

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS: 11/17/2020 - Daily Bites of Blow the House Down




 Daily Bites of Blow the House Down:

Educating the NEA: by David Barton: The Department of Education released an assessment of the overall condition of American Schools titled: 

"A Nation at Risk." 

Here are some highlights of that report from 1983: For the first time in the history of our country (200+years) the education skill of one generation will not surpass, equal, or even approach those of their parents. 35 states require only one year of math and 36 states require only one year of science to achieve a high school diploma. A study of typical public school schedules found that the average school provided only 23 hours of academic instruction during the week. In 13 states 50% or more of the units required for high school graduates may be the electives chosen by the student. Given the freedom to choose the substance or more than half of their education may well opt for courses such as bachelor's living; time spent learning to cook and drive; These count as much toward their diploma as math, English, science, history, or biology. 

 1) Educating the NEA:: 2) Court Cases: 3) Erecting a Wall: 4) Disrespecting Obligations: 5) No Denomination Favored: 6) Denying Christian Ethics: 7) Court Ruling: Denying Christian Teaching: 8) Seats of Power in Public Education: 9) By the People's Consent: 10) Ask and it Shall be Given: 11) Three Important Questions: 12) Campaigning for Principles: 13) Explosion of Crime: 14) In the Absence of Religious Principles: 15) Our Founders' Predictions: 16) Alcohol-Related Arrests: 17) Drug Abuse: 18) Rise in Illiteracy: 19) Declaration of State Constitutions: 20) National Accountability to God: 21) Elijah's Conflict: 22) King David Numbers the Troops: 23) Three Days Fasting: 24) Has America made God our Enemy? 25) When a Nation Rejects God: 26) Denying the Christian Foundation: 27) The Root of the Problem: 28) Using the Court as a Scapegoat: 29) The Initial Step: 30) Who's Fault is it?----.

BITES 1-15

 Educating the NEA, Court Cases: 

 Definition of Separation of Church and State:  Total separation is impossible.  This court has explained that the purpose of the establishment and free exercise clause of the First Amendment: "to prevent as far as possible the intrusion of either (church or state) into the precinct of the other.  At the same time, however, the court has recognized that total separation is not possible in an absolute sense, some relationships between government and religious organizations are inevitable.  In every establishment clause case, we must recognize the inescapable tension between the objective of preventing unnecessary intrusion of either the church or the state upon the other.  The reality that (as the court has so often noted) total separation of the two is impossible. Lewis K Kirtman: 403 US 602614 (1971)  

 Wall Builders: Erecting a Wall

 A vital part of the Christian system is the essential Divine Guidance for moral harmony; faith by acts of godly grace. these moral aspects of Christianity include love and belief in God. Love and belief in Christ and love and belief in our neighbors and ourselves. By this grace Christian ethics in western civilization secure human dignity; the unalienable God-given rights for nonhostile citizens whether minority or majority. Non-Christians away from their land of origin have no civil rights in any nation but a Christian Nation. The common culture of Christians in the United States is the purpose of the founding of this nation.

Citizens for God and Country: Anne Neaman, Disrespecting Obligations:

 Citizens for God and Country: "The basis for common law by concepts of western civilization and these values provide more civil rights in a Christian Nation than they have ever had in any nation. It is the international militant disrespecting of obligations due to society by every citizen who is intolerant of Christianity by force and by crime. We ought to be guided in government by Christian ethics. Divine law for the stability of justice based on the common culture. This is the basis for God-given unalienable (unchanging) inherent rights in which the government can not long the nation is.....under God at all times.

No Denomination Favored:

 Religion is not promoted by saying non-sectarian Christian School prayers celebrating the legal official Holidays of Easter, Thanks Giving, Christmas with nativity scenes and Christmas carols. No specific Christian church is favored or disfavored. Christian ethics belongs in the school curriculum and government because we are endowed by our Creator. Those who subvert these founding principles by disinformation or disorder are not entitled to such rights. For God never endowed any with hostility to His Divine Law. A Christian Nation is entitled to a Christian administration is 95% Christian and 2% Jew and 1% Islam. Here is the fakery of a diversified society. Only in a Christian nation do non-Christians have civil rights away from their original land and they have far more than the majority as in their own land. Deny Christian ethics in government and none know freedom. (to be continued) Denying Christian Ethics:

