

Thursday, January 28, 2021

John Roberts Chief Justice of Corruption / Democrat Senator Introduces DC Statehood Bill

John Roberts Chief JusticeAND 


Now that Democrats have the power, they are going to use every trick in the book to get their way.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has already talked about invoking measures that would enable Democrats to pass legislation with a simple majority (reconciliation) rather than 60 votes (in cases where 60 votes are needed).

Joe Biden has already proven that he will use Executive Orders to push his agenda through, having signed more than 30 of them in his first five days in office, with more to come.

Now Schumer is revealing another tactic, asking Biden to declare a climate emergency so he “can do many, many things…”

Declare a Climate Emergency

If you watch Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.) during his interview with Rachel Maddow, you can see the nefarious intent on his face.

Schumer believes that Biden should declare a climate emergency so he more or less has unlimited power on pushing through legislation on this front.

Also, notice how Maddow did not even bat an eyelash over the idea of doing this!

Sadly, this was predicted when Trump declared a border crisis to lock down the funding of the border wall.

In 2019, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) actually predicted this exact scenario.

At the time, he stated, “If today, the national emergency is border security … tomorrow the national emergency might be climate change.”

His crystal ball, sadly, saw the future and now we are about to live it.


Democrat Senator Introduces DC Statehood Bill

For most of the last decade, Democrats have been trying to get statehood for the District of Columbia.

In 2013, Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) introduced legislation to make D.C. a state, but he failed.

Now that Democrats have complete control of the government, he is giving it another shot, and Republicans should be VERY worried.

The Origins of D.C.

In order to understand just how corrupt and underhanded this move is, you need to have a basic understanding of how D.C. came to be in the first place.

The idea of D.C. as our nation’s Capitol was first established in 1790 via the Residence Act.

The original land for the territory was ceded by both Virginia and Maryland, with Virginia getting its land back in 1846.

The “city” was never meant to be a state but instead a jurisdiction that would fall under the purview of Congress to serve as the nation’s capital, where all major branches of the federal government could operate.

Even though the city has a mayor, ultimately, Congress can overrule any local laws.

While D.C. has no representation in the Senate, it does have one congressional delegate in the House of Representatives… and that is what this is really all about.

More Power for Democrats

It goes without saying that if D.C. were to become a state, the two Senate seats allocated to the new state would be won by Democrats.

This would more or less give Dems two automatic seats for the foreseeable future, and that is what they are really after.

Senator Carper, however, is making it about taxation, stating, “[D]espite paying more in federal taxes per capita than citizens of any of the 50 states, D.C. residents have no say in how those taxes are actually spent.

“This isn’t a Republican or Democratic issue; it’s an American issue because the lack of fair representation for D.C. residents is clearly inconsistent with the values on which this country was founded.

“It is therefore incumbent upon all of us who enjoy the right and the privilege of full voting rights and representation to take up the cause of our fellow citizens in the District of Columbia.

“We must use our voices to call out this historic injustice and right this wrong. I am hopeful that we can finally come together to do just that this Congress.”

The facts, however, create quite a different scenario.

The land was donated with a clear outline in place as to how the business would be conducted in D.C.

D.C. has no right at all to become a state because if the residents want representation, Maryland should have the right to claim the land back and absorb the residents into its congressional representation.

If not, this amounts to theft by the federal government, more specifically, Democrats, solely to gain more power in Congress.

Even with Democrats having control, such a measure would currently require 60 votes to pass, votes Democrats do not have.

This is something that will clearly be targeted for reconciliation, meaning Democrats would only need 51 votes.

With Kamala Harris now having the tie-breaking vote, if all Democrats in the Senate voted in favor and reconciliation was used, Harris would be able to cast the 51st vote needed to turn D.C. into the 51st state of our Republic.


"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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