

Friday, February 25, 2022

Only a Virtuous People are Capable of Freedom

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  – John Adams (1798)

 Only a Virtuous People are Capable of Freedom

 Modern Americans have either long since forgotten, or were not aware of the heated and sometimes violent debates which took place in the thirteen colonies between 1775 and 1776 over the issue of morality.

For many thousands of Americans, the big question of independence hung precariously on the single, slender thread of whether or not the people were sufficiently "virtuous and moral" to govern themselves. Self-government was generally referred to as "republicanism," and it was universally acknowledged that corrupt and selfish people could never make the principles of republicanism operate successfully. As Franklin wrote:

 Only virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nationsbecome corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters. Sound familiar?

 What does it mean to be a virtuous person?

 Virtue is not hereditary. Virtue must be earned and it has to be learned. Virtue is not a permanent quality in human nature, it must be cultivated continually and exercised from hour to hour and day today. We must look to the homes, the schools, and the churches to fuel the fires of virtue from generation to generation.

 We as a nation have forgotten the bedrock of virtue and morality necessary to the preservation of the Republic designed by our founders.

 George Washington stated in his farewell address:

“Of all the depositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Without religion and morality, which are the bedrock of virtue, our free republic will and is crumbling. We, as Patriots, must once again rise up and defend, even fight for the foundations of a virtuous nation, that being morality and religion. This is our responsibility, our duty.

 Without a firm and unwavering belief in God our Creator and our duty to Him, there is nothing to bind the consciences of men, and the oaths we take as military men and women, congressmen and women, Senators, and even the President and Vice-President mean absolutely nothing. Today there is no security for property, no reputation for life, no resolve for liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

How do we transmit virtue and morality to the next generation? Nothing is more important for a virtuous nation than to form and train up our youth in wisdom and virtue. Teachers must all return to instilling wisdom and virtue in their classrooms and our young ones. Heads of households must be willing to turn off the electronic devices and spend more quality time doing things as a family instead of allowing their children to be brainwashed by the latest electronic gadgets.

 Preachers must return to teaching the true word of God instead of the watered-down, go with the flow version they are teaching today. Wise and virtuous men are the strength of a nation, more so than riches.

 Virtue is to be expected and obtained from education the young rather than exhortations of adults. Bad habits and vices are like diseases of the body, they are more easily prevented (youth) than cured (adults). A person who develops the skill to touch the hearts of the young, to help them develop a virtuous character has been blessed with a special gift and can consider themselves called by heaven to teach.

 My friends now is the time to unite, become one loud strong voice sounding off against an enemy that thinks they have no opposition. We must prove them wrong.

 Jerry Quintana  

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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