

Saturday, April 3, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 04/03/2021, “In A Political State HELL!!!”/‘And So . . .”

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“In A Political State HELL!!!”

 It is utterly depressing to see how our America is being torn apart by this FRAUD who sits in the seat where our beloved forty-fifth President once sat. Joe Biden has indeed proven to be one malleable Democrat. The ultra-radical lunatics in this PARTY OF HATE have a puppet that they can manipulate so damn easily. There is not one radical policy that this FRAUD in Chief would be willing to dismiss. We remember so vividly when this blithering IDIOT claimed last fall that he was not the SOCIALIST that many of us predicted he would be once in office. It didn’t take very long for Biden to use the radical rhetoric of that DETESTABLE senator from the state of Vermont. The many lies that we’ve heard this ILLEGITIMATE president spew are so many. It is very easy for us to lose count.

 Once this DOLT won this election by fraudulent means he began talking about revolutionary institutional changes that would fundamentally transform our America. In less than three months we have been totally overwhelmed by his horrific political agenda. Incredulously it will get worst as time goes on. There will be no end to the harm that this FRAUD is capable of. Already the effects of it are being felt. One theme that surely has emerged was the idea that Joe Biden would be the most PROGRESSIVE president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He is thoroughly hell-bent on hooking Americans to BIG GOVERNMENT. This is the dire state that he is putting our country in. He talks much about how progressive he wishes to be. But where does that end and SOCIALISM begin?

 Let’s be honest. Even if this FRAUD will still reject the SOCIALIST label he’s certainly not pretending to be the MODERATE he insisted he was during the primary and the general campaign. That is so very obvious. His policies are way the hell out of the political mainstream. What we have seen him do this far is so utterly dangerous. The southern border is in deep crisis and the spending that he is pushing is beyond the pale. It is of a massive scale. This is a man so more and more concerned with his political legacy. He is so consumed with it and rushes against the clock to push every damn disgusting radical policy as best as he can. There is no time to lose for this useful idiot of the lunatics. They have their way with this pathetic man.

 After his massive 1.9 trillion dollar Covid-19 bill he sets his sights on passing an even bigger Infrastructure Bill that truly is beyond belief. We all know what is coming next from this FRAUD in Chief. Tax hikes will be high on his agenda. From this man and his PARTY OF HATE, there will be no relief. The CORRUPT media will do its best to cover for their chosen president for we all know they wear their advocacy for the Democrat Party as a badge of honor. They ‘carry the water’ for them so very well. No one can tell me that we are not in a POLITICAL STATE OF HOLY HELL!


 Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History.

‘And So . . .”

 There really is no end to this ULTRA RADICAL AGENDA. I am telling you each day these lunatics move ever closer to destroying our beloved America. With their stooge who sits in the Oval Office so eager to do their bidding, we cringe at what will come next to horrify many of us. My fellow patriots, I am dead serious. Believe me when I say, “I ain’t kidding.” The CORRUPT media sits at attention, waiting to do what the radical left desires. They are advocates to the extreme. Each of the scumbags in the media dare not step out of line. Never do they equivocate. Their obedience to the DNC is so sickening. They are in the back pocket of the PARTY OF HATE. Narratives are embellished. It is putting our nation in a most terrible state. The optics are so troubling. The CANCEL CULTURE is making this country look like a joke. The way the Democrats are spending money the question is how long will it take for us to go broke.

 The LEFT plays a most dangerous game. Their propensity to RACIALIZE most everything I so deplore. It is just not right. I adamantly refuse to hold my head in shame just because I am white. Our FOUNDING FATHERS surely must be rolling in their graves in seeing what is happening in our body politic. How truly appalling it is to see this country moving from a DEMOCRAT REPUBLIC to one that is more and more SOCIALISTIC. What we have been subjected to by this FRAUDULENT regime is more than enough to get you totally disgusted. Don’t try and tell me that we can throw out the PARTY OF HATE in this next election. It is highly doubtful that they’ll lose. Do you really think the results of any election can be trusted?? In Georgia, they have taken steps to ensure election integrity. You can see the brouhaha it has caused. We are in the midst of such INSANITY!

 Nothing is off-limits to this ILLEGITIMATE president. He is pathetic slime. He insists that the ALL STAR game not be played in Atlanta. This fool has the gall to politicize baseball, our national pastime. Of course, the sport falls in line. They surrender. They cower. This Tucker Carlson headline says it all, “MLB ‘Encouraging the Destruction of Democracy’; Biden Willing to Destroy Baseball to Increase Democrats’ Power”. COCA-COLA and DELTA also take issue with the Georgia State Legislature Election reform. To require Photo id to vote is somehow reeks of RACISM?? We hear JIM CROW mentioned yet again. The scourge of WOKENESS is everywhere. If you try and fight it you are doomed to fail. In the entertainment field, it is being reported that James Bond will be replaced by a black female.  This is enough to drive anyone insane. I can go on and on about how the PARTY OF HATE, the CORRUPT media have done their best to throw more fuel in an already raging fire. What they are doing to our beloved America is so utterly breathtakingly profane!!! 

Written by Joe Esposito,04/03/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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