

Thursday, March 4, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 03/03/2021, “As Things Stand Now . . .”/“As We, All Know . . .”

 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“As Things Stand Now . . .”

It is DEMORALIZING to see what this ILLEGITIMATE president and his PARTY OF HATE are doing to our beloved America. We are getting pummeled by these scumbags and their RADICAL agenda. Our hopes are with the Republican Party to be a strong and loyal opposition. To say that is needed is truly an understatement but we were encouraged by the CPAC speech that we heard on Sunday from our forty-fifth president. Making over the GOP is the right course to take. To do otherwise would prove to be a grave mistake. For the midterm elections, we must run AMERICA FIRST candidates. It is what we must do. To the Republican Party, it will bring great value.

 To take back the House we only need five seats to flip. It is extremely imperative that we win back the lower chamber of Congress and finally rid us of Speaker Pelosi. Each and every day we see the danger that this PARTY OF HATE poses. They so DESPISE and LOATHE our beloved country. All our energies must be put into capturing the majority in both the House and the Senate. A repeat of what happened in the midterm election of 2010 would be so very glorious. It must be done. We must be VICTORIOUS. Methinks that as time goes on it will become more and more apparent that there is indeed a GOP LANDSLIDE in the making. It is certainly ours for the taking.

 America cannot possibly endure the policies being pushed by a Democrat Party that veers more and more to the Left. This is a country that is politically center/right. We sense in this electorate ‘buyer’s remorse’ that has come to light. The PARTY OF HATE is starting to feel the heat as they are reverting to their usual canard. Once again we are seeing bring up the ‘race card’. That scumbag, Senator DICK Durbin is quoted as saying the breach at the Capitol was all about White Supremacy, not about the 2020 election. Of course, talk like that will make each and every RINO scurry off like a scared rat. They are so intimidated by every damn Democrat.

 As the four years have taught us during the ERA OF THE DON you have to take each and every despicable HATER head-on. You cannot let them and the CORRUPT media set the false narrative. That must never be. Things have to change in this Republican Party’s DNA. It must if we are to attain VICTORY. Right now all of these RADICALS who populate this regime feel so emboldened. They feel as they did when their beloved Obama won the White House back in 2008. What a shellacking we took from him and the PARTY OF HATE. From the ashes arose the Tea Party to bring our side back from the dead. It was a great moment. Fear not, my fellow patriots, history will repeat itself with this ever-growing MAGA movement.

“As We, All Know . . .”


The Trumpian agenda is becoming the issues agenda of the conservative movement. To all of the disgusting RINOS please take note of this. At the CPAC convention, it was made clear by our forty-fifth president. His MAGA movement will be very difficult for anyone to dismiss. The revitalized Republican Party must be united for the next election it is imperative that we win back both the House and the Senate. The future of our beloved republic is at stake. If the GOP fails to be united, it will prove to be a very big mistake. Trump made it very clear during his CPAC address how, in a matter of six weeks, this fraudulent regime has made things far worse in our America. The demented DOLT is truly a puppet that is controlled by lunatics with a most RADICAL agenda. Shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, for example, is a policy decision that is certain to eliminate thousands of jobs to prevent an “existential crisis” millions of workers do not see. In addition this FRAUD in Chief has moved for all the goalposts for all from equality to equity. Of course, as we all should surely know, this can only be achieved by socialist action to even out incomes and wealth through quotas and affirmative action. The thought if this strikes at the heart of Middle America and will bring much disgust and dissatisfaction. 


If that is not enough to ‘swallow’ there is the liberal immigration policy of this FRAUD that is horrifying in its scope. It has caused such a stampede on our southern border. What we will have under this reckless regime is an increase in mayhem and disorder. Securing the border is a populist and national security issue. Of that, there should not be any doubt. As we can plainly see by the actions of this illegitimate regime doing what is best for America is not what they are about. But what has great appeal for millions of us are the AMERICA FIRST issues of economic nationalism and the return of manufacturing to our beloved country. And last, but not least, is keeping U.S. troops out of foreign wars where no vital U.S. interests are imperiled. Unfortunately, while this illegitimate FRAUD is in place there is not a chance that any of this is what we will be seeing. It is the dismantling of every good thing our forty-fifth president has done. More of this we will be witnessing. Until the mid-term elections are upon us we must fight as best as we can. Ensuring ELECTION SECURITY is a must. Thereafter we can focus on getting back in the White House our MAN for in Donald J Trump we have the utmost TRUST.

Written by Joe Esposito,03/03/2021


ONE bill that is a threat to Election Integrity

H.R. 1—or Pelosi’s election takeover bill—is scheduled for a vote this week in the House.

The bill is titled, the “For the People Act,” but a better name would be the “For the Politician's Act.” If H.R. 1 passes, politicians’ election campaigns would be publicly funded through a 6-to-1 matching program.

In addition to swampy provisions to benefit the political establishment in Washington, H.R. 1 has numerous partisan policies that are meant to directly benefit the political Left, by making voter fraud easier.

H.R. 1 would:

  • Remove state voter ID requirements
  • Mandate same-day voter registration
  • Auto register voters who partake in government programs (even if they aren’t citizens)
  • Restore voting rights for felons
  • Require unaccountable redistricting committees (instead of state legislatures) to draw the congressional boundaries
  • Give one-party majority control of the Federal Election Commission (Currently, the FEC has six members—three from each party—H.R. 1 would change it to five total).

Now that Biden, Pelosi, & Schumer have power, they want to rig the rules to ensure nobody can take it away.

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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