David Barton's Book, "To Pray or Not to Pray"- Denying Christian Ethics:

 In 1962 and 63--- 39 million students and over 2 million teachers were barred from praying in public schools. This had been done for over 2 centuries and was actually the whole reason to begin public schools and approved by our founders, especially Benjamin Rush who wrote the letter "Why the Bible Must be Taught in Public School." Benjamin Rush was the youngest signer of the Constitution. (PL Sturgis: I have a copy of Rush's letter) Since 1962 the courts have delivered ruling after ruling eradicating all marks of religious principles from education. These essentials have long been excluded from our own children's public schools which we fund with our own taxes! (to be continued) Court Ruling Denying Christian Teaching:

Court Ruling, Denying Christian Teaching:

 * Prayer in public school teaching breaches the Constitutional wall of separation of church and state: Japer verses Douglas: 1989: * If portions of the New Testament were read to the students they could be and have been, psychologically damaged and harmful to the child: Roberts verses Madigan: * By the mere copying of the Ten Commandments the First Amendment prohibits. If the Ten Commandments had any effect at all it would be to induce the children to read. To obey the Commandments is not a permissible objective. Stone verses Graham 1980: * Spiritual Heritage: This bill's sponsor intended to provide children the opportunity of sharing spiritual heritage but the court ruled it violates the First Amendment! Wallace verses Jeffrey: The devastation of the family since the court segregated religious principles from the dealings with families makes Washington's words worthy of review. 

Seats of Power in Public Education, by George Kennedy 1993:

Where are the seats of power in our public education system? Once we determine this it is simply a matter of placing consistent thinking Christians in these positions and having them influence the policy and practice of the schools. The power of the public school system has three sources: * The Supreme Court and its decisions concerning education and the local school board. Third, the administrators and teachers in the local schools. If Christians can wield influence in these three areas the religious and philosophical foundations of public school can be transformed. The first seat of power in American Education is the Supreme Court. There are three avenues we can take to affect the decisions of this judicial body. Christians need to explore all of the three avenues as ways to recover control of our public education system. Since appointments to the Supreme Court begin with the election of the president it is only reasonable to look for presidential candidates who have a real understanding for the need for education to be based on Christian principles. Secondly, we need to support the First Amendment to the Constitution which gives students and teachers the right to freely express their religious convictions in public schools. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievance." Third: Christian parents and teachers should flood the courtrooms with cases in which their religious freedom of speech and press has been violated.

David Barton: Charles Finney, a prominent Christian leader in the early 1800s declared: 

By the People's Consent: "The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse us. God can not sustain this free and blessed country which we love and pay for unless the church will take the right ground. The dilemma now facing us is similar to the dilemma faced by a group in the Bible who, like us today, we're facing severe national problems that were affecting their personal lives. As those individuals contemplated their course of action they concluded, as should we, that involvement was the only reasonable alternative. As they so aptly quipped in 2 Kings 7:3: "Why sit here till we die?" It is time to believe and believe differently. We are not a minority. We are the majority. We can make a difference. Our vote does count.  We can become an active sovereign citizen and vote our conscience. 

"Ask and it Shall be Given: "Too often a seemingly good candidate is elected and we end up regretting his public stand. Much of this could be eliminated if the right questions were asked before the election. We need to know more about a candidate than his professional qualifications. We need to know his personal beliefs that qualify him to represent us; as pointed out in a famous book about George Washington released in 1800: "A public character is often an artificial one. It is not in the glare of the public but in the shade of private life that we are to look for the man. Private life is always real life behind the curtain where the eyes of millions are not upon him. Where a man can have no motive but inclination; no incitement but honest nature. Then he will be always sure to act himself. It has been justly said:  "Our private deeds, if noble, are noblest of our lives. It is the private virtues that lay the foundation of all human excellence. 

Three Important Questions:

 The best way to obtain information on a candidate is simply to contact their office with three direct questions, in addition to any question you might ask on a specific state or local issues: Direct questioning on their views of God and government; their views on abortion; and their views on homosexual behavior. The answers to these three questions will reveal whether they understand the importance of God's principles in government. These answers will reveal whether they understand the value of a life; and whether they understand the fundamental values of rights and wrongs. If they understand these three areas, then they most likely have the proper foundation from which other political decisions may be properly made. 

