

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Trump Team Separates From Sidney Powell


The Trump Team Separates From Sidney Powell

Perhaps they think she got too far out over her skis with claims of fraud.

We’re with President Donald Trump and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Always have been.

We believe the Democrats engaged in widespread fraud in Philadelphia and in other Democrat-controlled big cities on November 3. We believe this because history tells us that’s what Democrats do. And we’ve been warning about this since May.

We also believe this because what Jimmy Carter and James Baker said in the conclusion to their 2005 report on Federal Election Reform is indisputable: “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” Every thoughtful and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation, acknowledges this. And yet the Democrats nonetheless succeeded in using the coronavirus as an excuse to flood the landscape with those same dubious mail-in ballots and keep folks from voting in the same tried-and-true way we’ve always voted: in person.

Finally, we believe this because Rudy Giuliani and his team have pulled together hundreds of sworn affidavits of American citizens that support this claim of massive fraud and vote-counting irregularities.

How massive? We don’t know. How provable? We don’t know that either. But we do know this: The idea that gaffe-prone, basement-bound, uninspiring Joe Biden racked up a lot more population-adjusted votes than any presidential candidate in modern history, including young, dynamic Barack Obama during his once-in-a-lifetime 2008 campaign, is simply laughable.

And we’re not alone in our belief. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 30% of Democrats believe it’s either very likely (20%) or somewhat likely (10%) that the election was stolen from Trump.

But like President Trump and Rudy, we also believe Sidney Powell got too far out over her skis during last week’s press conference. Yesterday, the president’s legal team released a statement saying, “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

As Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner reports, “With Trump-allied insiders distancing themselves from massive and unproven election fraud allegations being made by Sidney Powell, the president’s legal team announced on Sunday that the attorney has no direct role in their efforts. Sources close to the president told the Washington Examiner neither the White House nor the Trump campaign has seen any of the evidence she claims to have related to assertions about voting machines switching millions of votes from President Trump to President-elect Joe Biden. They argued that her claims overshadowed what they see as legitimate concerns about the mail-in ballot process.”

“I understand today’s press release,” said Powell in her response to the Trump team. “I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic, and we will be filing suit soon. The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic. #KrakenOnSteroids.”

During last week’s 90-minute presser, Giuliani slammed the media for falsely reporting that his team has provided “no evidence.” As he pointed out, sworn affidavits are evidence. Giuliani also tore into the Trump-deranged media for refusing to report on publicly available affidavits like those of Detroit poll worker Jessy Jacob, and the astronomical over-votes in certain Democrat-controlled areas, and the nearly 700,000 ballots that were counted in Pennsylvania without Republican vote-counting observers there to inspect them, and the tens of thousands of curious “Biden-only” ballots in certain precincts, and the corralling of Republican observers at a distance too far to validate the vote-counting process, and the like. This, it seems to us, is the more fertile ground for making a case, and, even more importantly, the place from which to make the case for serious electoral reform.

Otherwise, the Democrats will institutionalize this fraud. And that, we can all agree, would be a disaster for our Republic.



I don't believe that Sidney Powell is wrong about massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines, and I think she will prove it in court, but she must hurry for time is running out. She is one smart lawyer, she wouldn't have said what she did if she didn't already have the proof.

Powell told The Wall Street Journal in a statement after President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani announced that she was not part of the team. "I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth. I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud.”


Anti-Trump Engineer Of Dominion Voting Systems Said...


"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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