

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 03/23/2022, AS I SEE IT: “Thoughts On Ukraine”/ “Indulging In Some Political Venting!!”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

AS I SEE IT: “Thoughts On Ukraine”

 I don’t have to tell you that indeed these are trying times. The war in Ukraine rages on and the call for our beloved country to get more involved gets louder and louder. The CORRUPT media is doing its best WAR MONGERING. They are letting their emotions rule the day. This is all so very APPALLING.

 NATO has understandably said no to a separate Ukrainian request to impose a no-fly zone, arguing it would inevitably result in direct combat with Russian planes and ground defenses and lead to World War III. This is a regional conflict. We are witnessing each and every day such ever-growing insanity.

 So many are calling for us to get further involved. It is a temptation for us to resist as best we can. Of course, we know that Putin’s desire is to rebuild the Soviet We see him using threatening language regarding other former captive nations. It has sent chills throughout Europe. Vladimir Putin is a very EVIL man.

 It just boggles one’s mind that this political regime cares not a stitch about the invasion of our southern border. It has been nonstop since Biden has been in office. The primary focus should be on getting our beloved America back on track. This war has been a major distraction. Patriots like Tucker Carlson, the lone voice of reason and common sense comes under a relentless withering attack.

 DISSENT is not tolerated in the America of Joe Biden. You must watch what you say. This war has made that very plain. We must all have the same mindset when it comes to Ukraine.

 When I listen to the like of these reprehensible RINOS clamoring for WAR it puts me in a perpetual state of regurgitation. The sanctimonious meanderings of Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse are beyond outrageous. I am overcome with such agitation. They so want to be loved by the CORRUPT media. It’s their stamp of approval that they are craving. Of course, they are Trump HATING scumbags to the core. There cannot be any debating.

  It is impossible to separate Putin’s decision to move against Ukraine from Biden’s weak performance as president. The debacle in Afghanistan made that abundantly clear and evident. The Russian leader saw how our Defense Department was so consumed by making sure our military was more WOKE than prepared. He calculated there’d he be met with little resistance. It was the correct view. An invasion into Ukraine was something many thought he would not do and we have seen nothing but devastation. Video of it can plainly be seen on television.

 The world is in utter TURMOIL. What we are clearly missing is strong leadership. To Donald Trump, I say, “YES, WE INDEED MISS YOU!” Our enemies see the weakness that is certainly in full view. In Biden, Harris and that dimwitted Speaker have given us enough cringeworthy moments. More than we could ever handle. We hold our collective breath as the crisis in Ukraine continues with little hope that it can soon be resolved. We must look at it all from afar. We just cannot afford to get further involved.

 Let us not forget about China. With Russia, they have formed an alliance. It certainly has raised the bar higher and higher. This should come as no surprise. Both are so contemptuous of Biden and his political regime. They look upon us as nothing more than a paper tiger.

 China’s apparent willingness to assist Vladimir Putin’s army in addition to helping him avoid economic sanctions dramatically raises the stakes. Clearly in the area of conducting foreign policy Joe Biden has proven time after time that he certainly does not have what it takes.


AS I SEE IT: “Indulging In Some Political Venting!!”

 The New York SLIMES finally came clean. They admitted that the LAPTOP FROM HELL was what we all knew it to be. Russian disinformation it was not.  Oh, how these Leftist scumbags lie. It comes to them so very easily. Joe Biden fathered a son who is one hell of a scheming SOB. The contents of Hunter’s laptop proves how truly disgusting is the CORRUPTION of the whole damn Biden family.

 The bombshell acknowledgment from the SLIMES came just a tad too late. Seventeen months for the truth to come out is a hell of a long time to wait. Of course, if the SLIMES were in the news business we would have learned about this far earlier but that is an impossibility. For the longest time, they’ve been propagandists for the scum that comprise the DNC. 

 There are so many deceitful dirtbags in our government it can make your damn head truly spin. This pathetic FRAUD who sits in the White House is so personally corrupt to his inner core. It is not in the Oval Office that he should be. Biden should be in a cold cell in Federal prison.

 We certainly were not fooled for we knew that the SLIMES were part of the ever-growing cabal that included Big Tech and Big Government. All of them were hell-bent on shoving that pathetic POS down our throat in any way they could. He was their chosen one who is utterly worthless and no damn good.

 That lowlife Bill Barr had that laptop in his damn possession and, pray tell, what was that fat blowhard doing?? He probably spent most of his time compiling his anti-Trump tome. There’s nothing like a Trump HATER  waiting to give our DON a thorough screwing. He will make the talk show circuit bad-mouthing Trump to the delight of those who HATE. Another Bush hack dumps on Trump. These RINOS make me more than a tad irate.

 Many of the emails to and from Hunter implicated his dirtbag dad and his uncle Jim in the international influence-peddling. All of this is so utterly appalling. The cover-up was mind-boggling. If the truth was known back then we would be in the second year of the second term of the Trump presidency. Instead, we are saddled with a political regime that is destroying our beloved America with a truly disgusting agenda.

 Never in my lifetime of following politics have I seen anything like this. No one is held to any accountability. They spit in our faces, spend recklessly and give a big EFF YOU to our beleaguered middle class. The Dems and the RINOS are just itching to send our sons and daughters off to Ukraine. War is what they truly love. This is all so damn insane.

 My fellow patriots, it feels good to get things off my chest. How much more of this can we take before we all suffer from a collective cardiac arrest???

Written by Joe Esposito,03/18-19/2022

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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