

Monday, October 11, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 10/10/2021, As I See It,Democrats In Disarray,Biden’s ‘Reign of Terror,Speaking The Truth, A GOP Surrender,Trump On The March,

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“As I See It”

 This past Friday the FRAUD in Chief caved into the ultra radicals in his disgusting party. The surrender was real and palpable. Did anyone really expect this pathetic POS to actually put up a fight?? He held up the proverbial flag, the color of which was pure white.

 His visit to Capitol Hill was billed as a bid to forge a solution to the PARTY OF HATE’S split but absolutely nothing came of it for this weak, imbecilic DOLT blinked as we knew he surely would. He is just a woeful figurehead. This is something that must be understood.

 The scumbag radicals’ are refusing to vote on the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal until they get a vote on the $3.5 trillion grab bag of socialist trash that millions of us deplore. By Biden giving his blessing to this he has turned his back on the central part of his election. We can now say for sure that public support will keep hemorrhaging for Joe Biden.

 After he revealed his capitulation he was in a state of bravado which was a tad perplexing.  “It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in six minutes, six days, or six weeks. We’re going to get it done”, this blithering idiot said. Methinks not. This will go nowhere. His presidency is surely crumbling.

 It is rather interesting that his flop makes little sense since the passage of the Infrastructure bill would give him a much-needed victory. Buyers' remorse is what those who actually voted for this political hack is what they must be feeling most assuredly.

 Since this FRAUD has been in office he has FAILED in every regard. It does not help him in any way in capitulating to the dangerous morons that comprise the SQUAD. We are seeing his poll numbers taking a nosedive. That should not in any way be surprising. On every issue that he takes millions of Americans are troubled by. His presidency has been outright APPALLING.

 Joe Biden has backed nearly every far-left piece of garbage in the wind. It includes a voting rights bill that would put Washington in full charge of federal elections that is supported wholeheartedly by the vermin in the PARTY OF HATE.  As we all surely know he has spoken of packing the Supreme Court, ending the Senate filibuster, and making  Puerto Rico a state. The citizenry is appalled by all of this and rightly so. It is a matter of time before we see SLEEPY Joe go.

 All of these positions he has taken do not reflect the Joe Biden that all of us once knew. He had always tried to portray himself as a damn political moderate. That was decades ago but now look at the utter utter garbage that we see him spew.

 It is unbelievable that there are those who believed Biden’s call for unity, who were hoping he could heal the nation’s breach. Wishful thinking that turned out to be. He has remade himself into a detestable Leftist. No one can dare disagree.

 Those in Congress who are refusing to give him a win on this Infrastructure Bill until they get a vote on the 3.5 trillion dollar package is utterly mind-boggling. It will never pass in the Senate even with many disgusting RINOs. That is something everyone knows. But the radicals want their way. This is truly troubling and, once again, very alarming.

 This dope cedes so much power to these cretins on the Left. Answers to this he is totally bereft. But we surely know the answer. It is very clear and obvious. This utterly FRAUDULENT president is so thoroughly weak and ineffectual. The emptiest of suits is he. We hope and pray that somehow, someway we can survive his disgusting ILLEGITIMATE presidency.

 His cognitive is declining. He is at the behest of his ultra-radical puppeteers. This is far from a laughing matter. It is exactly as how it appears. The Joe Biden presidency is a damn DISASTER!!!


“The Democrats In Disarray!!!”

 In the House of Representatives, there is much infighting within the PARTY OF HATE for Speaker Pelosi has lost control. It has been firmly on display. The Speaker had promised that the Infrastructure Bill would be up for a vote last Thursday but, alas, it was not to be. She failed to deliver. It was a rare defeat for Nancy Pelosi.

 A stunning failure it was for the WICKED WITCH who's been known for years for her iron grip on her caucus but the times have certainly changed. She has been unable to control the ultra radicals in her caucus. They are thoroughly headstrong and more than a tad deranged. They successfully blocked the bill from a vote. Things are not going well for Joe Biden and the rest of these scumbags I must happily note.

 Two of this ILLEGITIMATE president’s agenda items have come to a screeching halt. These detestable verminous RADICALS hate our beloved America. They will in no way stop with their assault.

 There are 96 members of the PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS. The dirtbag that heads it, Pramila Jayapal, held her members together against the bipartisan infrastructure bill while Pelosi and other Democratic leaders were whipping for it. A for these scumbags has further deepened the PARTY OH HATE’S split.

 It is being said that this Jaypal is in a position where she could wield significant power among congressional Democrats for a long time. She has let that cosmetically enhanced cretin stew in her defeat. What we have is slime being overrun by bigger SLIME. This is all so very bittersweet.

 One must understand that Nancy Pelosi was indeed dealt an extremely difficult hand. Two massive bills had to be moved on a condensed timeline with little margin.  There was none. But the fact remains that this Speaker, who has always been praised for her successes, has been unable to get this job done. The fact is she failed to follow through on her promise for a vote. Things look terrible for Democrats amid their intra-party squabbling. It is in fact utterly appalling one would certainly have to note.

