

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Silicon Valley Megadonors Toss Obscene Amount Of Money At Biden’s Campaign


Silicon Valley Megadonors Toss Obscene Amount Of Money At Biden’s Campaign; Here’s What The Money’s Being Used For

According to a new report from Breitbart, there’s an obscure super PAC backed by some pretty big donors from Silicon Valley and propped up by very large sums of left-wing “dark money” that is tossing tens of millions of dollars to help Biden’s presidential campaign by creating a massive ad blitz against President Donald Trump in the final few days before the presidential election on November 3rd.

The aim of the ad campaign is to help give Biden a much-needed boost in key battleground states, with an obscenely large sum of cash — try $100 million and some change — all being dedicated to this particular effort which launched in September.

The name of the super PAC is Future Forward. It actually became the biggest Democratic PAC in only a single month, with an unprecedented amount of election spending in the last 30 days leading to the 2020 election.

What’s truly hilarious is how the PAC, which is funded by billionaires, huge corporations, and what’s known as “dark money,” the website for the organization is calling for “serious campaign reform” to help “reduce the influence of big corporations and billionaires on our elected officials.”

How could these people not see the irony here? They are actually calling for an end to the very activity they are participating in, and doing so with a straight face. If they want this kind of influence to end, perhaps they should stop spending billions to influence the election and politicians? Just a thought.

Chauncey McLean is the head honcho for Future Foward and is a former Democratic Party operative who is credited with changing the game concerning the way his party engages and targets voters through TV ads back in the 2012 election.

Up until late September, the biggest spending super PAC for Democrats involved in the general election only aired one television ad during the whole campaign. Then, in July of 2018, Future Forward put out an ad to try and convince voters that the president doesn’t serve the interests of the American people.

The ad was called, “Happy,” and depicted three different constituencies supporting the president’s policies.

“These people are happy with the direction of the country,” the ad says after it shows a few groups of white nationalists, wealthy business folks, and Russian fans of Putin.

“The idea is pretty simple: it is shocking that the people who are most happy with the direction of the country are also the evilest,” Nick Kaplan and Tim Gordon, the creators of the ad, said in an interview with Ad Week back in July of 2018.

A sizable chunk of Future Forward’s donations have come from Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, which totals around $22 million. He has been extensively involved in research to find out how to have the greatest impact on voters. Moskovitz seems to believe that putting out a strong message as quickly as possible just prior to voting is the best route to take.

“In addition to Moskovitz, an array of Silicon Valley donors have contributed to Future Forward, including longtime Google CEO Eric Schmidt ($2.5 million) who served as an informal tech adviser to the Clinton campaign and was closely involved in building Obama’s 2012 voter-targeting operation,” writes Joshua Klein of Breitbart.

“New York Times reporter Ken Vogel first spotted the Schmidt donation, highlighting the fact that Schmidt, the ex-CEO of Google and former chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, who served as technical advisor to the company up until February (and still holds about $5.3 billion in the company’s stock), was serving as a chairman on the Defense Innovation Board, an advisory group aimed at bringing new technology to the Pentagon, while donating to the anti-Trump PAC,” Klein points out in his report.

“Knowing that individuals who openly despise and undermine President Trump serve on those boards while only two of 15 people on our campaign’s national security advisory committee landed positions in the administration is nothing short of horrendous,” said J.D. Gordon who once served as a national security adviser for Trump’s campaign, told the media.

“Other contributors include: Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson and his wife Erica Lawson ($6.5 million); Crypto trader Sam Bankman-Fried ($5 million); Former Chairman and CEO of Twitter, Evan Williams, who also founded Blogger and Medium, two of the largest and most notable internet platforms ($2.5 million); and Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings and his wife, philanthropist Patty Quillin ($1 million),” notes Klein in the report he penned for Breitbart.

Folks, this goes very, very deep. There are rich, wealthy, powerful people who are doing their best to influence this election in favor of Joe Biden. They are using their resources to help sway folks to vote for their candidate of choice. These are the same folks the left claims to hate and want to see pay their fair share. And yet, here they are, trying to control the outcome of an election.

This needs to be stopped.


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