

Sunday, May 2, 2021

THE PUPPET PRESIDENT BIDEN, Goes for Broke / Joe Biden: The Fake Messiah / How Much Worse Can it Get?


Biden Goes for Broke

Traditionally, every American president has been compared to his predecessors. From this point of view, the main divide between Biden and Trump is that Biden is 100% predictable, and Trump was not. Trump's unpredictability baffled everyone, domestically and internationally. On the other hand, Biden is an open book, and this book even has a title: "Resolutions of the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party."

Predictably, Biden believes that all the problems facing America are connected directly or indirectly with the previous president and his millions of followers, all of whom are racists. Actually, all Democratic presidents adhere to this opinion. Still, there is a big difference between the militant socialist Obama and the awkward socialist Biden. If Obama tried to put America on a socialist track through legal, economic reforms, such as an attempt to nationalize the health care industry, Biden chose a different path. Biden is trying to achieve the left's goals with the help of financial mechanisms.

Biden's long-announced infrastructure bill is a multi-trillion-dollar and multi-year project. Its result should be an economy in which the primary employer in America will be not private companies, but the federal government. One federal employer, one federal legal owner of a gun, and one national ideology — this is the idée fixe of all the left. At the same time, under Obama, the nationalization of industry de jure did not occur, so Biden is trying to achieve this goal de-facto.

The American left is looking to the future with hope because the cost of Biden's mega-project exceeds the wealth of all American billionaires combined. Even theoretically, the American rich will not be able to resist this — they have too little money. Biden's program attempts to fulfill the dream of all leftists of equality of end results, which directly contradicts the fundamental American tradition of equality of initial conditions.

The same goes for Biden's education initiatives. In theory, the focus on education should not be rejected by the public. Still, Biden's plan aims not simply to increase federal funding for education, but to establish unrestricted federal control over education, teachers, and school curricula.

If Biden's mega-project on infrastructure comes to fruition, there is little chance that all subsequent presidents can do anything to stop it. If Congress allocates the money, then all subsequent presidents will have to implement the Biden project, whether they like it or not. A typical example of such collisions is the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. Biden really does not want to build this barrier, but the law is the law, and Biden is obligated to continue Trump's work.

If we mentioned the Mexican border, we must also mention Vice President Harris, with her demonstrative inaction over the chaos on the southern border. It should be noted that, from the Democratic point of view, the uncontrolled infiltration of illegal, or, as they are also called, undocumented aliens represents a well-ordered — not chaotic — expansion of the electoral base of the left with the help of an avalanche of undocumented Democrats. In particular, the Biden administration has completely abolished fines for illegal aliens for illegal stay in the United States.

It is also sadly necessary to state that it was under Biden that conservatives and all other dissidents in America were given the status of second-class citizens. Most dissidents have been banished to digital Gulags and internet concentration camps. Conservative opinion, like any other dissent, is declared extremist in Biden's America. Unfortunately, we know that virtual, digital prisons are paving the way for real Gulags.

Democrats under Biden do not even try to hide their politically motivated criminal prosecution of the opposition. The case against Rudy Giuliani is an act of outright revenge for the troubles that Giuliani had brought to Biden's family. Who could have guessed that the most successful mayor of New York's apartment would be raided before the homes of the participants in the shameful Russian hysteria or the son of President Biden?

At the same time, there was another episode of Soviet-like justice in America: FBI agents demonstratively seized only those computers that, according to Giuliani himself, did not contain information about Biden's son. Without verification, Giuliani was taken at his word, although he several times during a search offered copies of Biden's son's computer disks to FBI agents. The FBI agents were well aware that the real purpose of their visit was not a search per se, but intimidation of the dissident.

Unfortunately, this search of Giuliani's apartment and the office is only a minor episode in the leftists' ambitious strategy to criminalize the political opposition.

Besides criminalizing the opposition, Biden is also planning an unprecedented program to marginalize the opposition. This includes, for example, the desire to altogether abolish the filibuster in the Senate to pass laws by a simple majority. This will mean a fundamental transformation of America — in the new America, the opposition will have no rights and play a purely decorative, symbolic role.

In addition to the ambitious plans outlined, Biden also demonstrated several unforgivable mistakes.

He appropriated to himself (or rather, tried to appropriate) Trump's merits in creating a vaccine against the coronavirus. Sadly for Biden, the American people are not a mindless herd that does not remember what happened a year ago. Americans have an innate sense of justice, and outright lies and claims about the vaccine have resulted in a significant loss of Biden's political capital.

Biden's dispatch of two warships to the Black Sea for symbolic support of Ukraine was canceled by the same Biden. Moreover, it was canceled at the first angry shout from Moscow. If Trump had done something like this, it would definitely have led to his third impeachment.

