

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 08/10/2021, “Leadership That Is Useless”, “The Eighteen Turncoats”, The Grab For Power, The Court Be Damned!!!”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

 “Leadership That Is Useless”


“Donald Trump Rips Mitch McConnell for ‘Working So Hard to Give Biden a Victory’

 It must be said again and said repeatedly that the Republican Party is utterly hopeless. It is terribly hard to stomach this PARTY OF STUPIDITY with leadership in the House and Senate so breathtakingly abysmal. McCarthy is terrible but no one is as horrible as this Mitch McConnell. Once again this pathetic Minority leader has led his feckless party down another dangerous path. He and his pathetic caucus are yet again betraying their political base and will in the end face their WRATH.

 This ‘Turkey necked’ scumbag has indeed worked hard to get that demented doltish FRAUD who sits in the Oval Office a massive victory. It will be political suicide of immense proportions for this utterly worthless GOP. Do they not realize that in supporting this monstrosity they will be complicit in enabling the radical left’s horrific agenda? These useless cretins actually believe what there doing will benefit our beloved America??

 “Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed,” Trump wrote in a statement. You cannot begin to express the anger and frustration of our forty-fifth president. He questioned McConnell’s logic to give up on leverage for the infrastructure bill while allowing the PARTY OF HATE to pursue a more partisan $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. It is just utterly mystifying to see this. It truly is unconscionable.

 “He is working so hard to give Biden a win, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country”, Trump went on to say. So perplexing is the action exhibited by McConnell, for he had said he was “100 percent” focused on stopping Biden’s agenda back in May.

 As we all now know on Saturday the Minority leader called the effort a compromise on a core government responsibility and voted to advance the process. For the future political fortunes of his party, he has certainly created a mess. A flip flop had been done which I am sure pleased the biggest flip-flopper of them all, Mitt Romney. He and the rest of these RINOS are in a state of pure ecstasy.

 Once again Trump repeated what he once stated about McConnell, about how he is the most overrated politician, second to none. Now more than ever you can really sense from our former president about McConnell’s leadership much outrage and never-ending frustration.


“The Eighteen Turncoats”


Roy Blunt (R-MO)

Richard Burr (R-NC)

Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

Susan Collins (R-ME)

Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

John Hoeven (R-ND)

Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

Rob Portman (R-OH)

Jim Risch (R-ID)

Mitt Romney (R-UT)

Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Deb Fischer (R-NE)

John Cornyn (R-TX)

Roger Wicker (R-MS)

Dan Sullivan (R-AK)

Mike Crapo (R-ID)


Eighteen Senate Republicans voted Sunday to clear the final hurdle before a floor vote to advance the so-called “bipartisan” infrastructure bill. Of these feckless and cowardly dirtbags have you had more than enough? Have you finally had your fill? I am certain that millions of us are more than OUTRAGED. Our DISGUST with the GOP we simply cannot hide. If the above-mentioned represent your state remind them again and again they have committed POLITICAL SUICIDE. Most, if not all are not up for re-election next year I would bet. It must be made clear that what they have done we will not forget.

 These ‘turncoats’ seem determined to save that imbecile who sits in the Oval Office by backing an inflationary bill, thereby reducing the GOP’s ability to go after the inflation caused by Democrats’ runaway spending. The stupidity exhibited by the Republican Party is just never-ending. The likes of Romney and the whole bunch of RINO scumbags have poisoned this political party. They just don’t know how to fight for they’re accepting of only losing nobly. I would imagine that our forty-fifth president must be completely fed up with these eighteen. The PARTY OF STUPID is this GOP and forever it will be.

 This moronic FRAUD’S poll numbers are in free fall. He has absolutely no constituency of any kind. So what do the feckless Republicans do?? They throw this blithering idiot a lifeline! Biden’s policies are, of course, bad politics. Economic benefits cannot arise from taxing and spending. Biden is cornered. The Republicans have this blithering idiot in its grip. Instead of them showing unity as the PARTY OF HATE did against Trump, the RINOS cry out for bipartisanship. Never have we seen a party like this, so utterly GUTLESS it is enough to put one in a perpetual state of regurgitation. They are hopeless, a source of immense aggravation.

 It’s just impossible for the GOP to get it through their thick heads that this is a different political kind of political opposition that they are up against, so different from years past. The Democrats are the PARTY OF HATE, the PARTY OF EVIL, and should be treated as such. They are not to be catered to or our beloved America will go down real fast. This is not hyperbole or exaggeration. The stakes are high for our nation. The makeup of this Republican Party needs a change desperately. We must not only win next year but win a massive VICTORY.

