

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Rule of Law and The Indoctrination Against It

With the recent news of several “Disturbing Legal Rulings,” I decided to delve into some history of the legal profession. What I found is the makings of a Stephen King novel that would make you have nightmares.

Progressive Law: The Root Cause of the Problem

Christopher C. Langdell

In only the last 140 years or so, we have gone from the “Rule of Law” to a bunch of Brainwashed, or indoctrinated, idiots. And it can be traced back to basically ONE MAN —- Christopher Columbus Langdell.

In the mid-19th century, there was much concern about the quality of legal education in the United States. Christopher Columbus Langdell, who served as dean of Harvard Law School from 1870 to 1895, dedicated his life to reforming legal education in the United States. The historian Robert Stevens wrote that “it was Langdell’s goal to turn the legal profession into a university-educated one—and not at the undergraduate level, but through a three-year post-baccalaureate degree.” This graduate-level study would allow the intensive legal training that Langdell had developed, known as the case method (a method of studying landmark cases) and the Socratic method (a method of examining students on the reasoning of the court in the cases studied).

In the early 1870s, Langdell’s case method classes were met with open hostility, if not of the other instructors, certainly of the bulk of the students. His first lectures were followed by impromptu indignation meetings—“What do we care whether [this student] agrees with the case, or what [that student] thinks of the dissenting opinion? What we want to know is: What is the Law?”

Langdell’s abomination gradually gained acceptance. Charles W. Eliot (President of Harvard) remained supportive, and the leading opponents on the faculty left Harvard Law School or retired. The stronger students continued to be won over to the unusual teaching. During his studies at HLS, future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis observed in 1877:

“Some of our professors are trying to inculcate in us a great distrust of textbooks, and to prove to us the truth of the maxim “It is better to go up to the sources than to follow the rivulets downhill.” When one sees how loosely most textbooks are written and how many startling propositions are unsupported by the authorities cited to sustain them, the temptation to become a convert…is very great.” ~ Letter from Louis D. Brandeis to Otto A. Wehle (12 March 1876).

Lawyers today are taught to look at ‘Case Files’ and use what is known as ‘Precedence’. This is WRONG! Just because some JUDGE, or a JURY, made a decision in 1877, on a similar case… THAT does NOT mean it is the final word on the rule of law — Even a Supreme Court Ruling. These folks are human and humans DO make mistakes from time to time. Laws MUST be read verbatim, word for word, and acted upon by what they SAY —- Not how some liberal or conservative ‘Interprets’ them.

The absolute “Law of the Land” is called the Constitution. All laws, or here in NC, General Statutes, MUST fall within the guidelines of the US & North Carolina Constitutions. If they do not, then they are not a law at all. We have TONS of these already on the books and they must be purged.

We must demand that our Elected Judges be retaught the RULE of LAW. PERIOD! We the people must take back our courts to ensure ONLY the Rule of Law is considered in all cases. And they must STRICTLY adhere to their “Oath of Office” which states they must UPHOLD the Constitution!

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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