Altogether, Biden's first 100 days have confirmed that he is an unexploded political bomb with a timed detonator. It is not known when this bomb will explode. Still, in his first 100 days, Biden systematically and mindlessly squandered his political capital, to the delight of not only the opposition but also his own vice president.

Joe Biden managed to develop a simple and effective plan for America's bankruptcy in 100 days. Therefore, he reached the turn of the first 100 days, unfortunately, like a laughingstock of the whole world. It is already clear that Biden will take honor in the small pantheon of anti-American American presidents. So far, it is not evident that Sleeping Joe possessed sufficient intellectual potential to change the status quo.


Joe Biden: The Fake Messiah

In the Abrahamic religions, the figure of the messiah is of importance. The Messiah is the one who brings salvation and liberation to a group of people. Listening to President Joe Biden’s speech marking 100 days in office, one wonders if this was speech delineating achievements and his administration legislative and policy agenda or a messianic speech proclaiming salvation and liberation for America, from the “evils” that have plagued our country for decades and from the Trump administration.

Biden went to a joint session of Congress to deliver a speech marking the first 100 days of his administration. In the speech, Biden proclaimed to the nation, “Tonight, I come to talk about crisis and opportunity. About rebuilding a nation, revitalizing our democracy and winning the future for America.” With these opening words, Biden began an encomium of the achievements of his administration in the past 100 days and his legislative agenda.

Biden pointed to the success of the policies adopted by his administration in response to the COVID pandemic. Policies which, he claims, have led to high numbers of vaccinations, the $1,400 checks to households, lower levels of COVID infections across the states, and the rebounding economy. Biden trumpeted these successes, despite most of them, in particular the vaccination levels, being achieved by the actions of the Trump administration.

The domestic legislative agenda for his administration also featured heavily in Biden’s speech. The agenda amounted to announcements of a large spending spree on progressive priorities and announcements for immigration “reform.” Highlighting policies such as his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, while also announcing a $1.8 trillion spending plan. The latter plan dubbed the “America’s Family plan” seeks to spend money for child-care, paid family and medical leave, free universal pre-school, free community college, etc., while also calling for Congress to pass immigration reform. 
In the process of ending his speech, Biden said, “With light and hope, we summoned a new strength, new resolve to position us to win the competition of the 21st century.” Words that show that Biden is a politician dominated by liberal salvationism, thus becoming a progressive messianic figure.

Political thinker Kenneth Minogue, in his book The Liberal Mind, defines liberal salvationism as the belief that the human condition can be perfected. This means it is possible to eliminate all suffering in the world. This salvationism is undoubtedly attractive because no one would oppose a politician claiming to solve society’s ills. Indeed, the success of this salvationism is shown by the positive approval numbers that Biden still has.

However, Minogue notes salvationist politicians turn every problem into what he calls a “suffering situation,” meaning that every problem is turned into a situation involving a victim and oppressor, which necessitates a government response to end such suffering. Biden, being a salvationist, proposed the usual government response to such suffering: spending taxpayer’s money and regulation.

Hence, Biden is pursuing a spending spree regardless of the costs to taxpayers, the public debt, and inflation fears, in his messianic drive to solve the problems of America, while also calling for more regulation for the achievement of progressive priorities such as climate change. The problem is that next year the president’s administration will come calling back for more of the same policies.

The latter point reveals the danger with salvationist politicians: they do not when to stop. They will continue to find problems to solve by state action until suffering is eliminated in America. This will be an infinite process in which the federal government will continue to spend, regulate, and manage more and more aspects of American life, putting in jeopardy the freedoms that made America the envy of the world.

As history tells us, the policies announced in this speech will not solve America’s problems. Simply look at past speeches and policies adopted by former presidents throughout the 20th and early 21st century when dealing with basically the same problems. Only policies that put the freedom of Americans at the forefront will ease the problems facing the nation.

Suffering is a fact of life that cannot be eliminated, only eased. This is a hard truth that salvationist politicians like Joe Biden cannot understand. Biden is not the first and certainly is not the last political figure in the White House claiming to be the liberator and savior of our Republic. For the sake of the nation, we need to be aware of these fake messiahs. 


How Much Worse Can it Get?

Things may actually get a little worse than they are now. The Democrats under the “Biden” administration have shed any last vestiges of pretense surrounding their desire to utterly remake the United States into some idealized version of their socialistic, utopian land where all the inhabitants’ lives are totally controlled and orchestrated by an all-knowing, benevolent government -- for the supposed good of the individual, of course. That the populace will then be totally and completely dependent on the government for everything is never explicitly disclosed, although this is actually the ultimate goal: unconditional control, no opposing viewpoint, no competing power, no hindrance to absolute Progressive domination.