 When we see eighteen of fifty throws in with those who so wish to transform our country it is utterly grating. So many ‘goodies’ are being handed out to these turncoats undoubtedly, a point that should be taken. Let’s be clear about something.  The reality is that some Republicans are using this horrific bill to bring home the bacon.

 One final point. I am convinced that some or most of these eighteen are doing this to show up Trump. During his presidency, there were those who kept an infrastructure plan from coming together a few years ago. The HATE against him was intense and wide. Methinks that now some of those Republicans are trying to show that they can achieve results that Trump did not, even if it means supporting a disgraceful bill.  Fellow patriots, again I ask the same two questions about this modern-day Republican Party. Have you had more than enough of them?? Have you finally had your fill?? 


“The Grab For Power, The Court Be Damned!!!”

 It appears that Nancy Pelosi told President Joe Biden’s White House to seek help from left-wing legal scholar Laurence Tribe in trying to find a way around the Supreme Court’s rejection of an eviction moratorium by the CDC. You shouldn’t find this at all surprising for Pelosi is as EVIL as can be. As far as this Laurence Tribe goes he is the cretin who had pushed for Trump’s impeachment before he was inaugurated. These two make quite a pair if you ask me. The PARTY OF HATE’S power grab is as obvious as anyone can plainly see.

 In June, the Court narrowly left the CDC’s eviction moratorium in place, pending its expiration. Justice Kavanaugh’s vote was the difference in a 5 t.o 4 decision. It was made clear that the CDC lacked the authority without the approval of Congress. At first, the blithering idiot who sits in the Oval Office said there was no legal or constitutional way for the administration to extend the moratorium. Of course, he quickly reversed his position. To the scumbags on the left, we saw him succumb. 

 Biden is hoping to spend enough money by the time the Supreme Court intervenes to strike it down. This is all so very appalling anyone with a brain would have to say. These shenanigans by this moron should in no way be tolerated. The PARTY OF HATE, again and again, skirt the law. It is done unabated.  

 It certainly appears that this FRAUD has violated his oath of office, as well as his campaign promise to obey the rule of law. This is the same dirtbag who accused our forty-fifth president of violations, of which he gave not one example. Hey, you fool, it wasn’t Trump but that scumbag you served under who disregarded many a law during his disgusting administration. These Democrats are reprehensible. How outrageous is this? We, the people, need to RISE UP IN INDIGNATION!!

 Between the two terms of Obama and the seven months of this ILLEGITIMATE President, you could lose count of how many unconstitutional acts were committed. Each was deserving of a damn IMPEACHMENT. This is all so very true. But in this hyperbolic political atmosphere, it was Trump that suffered the indignity of impeachment, not one time but two.  


“The Tribulation Of ‘The January Sixers’”


The Biden regime turns a blind eye to the January 6th rioters.  Such an injustice it is to these detainees but what would you expect from this fraudulent regime that is made up of slime, despicable sleaze. For seven long months, these political prisoners remain still locked up, without trial, often in solitary confinement. Not one had been charged with a violent crime but yet they are treated worse than murderers. Of course, they would be for you see these are staunch supporters of our forty-fifth president. At DC-GITMO we are told that they are being beaten denied medical treatment, as well as shower access. What is happening to those confined is truly beyond shameless. That is all I know. No one has been charged with the crime of INSURRECTION despite the scumbags in the CORRUPT media, leaders in the PARTY OF HATE, and that imbecile in the White House saying it is so.

 These detainees have suffered extremely harsh mistreatment.  No matter that the Supreme Court has ruled that pretrial detainees, unlike convicted persons, cannot be punished at all. That is what Court says must be. Such is not the case for these people have been treated maliciously, and in some cases, sadistically. As a consequence, a group of lawyers for the confined have written a letter to Amnesty International and the ACLU imploring them to do an investigation into the abuses that they have cataloged, much of with borders on torture. In the AMERICA OF JOE BIDEN, the political base of Donald Trump are looked upon as white supremacists that this regime insists that to us all they are the greatest danger.

 In this most hyperbolic of political environments, we are witnessing things we thought that we would never see. This Biden regime rules with an iron hand for they will never bend. You can condemn what the January Sixers did that day all you want, but turning a blind eye to injustice and sadism committed in our name only hurts us all in the end. 

Written by Joe Esposito,08/04-07/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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