

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Washington Post Sensors Story About Kamala Harris...And Twitter Also ...Welcome To Propaganda Press

 Black Socialist Now Vice President

Washington Post Scrubs Unflattering Report on Kamala Harris Mocking Starving Prisoners — The Same Woman Who Kept Black Men in Prison for Their Cheap Labor

Lovely Kamala.
No wonder she quit the presidential race before the first primary.

The Washington Post was caught this week scrubbing an unflattering interview with Kamala Harris where she mocked starving prisoners.

The Washington Post scrubbed an unflattering anecdote of Vice President Kamala Harris crassly laughing at the thought of a prisoner begging for a drink of water — then backtracked Friday after an eagle-eyed reporter took notice.

Harris made the comments in a July 2019 Washington Post profile about her relationship with her sister and trusted aide, Maya Harris, when the former California prosecutor was running for president.

But that story disappeared from the site — with its link redirecting to a newer version published on Jan. 11, sans anecdote.

In the opening of the 2019 piece, Harris described her grueling schedule on the campaign trail — and the respite she got from SoulCycle sessions and walks on the beach with her husband.

“It’s a treat that a prisoner gets when they ask for, ‘A morsel of food please,’” Harris told Washington Post reporter Ben Terris, who described the then-presidential candidate as “shoving her hands forward as if clutching a metal plate, her voice now trembling like an old British man locked in a Dickensian jail cell.”

Read more here.

This is even more concerning considering Kamala’s history of abusing California prisoners for their cheap labor.

A beautiful Mosaic of Kamala Harris made out of all the Black men she locked up and kept in prison past their release date for cheap prison labor via Black Socialist

Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison past their release date so she could use these men for $2 a day for the state.

Back in February 2019 Jackie Kucinich at The Daily Beast wrote about Kamala Harris’s Attorney General office keeping inmates locked up so the state could use them for cheap labor.

Just like slavers.

Kamala also locked up 1,500 people for marijuana violations.

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INCLUDES...a little HISTORY lesson about PELOSI!!! FASCISTBOOK has BLOCKED HUSTUSA, for 311 days from August 2016 to August 2017...and as of August 2020, HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM FASCISTBOOK COMPLETELY!!! The Main Stream Media has been doing the same for WAY LONGER!!! It's time to STAND UNITED and BOYCOTT the loony-lefty-brain-washing-BULL-SHITTERS!!!

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