

Tuesday, October 27, 2020





In last week’s ABC Townhall, Joe Biden said, “The Boilermakers overwhelmingly endorse me, OK? So the Boilermakers Union has endorsed me because I sat down with them, went into great detail with leadership, exactly what I would do, number one.”Ruling: Pants on fire, Pinocchio-nose FALSE!

The International Boilermakers Union has not endorsed any candidate in the 2020 race, although Local 154 in Pittsburgh has “overwhelmingly” endorsed President Trump. They called him a “true friend to the Boilermakers” and said it’s “imperative that we continue to battle over-regulations in the fossil fuel industries and fight for American energy production.”

The good news is that Joe finally came up with a creative new lie. I’m getting tired of hearing him repeat the same old discredited lies, like the “very fine people” garbage or the “coronavirus is a hoax” hoax. I was beginning to fear that advancing age had robbed him of his famous ability to spin out one outrageous whopper after another into entire paragraphs of jaw-dropping plagiarisms and falsehoods. For a moment there, it was almost like the young Joe Biden was back.

Don’t believe me? Here’s just one example from an article by Derek Hunter at that obliterates the argument that we need to elect Biden because he’s a nice, affable, regular guy who will restore honor, integrity, and honesty.

During Biden’s first Presidential run waaaay back in 1987, a voter asked about his academic record. Biden angrily snapped back, "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school, I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class. Then, I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school, and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition. I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly."

As Hunter notes, not one of those statements is true. His scholarship was based on need, not academics; he won no awards; he didn’t earn multiple degrees, and he graduated 76th out of 85 students.

Those looking for evidence of any mental decline on Joe’s part should stop analyzing his debate performances and consider instead the sad erosion of his ability to spin fresh, new lies with every breath he exhales.


Here’s a sobering warning that the radical left, out of their great love of “democracy,” are threatening to “shut down the country” if Americans don’t vote the way they demand we do. Don’t let them intimidate you, but be prepared. And I hope that federal, state, and local authorities are also getting prepared to deal with whatever transpires.


warned several weeks ago that as we entered the home stretch of the election, we’d see a lot of shocking “bombshell” stories come out of nowhere. I also warned that it would be a good idea to ignore these so-called “October surprises.” Many times, they come from anonymous sources, biased media outlets, or political operatives that sit on them for months, even years, waiting for the perfect moment to inflict maximum damage without enough time for anyone to investigate to see if they’re true.

As I recall, the first one to pop up was the New York Times’ claim that President Trump had called our fallen World War I soldiers “losers” and “suckers.” It came from four alleged anonymous sources and was debunked on the record by over 20 people who were actually there, including my own daughter Sarah and John Bolton, who certainly has no inclination to lie to help his former boss. Oddly enough, Twitter and Facebook never blocked anyone from posting or sharing that unverified and genuinely debunked story.

Now that we’re down to the wire, I’m seeing more of them on both sides, like a story about an alleged diary kept by Joe Biden’s daughter. I want you to know that while I try to keep you abreast of all the important news, I don’t intend to cover salacious “bombshell” stories like these about either candidate in any detail (I don’t think talking about Hunter Biden profiting from his family name applies because that’s something many of have been talking about for ages. The real news now is the media and social media’s outrageous bias in trying to censor discussion of it.)

At this point, you shouldn’t be voting on personalities, anyway. There’s never been a starker or more dangerous choice before Americans. We face the choice of economic freedom; protecting life, religious liberties, and free speech; allowing people to make a living; and enforcing the law...or vastly expanding government power; raising taxes; destroying the First and Second Amendments; packing the Supreme Court; killing the domestic fuel industry (which would again put us at the mercy of oil-producing states and draw us back into foreign wars), and crippling the economy.

Those are the real issues, even if we managed to have four debates and hardly heard a word about most of them. So put aside all the overheated personal allegations from anonymous sources and just vote on those issues as if your nation’s future and your children’s future depended on it. Because they do.


Having made the same campaign speech 20 times a day on no sleep, I don’t jump on every little slip of the tongue that a politician makes. So I won’t hold it against Sen. Kamala Harris for getting caught on mic asking if she was in Cleveland…

But she really does need to have an answer ready just in case some reporter remembers that he’s supposed to be a journalist and asks her about being ranked the most liberal Senator

In Joe Biden’s case, though, some of the gaffes are a little more worrisome. Like forgetting the President’s name and calling him “George” twice until his wife mutters “Trump” under her breath to remind him. Or saying that 200 million Americans have died of COVID-19. Or claiming his free college program would cost $150 billion when the estimate is double that. Or saying, as he did over the weekend, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Come to think of it, that last one might be an example of the political definition of a “gaffe,” which is “slipping up and accidentally telling the truth.” If he's going to do that, it's no wonder his campaign is sending him home until Election Day.


