

Sunday, April 3, 2022

In That Day: Happy Easter...From PEARL STURGIS

 In That Day:  by PL Sturgis  written 2018:

  Inspired by Isaiah Chapter 25 and 26:


In the Land of Judah, the people will sing:  "We have a strong city.  Jehovah is King:

Open the gate that the people may see:  The nation who's keeping the truth shall be free:    The nation whose God is the Lord will have peace:  with walls of Salvation that never shall cease!     The high and the lofty will soon be cut down:  They'll be laid low as the dust of the ground:   Those Global Strong Cities will soon recognize:  The feet of the poor and the needy shall rise:  Your judgment is right, Lord.  Your mercy is great:  We stand on the promise You never will break:    Though favor be shown to the wicked today:  How will they learn to repent and to pray?   We know In That Day, not a tear will be shed:  For all who believe will be raised from the dead:       Happy Easter:

FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 03/30/2022 - In That Day / The USA is a Christian Nation And In The Volume of the Book


FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 04/02/2022 - What Does the Lord Require / Protest Solemnly / Beware: lest you forget


FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 03/31/2022 - The Things Revealed Belong to US / Blessings and Curses / Choose This Day


FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 04/02/2022 - What Must Be Done to Save America / Even in the Latter Day / When Great Men Prayed

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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