

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Liberty Tree Friends & Patriots: FYI - THINGS WORTH KNOWING: 03/10/2021 - Attention! Attention! Fake Patriots Groups Popping Up!

 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"; it may have originated as "a little learning is a dangerous thing": A little learning is a dangerous thingdrink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: their shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.

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The Liberty Tree Friends & Patriots: FYI - Things Worth Knowing


Attention! Attention! Attention!


There are fake patriot groups popping up, I have just been exposed to one here in Delaware and they have a political and military agenda, and it is to expose the real patriots here in America, their first mission is character assassination to politically remove Real patriots from the battlefield, Their second agenda is to have the government come in and act like the Gestapo against real patriots.

Be aware of these things they will pose as friends and like-minded to yourself, but what will give them away is their lack of knowledge of the Declaration of Independence and the religious connection to it, their ignorance of the Constitution will also be a red flag for you, be cautious these are treasonous domestic enemies, they are Judas on steroids, these people are not much different than black lives matter or ANTIFA! 

There are fake patriot groups popping up, I have just been exposed to one here in Delaware and they have a political and military agenda, and it is to expose the real patriots here in America, their first mission is character assassination to politically remove Real patriots from the battlefield, Their second agenda is to have the government come in and act like the Gestapo against real patriots.

Be aware of these things they will pose as friends and like-minded to yourself, but what will give them away is their lack of knowledge of the Declaration of Independence and the religious connection to it, their ignorance of the Constitution will also be a red flag for you, be cautious these are treasonous domestic enemies, they are Judas on steroids, these people are not much different than black lives matter or ANTIFA! 

 Bill Sharpe


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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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