

Saturday, July 17, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 07/17/2021, A Few Thoughts On Cuba, A ‘Mental Midget’ Gives A Speech, A Tale Of Two Speeches

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“A Few Thoughts On Cuba”

 To the many millions in most of Latin America, our country remains the shining city on the hill even as the scumbag radicals like the SQUAD and their disgusting comrades run down our beloved America. Their demonization of our United States is what they do relentlessly. That, my fellow patriots, cannot be debated. Ours is the greatest country that was ever created. It truly must break their hearts to see Cuban protestors waving the American flag. Add to that the Officials in Haiti asking this feckless regime to keep order. Much help is what they need. That is for sure. Someone has got to clue them in. Don’t they know America is a racist, colonial power that feasts on the poor? Of course, I say that with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek as the saying goes. The world is getting so utterly chaotic as everyone surely knows.

 Trump’s predecessor lifted the embargo that was imposed on Cuba and in the end got nothing for it. He was so damn famous for making deals that rarely turned out well. In deal-making it was common knowledge that our forty president did excel. Trump reimposed the embargo on Cuba. It was the right thing to do. He could not let the Castro brothers and their cronies control imports and exports and profit from gouging. Communism has wrecked Cuba’s economy, an ­island rich in resources. On that, there can be no denying. That is the record of communism and socialism throughout history and around the world. Radicals like Bernie Sanders and those scumbags in the SQUAD will never admit it. That should come as no surprise. They and the rest of their America hating stooges you cannot help to truly despise.

 Isn’t it obvious that for these dirtbags to admit the failings of their despicable ideology it would mean the end of their dominance in our beloved country?? The dreams of a Leftist Revolution will never occur here. That can be said most assuredly.


“A ‘Mental Midget’ Gives A Speech!!’


To Philadelphia, the IMBECILIC FRAUD went. His purpose was to LIE to America to push an election law to benefit his PARTY OF HATE. Joe Biden is a despicable, disgusting piece of vermin. It is something that I cannot overstate. This is a man so devoid of decency and shame it brings us all to the point of regurgitation. We are still reeling from the widespread voter fraud in last year’s November election. We listened to his outrageous lies yesterday, his demonizing of the millions of us who voted for our forty-fifth president. This pathetic POS attempted to justify his legitimacy. It fell flat. That was so damn evident. He is truly a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT. We listened to this blithering idiot as he smeared the new voting reform law in Georgia as a vicious anti-voting law and likened it to a “Jim Crow assault.”  With the Republican Party, he always finds fault.


 His fear-mongering that the GOP  is trying to take over state elections in defiance of the will of the voters is ridiculous slander. The truth to this buffoon does not hardly matter. The common sense voting integrity measures put forth by the Georgia pols he calls voter subversion and suppression. The mistruths that he and his PARTY OF HATE and its propaganda machine is so utterly outrageous. It is without question. If I hear this scumbag say one more time about the fake things he accuses us of doing as being ‘the worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War’ I will surely puke I am telling you. This modern-day America-hating Democrat is as EVIL as can be. I count the days until Election 2022. Can you actually believe what you heard from the brain-dead fool when he claims that minorities can’t comply with simple voting procedures such as voting in the proper precinct or showing ID is soft bigotry? Is this not lunacy?? 

 I’d like to ask this demented dolt if he realizes the voting law in Georgia makes it possible to vote on more days than in Biden’s own state of Delaware. Of that, you can bet that he is surely unaware. Joe Biden is WORTHLESS, utterly USELESS. He is totally CORRUPT and has managed to father a son whose drug use and other illegal activities should have caused him to be put in a cell for a lifetime. The Biden family is made up of many who indulge in much crime. It is quite a criminal family syndicate. I dare anyone to try and deny it. Of course, this FRAUD in Chief will never be held to accountability. The SWAMP that is DC will protect him. That, my fellow patriots, is a certainty. 

“A Tale Of Two Speeches”

 In the past week, both the FRAUD in Chief and our forty-fifth President gave speeches, the former in Philadelphia, the latter in Dallas. I don’t have to tell you that Trump was on fire. Biden’s speech was anything but. It was so very obvious. Trump’s speech was ‘ghosted’ on the platforms of the Big Tech’s companies. In Biden’s speech, he tried his very best to prove his legitimacy. The thought of that is laughable. He lies with the greatest of ease. Trump’s performance was outstanding and that should have come as no surprise. He gives speeches that resonate with the folks. That certainly is something we have all come to realize. Our forty-fifth president was ‘on his game’, so viciously funny and scathingly honest to a great degree. No one could doubt he was so electrically entertaining. It is only a matter of time that it will be proven that it was he, not that blithering idiot who won the presidency.

 “Like socialist and communist movements throughout history, today’s leftists do not believe in freedom,” we heard Trump say in his speech. No one could possibly disagree. He continued. “They do not believe in democracy. They believe in Marxist morality — anything is justified as long as it hurts their political opponents and advances the radical agenda of their party.” He took on the usual suspects and the crowd loved the viciousness he expressed for the likes of Zuckerberg and a Barr who truly deserved every bit of it. Our forty-fifth president is the MASTER OF IMPROVISATION. With his audience, he is a very big hit. He will never ever win any friends in Washington and that is perfectly fine with his strong and loyal political base. The past five years he has managed not to wither under attack after attack. The speech he gave in Dallas clearly shows that he is indeed back.

 In Philadelphia, we saw the FRAUD giving his typical lackluster performance. He is an imbecile so what else would you expect. He is propped up by a very CORRUPT media. Their allegiance to this doddering old fool is so easy to detect. They try so very hard to lull us all into accepting his incomprehensible gibberish. So embarrassing is he. You just know he is perplexed by the thought that millions have that he won the election fraudulently. He tries to get his revenge by demonizing the seventy-five million-plus who voted for our forty-fifth president. His HATRED for them and for our beloved America is so very evident. He is destroying our country and I as well as all of you don’t take too kindly to it. It is being done so wantonly and willingly. He is far from legitimate, a babbling idiot, a true mental midget.

Written by Joe Esposito,07/14,15,16/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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