 The hapless Joe Biden was brought in to try and get these two warring factions to work out a compromise. Of course, this imbecilic DOLT failed. That should have come as no damn surprise.

 The Democrats still have the two holdouts in the Senate. Radical activists try their best to harass them as best they can. They go to absurd lengths but it comes to no avail. This detestable party gives themselves two more weeks to get an agreement on reconciliation. Methinks that will not happen. The betting is that they will yet again FAIL!!!



“Biden’s ‘Reign of Terror’”


“Biden Unleashes FBI Gestapo to Terrorize Parents Opposed to Critical Race Theory”


Dare to oppose left-wing school board policies and you will be labeled a DOMESTIC TERRORIST. Welcome to Biden’s America.  We must fight back with all of our strength. We must RESIST. 

 All across our beloved American school board policies have been put in place to damage, sexualize, and indoctrinate innocent children. Outraged parents are speaking out and protesting vehemently against these wicked school board policies. This FRAUD condones GESTAPO tactics to make them cower. Can anyone dare disagree that this is a blatant, remarkably dangerous abuse of power??

 Critical Race Theory teaches children to be racists and that white people are inherently dangerous oppressors due to their skin color. We find this utterly APPALLING. It fills millions of us with terror.

 Anti-science mask mandates are opposed as well. Nothing supports the idea that forcing kids into filthy masks all day long does anyone any good. But school boards act in FASCISTIC ways. All of this is clearly understood.

 Mentally ill educators are desperate to force their warped political agendas and neuroses on our children. Apparently, this all sits well with Joe Biden. In his America parents have no right to take issue with how their children are educated. The government takes control. How insane is all of this? All of what we are experiencing comes from a scumbag who by FRAUD got into the Oval Office.

 This regime criminalizes dissent and peaceful protest. If you open your damn mouth you could very well find yourself under arrest. Government-run schools have taken control. Every one of these leftist scumbags is an evil soul.

 Parents do not want their kids taught to be racists. Biden has his despicable AG crackdown on parents who will not put up with this garbage, with each and every disgusting FBI tactic. Let another election be stolen by these vermin and the consequences of that will be even more CATASTROPHIC!!! 


“Speaking The Truth”


In this highly dysfunctional political environment, you cannot help feeling totally disgusted. There are very few politicians that can be trusted. With the PARTY OF HATE in control of our government, we fear the destruction of our beloved country. This ILLEGITIMATE president is shameless and completely devoid of any decency. We are seeing his Department of Justice so happy to use armed agents of the State to enforce their disgusting ideology. It wasn’t that long ago that no one could ever have imagined what we now see.


This pathetic, moronic FRAUD IS casting his lot with the liberal left on the sequencing of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion social safety net bill pending in Congress. We saw once this POS reached Capitol Hill he threw in with the hostage-takers. Can anyone dare disagree that everything is a damn mess??


“We’ve got the president of the United States on our side,” so said Sen. Bernie Sanders on one of the Sunday shows. Bernie said it with such pride that our fear for our beloved America just grows and grows.


These scumbag Progressive Democrats seem to be winning and that is truly appalling. Biden is ditching the Biden Democrats, casting his lot with BERNIE and company. All of this is truly troubling.


From enacting both bills Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stand in the way. They continue to be a roadblock. We hope that they both will not waiver one bit. Intestinal fortitude is what these two senators exhibit. Biden’s capitulation is quite revealing if you ask me. It is becoming apparent where he sees the power residing and what he wants his disgusting legacy to be.


He is a despicable, lying monster who is truly lacking a core belief. Over the course of time, he has moved LEFT to accommodate a rising consensus that can get under one’s craw. We have seen him abandon a lifetime belief about abortion and pledged to remove the Hyde Amendment which as we know is a restriction on federal funding of abortions from federal law. 


Now it has become quite evident that this POS has become our most pro-abortion president.


What will become the PARTY OF HATE’S moderate versus progressive stand-off?? An answer to that will be forthcoming. The vermin on the LEFT has a tendency to overplay their hand. Might there be a route? Might they get a well-deserved drubbing?


The poll numbers for this regime are beyond abysmal. Across every demographic we see the numbers tanking. “Battered on trust, doubted on leadership, and challenged on overall competency, President Biden is being hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues its downward slide to a number not seen since the tough scrutiny of the Trump administration,” said Tim Malloy, a polling analyst at Quinnipiac University. That is the undeniable truth. You’d have to be living in a state of fantasy if you dare to disagree.


 Republicans are in the driver’s seat one would surely think. But leave it to the GOP to cave on raising the debt ceiling. Yes. We saw Mitch McConnell blink. Once again we saw them lose their grip. If and when we take back the Congress it is of the utmost priority that we rid ourselves of their feckless leadership.


“The Same Scenario: A GOP Surrender!!!”

