

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Mike Lindell Says That Trump DID WIN Maricopa County By 80K Votes!



Mike Lindell Says That Trump DID WIN Maricopa County By 80K Votes!

The audit in Arizona, Maricopa County has been the top story even though the mainstream media won’t cover it at all. We all knew that they would be silent since it would show how they were complicit in the fraud that stole an election from the President of the United States.
However, that hasn’t stopped the audit going forward in not just Maricopa County but in other counties and states across the country.

The Democrats seem terrified of the results since they have thrown everything at it, including the kitchen sink to stop what is happening, but that hasn’t stopped the results from leaking out.

80K votes!

Like, I said that is not a small number at all.

This is why they were attempting to delete the databases that were thankfully recovered. You couple that with the finding of Matt DePerno, and the other irregularities, and Wham-O you have seen the picture that the deep state has been hiding for month

Take a look:



Steve Bannon’s War Room had more of Lindell’s perspective:

Lindell said Arizona must get access to the routers the Board of Supervisors is currently hiding from the Senate. “They injected votes in Arizona before the election even started,” Lindell said. “This is going to prove that.”

Lindell said there is a very simple reason Maricopa county is refusing to turn over the routers. “The routers are going to show exactly — it will confirm that the attack where it came from,” he said. “It gets specific, right down to the IP addresses.

“That’s why they’re trying to stop us from getting the routers,” Lindell said. “They know where the information is hidden.”


The Washington Examiner gave us more on Lindell and Antrim County Michigan:

The controversial mustachioed businessman, whose election fraud documentary was panned by critics as being rife with falsehoods, said there will be a filing in court on Monday that will be “very embarrassing” for Newsmax, a conservative news outlet that apologized last week to an employee at Dominion Voting Systems for vote manipulation claims.

“I’ll have really big news once this day is completed,” Lindell told former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast. “It’s a game-changer, and it’s really going to make Newsmax look bad.”

Lindell appeared to be referring to a lawsuit in Antrim County, Michigan, that has expanded from a legal challenge over a local marijuana retailer proposal to claims that Dominion machines and software might have intentionally manipulated the election results up and down the ballot.

This should be just about enough evidence to show that the election was stolen but where we go from here is anyone’s guess. However, I do know that we need to keep the pressure on and not stop till we get the answers that we all deserve.


"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

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