Campaigning for Principles: Notice George Washington's warning in his "Farewell Address." 

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert religion and morality. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, without the sense of religious obligation? Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of its fabric? These are powerful words from the father of our country. Do not let anyone claim to be a true patriot of our country if he attempts to subvert religion and morality from politics. Noah Webster: (another founder) The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the evils in which men suffer from crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war proceeds from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

The explosion of Crime, David Barton: Since religious principles were excluded from public affairs in 1962, crime has exploded:

 Between 1960 and 1980 the number of serious crimes (murder, rape, robberies, and burglaries) increased 322%. *57 million Americans are annual victims of crime. *Crime cost American citizens a total of 300 billion dollars annually ---and an amount equal to almost 40% of the United states budget. *10.6 billion was stolen from individual citizens in 1981. *Crime against businesses cost at least 39.7 billion. *US companies spent more than 4 billion a year for security and still lose more than 7 billion to shoplifters each year. *Many individuals remember when it was safe to go to sleep with doors unlocked. Thomas Jefferson explained why the civil government can not control crime apart from Christian principles: "The precepts of philosophy and the old legal code laid hold of action only. Jesus pushed His scripture into the heart of man and erected His Tribunal in the region of his thoughts. Civil law can not deal with the heart which is the actual seat of violence. Only religious principles can stop a crime before it occurs.

In the Absence of Religious Principles: by David Barton:

In the education section, it was demonstrated that the absence of religious principles (in which teaching on self-control, respect, honesty, hard work, etc. are delivered) created an environment leading to substandard achievement and inferior work ethics. since students carry their educational training and work ethics into the workplace with them it is not surprising that business is not similarly affected. A department of Labor study comparing productivity among 12 manufacturing countries revealed that since 1960 the USA showed the largest decline in businesses. The effects of the persistent decline in the US economy is substantial. Had the pre-1960 productivity rate continued the additional 12% output in 1979 would have been higher than it was without any additional capital or labor used in production. this would solve many of today's economic problems. Most notably would be our budget deficit. 

David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray" 
Our Founders' Predictions:

Recall Washington's warnings: "Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles." Early courts were just as poignant in their statements. Christianity has a reference to the principles of right and wrong. It is the foundation of those morals and manners upon which our society is formed. The day of moral virtue in which we live would, in an instant, (if that standard were abolished) lapse into the dark and murky night of Pagan and immorality: City of Charleston vs S.A. Benjamin: ---- The founders and early courts believed fervently that Christianity produced morality. Consequently, they would have never tolerated the current separation. Notice how accurate the founders and courts were in the predictions of what would happen to morality if religious principles were separated. The loss of national morality has resulted in a national outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases. The effects are not limited to those involved but STD in pregnant women affects the fetus and the newborn.

BITES 16-30

Daily Bites of Blow the House Down:

 Educating the NEA: National Education Association:  ref from David Barton of "Wall Builders" book:  America! "To Pray or Not to Pray:

Alcohol-Related Arrests: David Barton:

With the separation of religious principles, self-control has plummeted. Alcohol abuse has become a significant national problem. According to the uniform crime report from the Department of Justice, there were over 4 million alcohol-related arrests in 1988. This was an increase of 7% over 2.6 million in 1979. According to a survey titled "Drugs and the Nation's more than 9 out of 10 of the students in High School classes have used alcohol. Figures for recent heavy drinking for that same year revealed 45% of boys and 25% of girls were heavy drinkers. A survey conducted by the Naval Health Research Center found that 42% of recent Naval recruits said they got drunk at least once a week. According to the 1984 Gallup Youth Survey, teenagers say alcohol abuse is the second largest problem they face. Every day in America 437 children are arrested for drinking or drunk driving. Since the expiration of religious principles in public affairs in 1962-63, violent crime offenses have risen over 500%: President Washington: "Apart from religion and morality there will be no respect for property or life."

