPOCRISY. Look no further than the January 6 Committee. The PARTY OF HATE has nothing else to take to the midterms but the demonization of their political foes. They are knee-deep in sleaze. We see this Committee subpoena the Trump administration and leak anti-Republican stories.

 This so-called ‘armed insurrection’ is not living up to the Democrat hype that they have tried to spread. They really think this will help them in the election. They are utterly evil, completely brain dead. What we have seen done by the misfits in this regime is beyond reprehensible. After the biggest probe in FBI history, not one charge of insurrection has been brought against any Trump supporter at the Capitol.

 The DOUBLE STANDARD of Justice we see applied to the scum that comprises BLM and ANTIFA is downright galling. What they did in the run-up of the 2020 election, tearing up cities, attacking cops, and destroying Federal property was appalling. They were the real INSURRECTIONISTS. Incredulously, they were given a pass but the PARTY OF HATE. Peaceful protesting is how they described it. In our collective face, they happily spit.

 All we get from this CORRUPT media are false narratives. They keep jamming them down our throats. We will have the last laugh this coming November when we will head to the polls and vote. The day of reckoning will come. Make no mistake about that. Out the door, we will see them go, every disgusting Democrat.

 The optics of this illegitimate FRAUD wandering about aimlessly about each day sounded more and more incoherent. He is a disgrace, a national embarrassment. He taunts his political enemies by trying to talk tough. I ask, you my fellow patriots, haven’t we had more than enough???


AS I SEE IT: “Help Wanted: New GOP Leadership!!!”


“Report — Mitch McConnell Cheered Democrats for Launching Trump’s Impeachment Trial: ‘Take Care of the Son of a Bitch for Us’”

“Audio: Kevin McCarthy Tells Liz Cheney He Will Recommend Trump Resign”

 Need I have to tell you that these two must not be part of the GOP leadership in the next Congress?? They are two of the vilest backstabbers of our forty-fifth president. They pretend to back the AMERICA FIRST movement. It is clearly evident that they are so very dangerous and both faces of the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT.

 Of the two McConnell is extremely cunning while McCarthy strikes one as a hapless fool. They must be purged from the leadership. These two scumbags are deserving of our HATE and much RIDICULE.

 Personally speaking, it has gotten past the point where I can personally stomach each of these two. So deserving are they of the sternest rebuke. I must have a barf bag near for whenever I hear or see them I cannot help but puke. Help is sorely needed in the form of strong conservative leadership. I am running out of patience with this PARTY OF STUPIDITY. Can they grow a pair of balls? Is that possible?? I respectfully ask of you, GOP.

 What is the point of achieving a victory in November if you leave these two in charge?? They can not be trusted with Trump’s agenda. McConnell and McCarthy are establishments to their rotten core. Of course, they will lie and do everything can to remain in power. It is imperative that they go. Need I say anything more???

Written by Joe Esposito,04/20 -22/2022

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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