Joe Biden is right: some Americans really are heading for a “dark winter.” He didn’t mention that they’re people who live in California where the Democrats who run the government can’t keep the lights on:


After rapper 50 Cent saw what Biden’s tax hikes would do to him (turn him into “20 Cent”), he endorsed Trump. His ex-girlfriend, former comedian Chelsea Handler, publicly scolded him, tweeting, “I had to remind him that he was a black person.” I’m sure he found it helpful having a rich, white Democrat tell him what he’s allowed to do and think, just like in the 1850s.

In a related story, rapper/actor Ice Cube is being forced to defend himself from attacks by the leftist Twitter mob for working with the Trump Administration to help black Americans. He’s doing it because Trump’s people agreed to talk and work with him, while the Democrats blew him off.

Along with Biden’s “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” comment, these are more stunning reminders that Democrats still believe that black people belong to them, something that Republican President Abraham Lincoln ended a long time ago. No matter how terrible their policies make life for black families; no matter how bad the crime, poverty, schools, and joblessness in deep-blue cities; blacks are supposed to keep voting Democrat forever because everyone who opposes their failed policies is a “racist.” Or, since that slander was starting to get shopworn, they’ve now amped it up to “white supremacist.”

I’ve made it very clear that I have hated and fought racism all my life. I consider it a sin against God’s creation. This is completely in line with my faith, because, while today’s left doesn’t want students to know this, the abolitionist movement came from the Christian community.

So how can I support Trump if he’s such a racist? Because I don’t believe he is (and it’s also a sin to falsely accuse someone of racism.) I think he miraculously “became” a racist the minute he announced he was running for President as a Republican. When you have no policies that actually work, ad hominem attacks are all you’ve got. I’ve written before about the tabloid reporter whose job was to dig up dirt on Trump, but who admitted never receiving a single story alleging racism on his part until he entered politics. It seems like a million years ago now, but remember Trump’s longtime friend Herschel Walker blasting that false charge? He did it again recently on Clay Travis’ show.

And if you still think Trump is a racist who means harm to minorities, read and then please share all around this article by Don Brown at American Thinker. He not only lists all the ways that Trump has helped African-Americans, and all the times he’s been pressured to publicly denounce white supremacists (which shouldn’t even be necessary if he weren’t constantly being slandered), it also goes all the way back to the ‘90s, to recount the awards he received from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and others for all the ways his company helped the black community.

Democrat voters who’ve made the fatal error of swallowing their own party’s propaganda believe with all their hearts that Trump is an evil racist and the only reason anybody could support him is that they must be racists, too. Which makes it hard to explain why the latest Rasmussen survey shows that Trump’s approval among black voters is up to 46%.

Maybe it’s because, instead of unquestioningly accepting leftist propaganda, minority voters have noticed that under Trump, before the coronavirus hit, their wages were rising and their unemployment rates were at record lows. Also, the prison rate is the lowest in 31 years for blacks, and among Hispanics, it’s down by 24%.

Or perhaps they’re starting to listen when bold new GOP leaders like Baltimore House candidate Kim Klacik point out that the worst place for a black person to live is in a Democrat-run city.

That’s not just political rhetoric: Check out this list of the worst places for African-Americans to live and notice all the blue states (Illinois, New York, California, New Jersey) and cities (Chicago, Rochester, Minneapolis, etc.) Frankly, I’m amazed that Baltimore isn’t on it.

And while this applies to everyone, these numbers are especially important to minorities, who tend to have higher unemployment rates: Among the top ten states with the lowest unemployment, nine are led by Republicans. Among the top ten with the highest unemployment, nine are run by Democrats. If you split the 50 states in half, 18 of the top 25 for employment are run by Republicans and 18 of the bottom 25 are run by Democrats. Before anyone claims that’s because Republicans are sending people to die of COVID-19 by opening their economies, the CDC shows no connection between the Governor’s Party and the death rate-per-100,000 cases. Although New York is far and away the worst.


Amid all the gloom and doom and “dark winter” talk, how about a little good news about America? Contrary to all the leftist doom-mongers who claim the American Dream is no longer attainable, a new survey by the Archbridge Institute found that 74% of Americans believe they have either achieved the American Dream or are on their way to achieving it. Also, despite all the attempts to smear America as irredeemably and systemically racist, a majority of black Americans believe they have more opportunities than their parents.

The coronavirus has pushed up the percentage of those who think the American Dream is out of reach from 18% last year to 24%. But that should fall once the virus passes and the economy recovers. News flash: both will unless the voters vote to kill the economy. But let’s keep the optimism rolling and assume they won’t.

Mike Huckabee

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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