Drug Abuse: David Barton: 

According to the National Institute on drug abuse, America has the highest involvement with illegal drugs than any other industrialized nation in the world. Nearly 2/3 of American teenagers have used drugs before they finished high school. According to a survey titled "Nation's High School Students," more than half have tried marijuana and 1 in 6 have tried cocaine. Most students using drugs have made their initial decision between 7th and 10th grade.------A survey conducted by the Naval Health Research Center found that 48% of the recruits reported using marijuana in the 6 months before entering the service. Last year (1990) the United States decertified 1400 people from handling nuclear weapons because of drug and alcohol abuse. In the 1984 Gallup Youth Survey the American public said the use of drugs is the biggest problem facing public schools. Notice the change in drug use that has occurred among students since the Scripture of religious principles was taken out of schools.

The rise in Illiteracy: David Barton:

According to the National Institute of Education, up to 72 million American adults are functional illiterates unable to read or write above the 5th-grade level and 26 million can not read or write at all. Illiteracy rates ran as high as 47% for 17-year-old minority youths; 60% for prison inmates and 75% for unemployed people. The number of adult illiterates is increasing by 2.3 million each year according to Project Illiteracy (PLUS) Nearly one million young Americans drop out of school every year. More than 70 million American adults never graduate from high school. Adult illiteracy costs the US an estimated 25 billion dollars. Functional illiterates commit many costly blunders. According to standards provided by the White House in 1989----700,000 high school students who graduated from high school in 1986 alone were not able to read their own diploma. This should not occur in the United States. Nevertheless, the USA ranks 48 in adult illiteracy among 149 countries.

Declarations of State Constitutions:

 The United States has long been known as the leader of the world. However, after significant declines in so many areas, one could properly question how much of a leader the United States actually is. Despite the repudiation and separation of godly principles and public affairs, America continues to be a world leader; but in the wrong categories. Since 1962-63 the US has been number one in the world in the following categories: violent crime; divorce rate; teenage pregnancy rate; voluntary abortions; illegal drug use; illiteracy rate; documented cases of aids. Perhaps the best explanation for the reversal was given over 200 years ago during a time of frustration in the Constitutional Convention. The state delegates attending the convention had fulfilled the proper requirements for office found in their own state constitutions. One of the provisions found in nearly every state constitution written by the founders, both before and after the adoption of the federal constitution, required an acknowledgment of a belief in future rewards and punishments: "Each member before he takes his seat shall make and subscribe the following declaration: I do believe in our God, the Creator; the Governor of the Universe; the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked." This is written in the State Constitution of Pennsylvania and many others.

National Accountability to God: David Barton: 

"To Pray or Not to Pray" ------ Excerpts of a similar nature from state constitutions demonstrate that its founders firmly believed in individual accountability to God. The understanding that each individual must one day stand before God Almighty and give an account for his actions, which would then result in rewards or punishments. However, their discussions during the constitutional conventions indicate that they not only understood personal accountability, they also understood national accountability to God. A final reckoning with God will occur after the departure from this life. However, a nation, unlike the individual, is not eternal. When a nation is gone it is gone forever. Since a nation can not account to God in the future, when does it account to God? George Mason on the floor of the constitutional convention gave the most significant explanation of what happened to this nation after 1962 and 63: "As nations can not be punished or rewarded in the next world; so they must be in this: By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities. Our national account to God is in the present right now! 

Elijah's Conflict: David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray:

The Bible is filled with accounts of how the stand taken by a nation's leader can cause an immediate crisis for the nation. Consider the story of Elijah's conflicts with the Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. (1King 18) Following his victory and the complete vindication of God Elijah retreated to Mount Horeb where he complained to God that he was the only righteous individual left in the nation. God promptly informed him he was not the only one left. There were still 7,000 men in the nation who had never bowed the knee to Baal; 7,000 righteous men of integrity who had not compromised. Yet these 7,000 righteous men, just like every other individual in the nation, had just been through a 3 and 1/2 year famine brought on the nation because of the wicked stands taken by Ahab and Jezebel, leaders of the nation. God dealt with the entire nation based on the action of its Leaders. 1Kings: 18-30: Elijah said to all the people: "Come near to me." and he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.

