

Monday, November 9, 2020

A PAGE FROM THE DIARY OF BILL SHARPE:11/09/2020 HERE'S MY THOUGHT FOR TODAY, Death By Democracy Is Bad Government / Voting Process


The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends' Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.

Death by democracy Is by design a bad government. 

Statistics on death, we have a lot of statistics about how people die, automobile accidents, drug overdoses, cancer, or heart disease, Old age but there's one statistic that is not being recorded, And that's death by government, Or death by the bad government! 

The statistics on death from bad government, I have never seen officially recorded statistics of death by bad government, one would have to ask themselves There are statistics for everything, I believe but I have never seen or heard of that. 

The only record of deaths by the bad government are things like the police killing people unlawfully abusing their authorities, but the records for death by the bad government must be being concealed. 

At some point in time in one's life, you would have to consider that the governments caused the deaths of many people so therefore there must be statistics on it unless this is by design by a particular political party To conceal that statistic. 

it would seem that deaths by a bad government that one particular political party, holds the record and monopoly on this! And that would have to be the Democratic Party when they are in power, the police kill more people at random, shoot them or chased them into an accident scene, drive people into poverty, and then they die from a lack of medical treatment that they can no longer afford, so death by the bad government is a real statistic. 

Major death by the bad government is caused by a political ideology called democracy, democracy is always a Transitional government, that's why our founding fathers did not use the word democracy in the creation of our political ideology of this nation, democracy is a catalyst for anarchy, then it leads to dictatorships monarchies, democracy is the beginning of a vicious circle of death and destruction a lesson in life that only those Who have studied history, but every society that fails to preserve all the history will fail and fall under the ruse that democracy is a better form of government when democracy is actually the signs of bad government on the path to failure and the death and destruction of an ignorant and a delusional people. 

Democracy has never worked and has always failed, and will always fail, there is no responsibility in a democracy, and democracy is political cancer that always ends one way, with the death of whatever Culture and nation and political ideology That existed before democracy Were introduced And the death and destruction of the people who believed in Democracy. 

The bad government does not just happen, it is by design by bad people, people without conscience or empathy, that is what creates a bad government, one of the definitions of democracy should be a form of cancer That leads to death and destruction if not cut out and stopped. 

So with proper statistics Which would be the knowledge of history, And mathematics which are one and the same, one could say irrefragable that democracy is a form of bad government, That will Conclude with the same bad results, Of the 

death and destruction Of the people who choose this or are tricked into this form of bad government. 

Bill Sharpe, Sussex County Delaware


Gov. Carney of The state of Delaware, changing the voting process in Delaware after 240 years without the consent of the people. 

When Gov. Carney of The state of Delaware opened up legislative Hall for the sole purpose of changing the voting process in Delaware after 240 years, he basically changed our form of government without the consent of the people. 

The Very first job Duty In a Republican form of government, is first to protect our liberties and freedoms, second is to pay the bills. 

Gov. Carney removed the voice And consent of the people from our form of government and instituted foreign government political ideologies into our established voting process for the sole purpose to assist other governors to perform a coup d'état by vote to overthrow America. 

The legislation that they passed pertaining to the voting process was done in bad faith, and bad faith equals fraud, and fraud negates all contracts, so the changes to the voting process are unlawful and void for effect because of fraud Perpetrated upon the people and Against our form of government. 

The governor of the state of Delaware, working in conspiracy with other state governors to perform the same acts, to deliberately manipulate the political process, to overthrow and destroy this constitutional republic and to replace it with a communist dictatorship in each of These states, the actions of These governors was to change the voting process and was instituted by a dictator, to remove the people's voice and consent from our form of government, this is called acts of a tyrant, larceny and treason against we the people of the state of Delaware. 

Constitutionally and spiritually your brother in arms Bill Sharpe.




 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 


14 January 1969. Famous American comedian, Red Skelton, explains the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, word-by-word, from a memorized lecture given to him by his 7th-grade school teacher, Mr. Lasswell. (Red includes the words "Under God" at the end of the video.)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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