

Friday, January 21, 2022

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 01/21/2022, AS I SEE IT: “The Year of Biden HELL” / “The Great Divider”

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

 AS I SEE IT: “The Great Divider”

It’s excuse after excuse for the many failures of this political regime that it can make your head spin. It is always somebody else’s fault but it’s never Joe Biden. If it’s not Donald Trump, the GOP, or the pandemic they’ll find something else to point to for the soaring prices for the goods that we are seeing. They try so very hard to create villains but the plain fact is it just ain’t working.

Biden is in a very deep decline as poll after poll clearly shows. It just keeps on getting worse as he continues to demonize his political foes. As promised in his inaugural he has managed to be a unifying force but it is his political opposition, not the whole country that he has united. He has done that so very well. Thursday will be the first anniversary of his ILLEGITIMATE reign. It has been a year of pure HELL.

To the PARTY OF HATE’S political strategists, the inability of this regime to pass the two Federal election laws that have been flogging for several months is of concern. That is greatly so. In order for that to happen they’d have to break the filibuster rule and to that Manchin and Sinema respond with a resounding NO!!

The fact is that the leaders of the PARTY OF HATE have used their political capital to try to let Washington overrule states and set all election rules. Of course, it will not come to be. We listen to them use charges of racism and voter suppression. This is the narrative they stoke incessantly. It is quite clear that they lack the confidence to win close elections unless they take over state elections as was the case in 2020.

The scum that comprises the modern-day Democrat party knows their only path to victory rests in removing all safeguards to electoral integrity, no ID requirements, and, of course, nationwide mail-in balloting. This is all so very troubling. It is obvious the Democrat party had little interest in broadening its appeal. They settle on digging deeply into its disgusting base is what they again reveal. Oh, how they would do anything to hold on to power one must surely state. We so loathe Joe Biden and his PARTY OF HATE.

Today this feckless, doddering old fool will hold a press conference marking the first anniversary of his ILLEGITIMATE regime. It is being reported that this CORRUPT media is tiring of Biden. Methinks that is a lot of crock. No doubt he will have no great difficulty answering many of their ‘softball’ questions. This should come as no shock. Before he takes their questions he will try to regale us all with his accomplishments of which there is hardly any. On the other, hand there have been failures that he will disregard, and of that there are many.

It is being said that today will mark a reset for him that is badly needed but in reality, he has lost the confidence of the electorate. His approval ratings get lower and lower. The misery he and his PARTY OF HATE have inundated us with is hard for any of us to forget. Our beloved America is being invaded by illegals, inflation, as well as crime, is growing at an enormous rate, his handling of Covid borders on the abysmal. Add to that the debacle in Afghanistan has emboldened our enemies. Three more years of him is just utterly unfathomable.


AS I SEE IT: “The Year of Biden HELL”

 As we approach the one-year anniversary of this FRAUDULENT political regime there is no cause for celebration. The failures of Joe Biden keep mounting. He has been an abomination. There has never been a president whose first year has been this appalling.  This ILLEGITIMATE president has bungled just about everything. His poll numbers keep falling. How low can they go? It is a question many of us are asking. He is becoming more and more divisive, very hyperbolic. It strikes all of us as deliberately diabolical.

 His viciousness against his political opponents knows no end. His message is clear. OBEY OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU. Is this the same person who throughout the campaign promised that he would bring us all together? Millions of us knew that was a lot of crock. But what we have witnessed this past year still leaves us in a state of shock. According to the election calendar, he has three years left in his miserable term but the reality is he is done for. The accumulation of wounds last week says that this is indeed so. Far, far from an uniter is SLEEPY Joe.

 Joe Biden acts like a dictator, a king. Will someone tell this feckless, doddering old fool he was not given a MANDATE (pun intended)?? The Democrats have the slimmest of majorities in Congress and because of this, they try every type of scheme to pass a horrific agenda. The FRAUD turns his attention to a new narrative and that is to spread the BIG LIE of voter suppression in our beloved America. He and his PARTY OF HATE try to push legislation to federalize all actions. That would make it much easier to cheat. Their grab for power is inescapable. We must take them head-on. This is no time for us to retreat.

 These vermin are using what occurred on that January day last year as a pretext for going after their political foes instead of real threats that we might be facing. The weaponizing of the Justice Department is horrifying and quite chilling. If one displays any anti-authoritarian tendencies against this regime they are deemed, domestic enemies. Little attention is paid to our porous border which can be potential for a terrorist attack and what do we see the Feds do? They round up MAGA  mothers and Capitol paraders. so insane is this in my and many a person’s view.

 In this first anniversary week of this ILLEGITIMATE presidency, we shudder to think what is to come as we see his poll numbers plummeting at a rate heretofore unseen. On every issue we see him tanking with the American people. Those who were actually stupid enough to believe he would bring stability have buyers remorse. The electorate sees how badly Biden has taken our country off course. It should be not at all surprising that the PARTY OF HATE is so strategically preoccupied with the Capitol riot. What else do they have in their arsenal?? Be prepared for more fear-mongering to come. This is a political party in desperation. They are as evil as can be, so utterly reprehensible.

 They actually think that they can do well in the upcoming midterms by demonizing and intimidating the ever-growing Trump base. This is what is believed by each and every scumbag Democrat. The polls show that their plan is falling flat.

And That's How I See It! 

Written by Joe Esposito,01/17-19/2022

Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity--the Conspiracy | Freedom is the Cure

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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