King David Numbers the Troops: by David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray" 

National accountability is seen when King David numbers the troops. 1 Chronicles 21:1: "Satan stood up against Israel and provoked King David to number Israel. David numbering the troops was an act of gloating in his own strength and military accomplishments. It was an act based on the assumption that the size of his army was responsible for his many victories. However, the reason for his many victories had been God's direct assistance in the battle. Proverbs 21:31: "The horse is prepared for the day of battle but safety is of the Lord." ----- Somehow King David had forgotten who had brought him to his position of prominence. A similar situation was developing in America in 1787 until Benjamin Franklin rose on the floor at the Constitutional Convention and reminded his delegates: "How has it happened that we have not once thought of humbly applying to the Father of Lights to illuminate our understanding? At the beginning of our conquest with Great Britain when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer for Divine protection. Our prayers were heard and gracefully answered! Have we forgotten our powerful friend?

Three Day Fasting: David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray" 

When Benjamin Franklin finished his speech on his rebuke of the absence of prayer in Congress he concluded: "The longer I live the more convincing truth I see---God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow can not fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire would rise without His aid? I firmly believe without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel. The Sacred Writings assure us: "Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it." Following this rebuke, the delegates entered a three-day recess and completely refocused their attention on rededicating their minds to the Lord. For three days they fasted, prayed, and invited ministers from across the city to address them and pray for them. The stand of the nation's leaders had affected the entire nation. Psalm 33:11-12: "The counsel of the Lord stands forever; the thoughts of His Heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people for whom He has chosen for His own inheritance."

 David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray" It is vital that a nation's leaders take stands which causes God to be on our side and not our enemy.

Is it simply coincidental that our nation begins to deteriorate immediately after the nation's leaders repudiated God and His principles? Or can it be that the principles of national accountability is at work? The simple acknowledgment of God has provided us with more blessings and prosperity than we can suppose. the Bible clearly records God's promise in 1 Samuel 2:30: "They that honor Me shall I honor but they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed." When we were honoring God in our affairs we were elevated among the nations in the world in achievement, morality, productivity, stability, and reputation. Since disregarding Him we are no longer a superior nation. Our performances have relapsed into mediocracy when compared with other nations. The United States is still number one in the world, but now in the wrong areas. When we openly acknowledged God prior to 1962 we were protected. Psalm 91:14,15: "I will set him on high because he has known My Name. He will call and I will answer. I will deliver him in trouble and honor him."

David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray: Jeremiah 8:8-14: 

"How do ye say we are wise and the law of the Lord is with us. The wise men have rejected the Word of the Lord and what wisdom is in them? Therefore I will give their wives unto others and their fields to them that shall inherit them. Everyone is given to covetousness from the prophet to the priest. They have healed the hurt of my people slightly, saying peace, when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No! Not at all! Neither could they blush! Therefore they shall fall. They shall be cast down, saith the Lord. The things I have given them shall pass away from them." Why do we sit still? The Lord our God has put us to silence because we have sinned against the Lord. Notice the accuracy of these verses: "I will give their wives to others" (adultery) "They say peace when there is no peace. They are not ashamed of their abominations" (They pass laws to make abomination legal and things previously done in secret are now done openly without shame,) Major reverses have occurred in most areas since 1962 when God and His principles were barred from public offices.

David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray"page 15: 

Our productivity has dropped almost 80% from its pre-1962 levels. In Jeremiah 7 God asked a probing question when contemplating His treatment by the nation's leaders. "Am I, the Lord, the One they are provoking? Are they not rather harming themselves to their own shame?" The prohibition of Christian principles in public affairs did nothing to harm God. Obviously, it has scandalized this entire nation! As Benjamin Franklin said on the congressional floor: "Do we imagine we no longer need God's assistance? We ourselves will be confounded and become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. We shall be divided by our partial local interests. (written 24 years ago and proven today PL Sturgis) Can we possibly believe that what was gained by prayer can be maintained without them? To deny students access to these Christian principles which made our nation great is to deny them the opportunity to participate in our national heritage. IT IS THE VERY FOUNDATION OF OUR CHRISTIAN NATION BROUGHT FORTH BY GOD'S OWN PROVIDENCE!

David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray." 