 Once again they caved to the PARTY OF HATE. They wound up doing what their ‘turkey necked’  leader said that they would never do. The Senate Republicans are utterly useless. Don’t you dare tell me that it is not true? They had the Democrats up against the wall and eleven collaborators threw them a lifeline. That is an undeniable fact. For a long time, the GOP held up the increase in the debt ceiling to stall Democrats from working on their $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, otherwise known as the Build Back Better Act.

 The Republican leadership once again took us down the wrong path. They have made it a certainty that every damn collaborator will be kicked out in upcoming primaries. They will undoubtedly face the voter’s WRATH.

 It is utterly remarkable that both Romney, Sasse, and Graham were not among the eleven from what one can see. It should come as no surprise that among the collaborators were Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

 The subsequent vote to punt the debt ceiling crisis led to a shouting match between Senate Republicans and Majority Leader Schumer. That is how bad things are getting I have to sadly state. Some in the GOP thought Schumer should have appreciated the compromise between Republicans and the PARTY OF HATE. This is another example of the GOP’S cluelessness. The PARTY OF STUPID never fails to disappoint us repeatedly. They lack the fight and the strength to take on the Democrats who indulge in such incivility.

 They really thought that by giving to the thoroughly EVIL reprobates that they would show any appreciation. I truly cannot take this PARTY OF FOOLS for they leave me in a state of perpetual regurgitation.

 The atmosphere in our nation’s most deliberative body has gone way beyond being dysfunctional. One political party is totally feckless while the other is utterly evil and reprehensible.

 Civility is lacking and it has been that way for a long, long time. We must rid ourselves of them. They truly are worthless, useless slime. Now that we have shouting matches erupting on the senate floor I wonder what will come next. Fist fighting?? I’ve had it with all of these vermin. They need to be kicked in the ass and thrown out the door.

 At the end of this sorrowful mess, another consequential deadline is set for December when Congress is already facing a hard date by which it must fund the government. The PARTY OF HATE hopes to complete their push to enact the ambitious domestic agenda of this ILLEGITIMATE president. Would it come as a surprise if some in the PARTY OF STUPID will be willing to help, eager to oblige???

 Never trust a RINO for he or she will stab you in the back. They are the scum of the earth. They so want to compromise at the drop of a hat. So anxious are they to please each and every disgusting Democrat. What they promise they will never deliver. You can’t believe their word. We see them for the useless scumbags that they are in this ‘Political Theatre Of the Absurd’. 


 “Trump On The March!!!”

 Remember the good old days when you were free to speak your mind. It ain’t that way anymore it is sad to say. The THOUGHT POLICE will come after you. We are in a period of AUTHORITARIANISM. It is clearly on display.

 Former President Donald Trump condemned the Biden Department of Justice for its memorandum directing the FBI to mobilize against parents expressing their concerns about Critical Race Theory. They are not being able to have a voice as to how their children are going to be educated. The Attorney General has declared war on them. For that, he should be roundly excoriated.

 There is clearly a WAR ON CITIZENS WHO DISSENT FROM THIS REGIME. That is made so very clear. In Joe Biden’s America, oppression reigns supreme. There is much to fear.

 Last night in Iowa our former president launched a multifront assault on his ILLEGITIMATE successor and the PARTY OF HATE who are taking the nation to the "brink of ruin." Biden is clearly following the orders of every despicable, detestable FAR LEFT LOON. Trump so masterfully made his case against this FRAUD when all was said and done. He resonated once again with his audience. Millions of us want him in 2024 to run.

 Trump, who spoke for more than ninety minutes, rattled off a long list of campaign-style promises and joked about a potential new slogan, but stopped short of announcing a reelection bid. There is no question in my mind that he will throw his hat in the proverbial ring. He will lead us against Biden and every scumbag in the PARTY OF HATE who are demonstrably EVIL and so very WICKED.

 A thunderous cheer was heard when our forty-fifth president said, “WE’RE GOING TO TAKE OUR AMERICA BACK!!!” This is surely what we all wanted to hear. We know that will come to fruition but the possibility of another stolen election is our greatest fear.

 Of course, he repeated yet again that the 2020 election was rigged and that caused the CORRUPT media much chagrin. He has castigated time and time again for repeating what his HATERS claim is a  BIG LIE, that last year’s election was stolen.

 We should not be surprised that his message against the political regime of Joe Biden was dark. How the hell could it not be?? This FRAUD in less than nine months' time has failed so miserably.

 “We will quickly complete the border wall and we will end illegal immigration, once and for all," he said, running through a list of promises. "We will have to start it all over again. It would have been so much better if we had an honest election.” He so resonates with his audience. Last night was no exception.

 Donald J Trump is many things but above all, he is a great PATRIOT who truly loves America. He is strong and I don’t have to tell you that he is a first-class warrior.

 Although Trump talked briefly about electing Republicans to Congress next year, his speech also sounded like that of a candidate seeking another run at the presidency. We hope that will be the case. We are in need of his great leadership for what we have now in our White House is a dimwitted, cognitive declining DOLT who is an absolute DISGRACE!!!

Written by Joe Esposito, 10/04-/10/07 AND 10/09

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

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