

Sunday, February 21, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 02/21/2021, A Regime So Hard To Take / Check The Calendar And You’ll See

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito


“A Regime So Hard To Take”

 Each day the IRRATIONAL policies of the FRAUD in Chief come into full view. It’s not surprising to the vast millions of us. Of course, the HATERS will tell you to suck it up’ and be accepting of these radical policies. And why you will ask? They’ll remind you that elections do indeed have consequences when all is said and done. Methinks that is a lot of bull crap because this past election was indeed a most FRAUDULENT one. In this ORWELLIAN world that we live in this is not supposed to be said. Sorry. But all I can say is if you believe there was not an ‘election heist’ then you are truly brain dead. Unfortunately, we are stuck with an ILLEGITIMATE president who has this sentimental longing for the days of a MONSTER who he once obediently served under. If those times were one of peace and prosperity they would be certainly be welcomed by one and all. But that was not the case if you looked at it objectively. Our beloved America was surely saved, as everyone knows, by the Donald J Trump presidency.

  Despite all of the CORRUPT media and the radical Left revisionist efforts to eradicate the achievements of our forty-fifth president, his successes benefited millions of Americans. It is especially troubling that we are seeing this FRAUD reversing all those benefits with such reckless abandon. Such is the state that our body politic is in. With the Congress and White House in the hands of the PARTY OF HATE, this is, to say the least, a very scare and tenuous time for our beloved nation. What is most alarming in this ERA OF THE FRAUD is his stance on Immigration. Incredulously this demented DOLT  pledges not to build another foot of border wall and pause nearly all ­deportations for one hundred days. This policy is enough to make one truly sick. Does not this fool realize this makes absolutely no sense in a world in which we have this hideous pandemic? It’s the agenda, the radical agenda that is this disgusting regime’s highest priority. They are totally committed to undoing every good and decent thing that had been put forth by the Trump presidency.

 On Friday, at the G-7 Security Conference, it was announced that this regime abandoned Trump’s America First policy. It was said that we are indeed better off when we outsource our interests to the various institutions of the globalists. It is a complete reversal that brought great joy and cheer. Another leftist policy to which millions of us do not adhere. A second announcement that was made was that America would be rejoining the CLIMATE ACCORD which was rightfully abandoned by our forty-fifth president. That, my fellow patriots, was not at all surprising. It’s easy to see that any damn policy put forth during the Trump presidency this disgusting regime they’ll get rid of. On and on it goes anything relating to TRUMP they will be disparaging. It is the Trump legacy they are so anxious to erase. It is very much RUSSIA-like. That is the blueprint they are using. It is total RESISTANCE that must be employed. If you think the GOP is up to that task I have to ask you this, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING???

“Check The Calendar And You’ll See. . .”

Tomorrow will be one month that this ILLEGITIMATE president has been in office and it has been made abundantly clear the direction that he is taking our beloved America. You don’t hear any more talk of unity. Half of our country wants absolutely nothing to do with this FRAUD’S disgusting SOCIALISTIC AGENDA. All of the good policies of our forty-fifth president have been slowly eviscerated. Oh, how millions of us have missed the times when we had such strong leadership. We long for our DON who always had our back and made our America so great. Things have now so radically changed. These are indeed DARK DAYS. We are suffering from a truly great MALAISE. What a downward turn we are in the midst of. It will surely be the steepest decline. All of the lowlifes in the media try to convince you that under this regime things are oh so fine. The cretins in the White House keep shuffling papers for the FRAUD in Chief to sign. Executive order after executive order is issued at great speed. Methinks that the demented DOLT is a puppet who gives ear to all of the radicals. He listens obediently but is utterly incapable to lead.

 These times are indeed tumultuous. The socialistic agenda truly makes this so. All of the horrific policies of Trump’s predecessor’s policies have been resuscitated. That is something that you must surely know. The OPEN BORDERS initiatives are anything but compassionate though those in this regime say that it is. That’s a pure fallacy for ending the Migrant Protection Protocols sends a strong signal that it is okay to come to this country unlawfully. The floodgates are being opened as we will see illegal immigration surging. This is one policy of many on this FRAUD’S political agenda that is unsettling and troubling. We are getting mired in a political atmosphere that one might say is surreal. On the foreign policy front, there is, as we all are aware, the cozying up to China, and last but not least is the re-emergence of the IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL. These are a few of the lowlights of this regime. One could say that America’s descent is approaching quite fast. To put everything succinctly. We have morphed from AMERICA FIRST to AMERICA LAST.

 The PARTY OF HATE is in the majority and when that occurs it is imperative that we have a strong and vibrant political opposition. For the next two years, it is incumbent that the GOP play that role. Total RESISTANCE to the Democrat agenda is what they must show. Can a political party infested with so many RINOS capable of it? Sadly, the simple answer to that is an emphatic, NO!!!

Written by Joe Esposito,02/20/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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