In order to determine an absolute strategy for recovering from the effects of the Court's ban on the acknowledgment of God and the use of His principles in public affairs was seeing that the Court had directly challenged God! Moreover, the Court was strongly unified in its repudiation of Him. Only one justice dissented. Never before had an official government voice opposed and censured God in public affairs. This posture taken by the Court triggered the law of national accountability and subjected our nation to its consequences. The second effect of the Court's repudiation of the use of godly principles in public affairs was the loss of the personal benefits derived from living by godly principles. As explained in Deuteronomy 6:24 and 10:13: "Observe the Lord's decree for your own good; His principles are for our own benefit; to keep us alive; to cause us to prosper; to cause us to enjoy life. When His commandments are rejected it is to our own harm. To understand these two effects directly relate to our current national disgrace, is to begin to understand what must be done to recover. Recognizing the problem is half the battle.

David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray"Using the Court for a Scapegoat:

When 97% of the nation claimed a belief in God in 1962, how could this nation allow the elimination of God from public schools? Can the downturns properly be blamed on the justices' rulings? Unfortunately, the Court can not be used as scapegoats. while the doctrine of separation which now dominates the court's rulings, as of recent origin, had never been raised as an issue until the 1962 court decision. The ruling would never have occurred had not the Christian community at large voluntarily removed itself from the political society and legal arena prior to 1962. When non-Christians and the ungodly dominate public offices it should come as no surprise that their rulings and public policies would also be non-Christian and ungodly. The word "separation" as in "church or state" do not even appear in the First Amendment. The First Amendment simply sought to prohibit the entire government from declaring the entire nation to be only Catholic, only Baptist, only Methodist, etc. The founders never intended that Christian principles be divorced from public affairs. By the intent of our founders, Christian principles had remained intimately involved in the political, judicial, and educational realms.

The Initial Step: David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray"

 According to the Bible, in any strategy, to recover what is lost is to pray. 1 Timothy 2:1: "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for leaders and all them in authority. God wants prayers for civic leaders first because civic leaders affect the life of every remaining individual in the entire nation. For our own benefit, we should be praying regularly for our leaders at the local, state, and federal levels in each branch of government; judges and appointed officials, elected representatives; executives; presidents; governors; mayors, and other chief officials. We need to pray for God to raise up godly candidates and place them into office in the next election. Having the right type of individuals in office can prevent the enactment of many damaging politics: Isaiah 9:6: "Unto us a Child is Born: A Son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulders: His Name is Wonderful Counsellor; the Mighty God: The Everlasting Father: The Prince of Peace: 

Whose Fault is it? David Barton: "To Pray or Not to Pray" 

 All that is necessary for evil to proceed is for good men to do nothing. The overwhelming majority of our citizens are ready to return to God in public affairs. Yet, the overwhelming majority of our elected officials are not. Whose fault is it? Is it the fault of our legislators? Clearly not! Since we are the ones who elected them. We---the Christian community---- must bear most of the responsibility for what has happened. Notice President James Garfield's explanation of this truth:"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. John Jay: First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: October 12,1816: "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers. It is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." Proverbs 24:24: "He that says to the wicked, thou art righteous; he shall the people curse: nations shall abhor (hate) him."
Must be a Democrat they are talking about.


America, Behold thy God: by PL Sturgis: 

 Your footsteps strayed from narrow paths where once you marched so tall. Now desperately you grope and grasp...for balance, lest you fall. Your limp's no longer hidden...portraying to the world...the downward paths led your boys and girls. You are decked from shore to shore...with fortune and with fame. Yet, you are wretched, you are poor, and naked in your shame. Your Maker loves you nonetheless. From Heaven, He will hear...and turn you back to righteousness if you repent in tears! America, Behold thy God and turn your child around. Right the wrong...that paths he trod may lead to higher ground. 



The Poem by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning... to the end.

He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own, the cars... the house... the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard; are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged.

To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile... remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.

So when your eulogy is being read, with your life's actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash?


Pearl Sturgis Hear,


God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 


"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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We will continue to search for alternative sites, some of which have already been compromised, in order to deliver our message and urge all of those who want facts, not spin and/or censorship, to do so as well.

Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.

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