Here’s the progressive wish list:

  1. Control the media and thus manipulate the exact message you want the voting public to receive.
  2. Continue to have elections, to maintain the appearance of national self-determination.
  3. Rig those elections in your favor and howl with protest when you’re caught doing so. The media will cover for you and forestall any serious fraud inquires, preserving your stolen elections. Mountains of bona fide fraud evidence will be ignored and not acted upon.
  4. Admit unrestricted numbers of illegal aliens, all of whom will become your voters, permanently shifting the voter demographic in your favor.
  5. Admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, collecting four additional progressive senators in the process.
  6. Eliminate the filibuster, making a simple Senate majority sufficient for passing any initiative, so you can “eliminate debate,” as one of your leading voices said so memorably.

Progressives are trying hard to do all of this, right now. If they should achieve total control, what do they want to impose on the country? What is their ultimate aim? There are several progressive goals, some more substantial and damaging than others. Taken as a whole, however, a progressive America will be starkly different than the one you grew up in.

Their vision includes:

  • Green initiatives, meaning zero carbon emissions, no internal combustion engine cars by 2030, no meat, and no oil, natural gas, or fracking.
  • Greatly relaxed policing practices, elimination of cash bail, nonprosecution of ‘low-level’ crimes like prostitution and petty theft.
  • A military hamstrung by politically-correct policies that place a higher priority on socially-acceptable appearances (“Maternity flight suits”) than maintaining an effective national security and preserving our ability to influence world affairs by dint of our military potential.
  • A return to the America Second approach of the Obama era. Offer hotel accommodations, free health care and stimulus payments to illegal immigrants, while disabled American veterans have to beg for the generosity of private donations in order to be able to afford their rehabilitative care or be able to stay in their home. Think about that: Wounded Warriors Project and Tunnels to Towers depend on individual donations, while the progressives foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ room service -- on your dime.
  • Reparations for slavery. A bill for this is working its way through Congress.

It’ll be interesting to see how reparations eligibility and payouts are determined. Who is “pure” black enough to receive a full share? Are Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and Barack Obama eligible despite their mixed parentage? Are only “African” Americans eligible or will Caribbean Island people of color -- like Kamala Harris or former Red Sox star David “Big Papi” Ortiz -- also qualify? The way this plays out will indeed be fascinating, although the betting here is that any portion of mixed background will receive the full payment, as long as that payment is confiscated from the approved hide.

As in any self-respecting central-government-dominated society, the privileged leader class will conveniently escape being forced to live under the same rules as the proletariat. The Pelosis, Schumers, and Kerrys of the land will always have their gated properties, complete with $20,000 freezers, unlimited heat and electricity, and immediate access to private jet transportation.

However, at some point, there will be a reckoning, an awakening from the underclass, an anti-progressive voting wave. The Great Unwashed won’t take it anymore. The memories of a truer, more just daily life, the way it was just a short generation ago -- not perfect, perhaps, but infinitely better than the current progressive Utopia -- will bubble to the surface. Great swaths of the general population will demand an end to the progressive shell game that ruined life in America. As more and more personal rights are taken away and replaced by mandates, property-sharing, and arbitrary quotas, there will be a huge voter backlash. Huge.

Many Republican governors are fighting hard right now against the progressive agenda to maintain some semblance of a sane life, especially with regards to Draconian COVID regulations, infringement on constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, and the acceptance of illegal immigrants. This is all good. However, the key to this voter protest will be the traditional moderate Democrats. (Yes, there are still a lot of them.) Obviously, conservatives will be opposed to the progressives right from the start, but they only comprise 40-45% of the vote. In order for the really hard-core progressive movement to be stopped, it will take significant old-line Democratic participation.

This will be difficult because emotional/team “rooting” in politics is a very high hurdle to overcome. To a snooty New England liberal who has always voted for the Democrat to all of a sudden vote for a Republican is a tall order indeed. But if things do get that bad -- if their personal finances are shredded, their career prospects are short-circuited and their kids’ education consists of even more one-sided leftist indoctrination than it does now -- then those Joe the Plumber lifelong Democrats will jump ship and join with conservative to wrest back control of the country.

Upper-crust liberals won’t care about a progressive transformation, because, like the privileged Soviets of fifty years ago, they already “have theirs” and so they’ll be unaffected by the new Progressive rules.

The voter backlash succeeds when the average Democrat -- the teacher, the plumber, the small-town doctor who isn’t making the big bucks -- realizes that most of their work is merely supporting others and the chances of them and their children really getting ahead in life are essentially nonexistent, thanks to the new progressive government policies.

The old saying goes that, “Things must hit rock-bottom before real change occurs.” Where is the progressive bottom? With even a modicum of luck, we’re almost there now and real recovery begins in 2022.

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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