

Friday, October 23, 2020

Deep State Democrat Officials Exposed In Biden-China Scheme


Deep State Democrat Officials Exposed In Biden-China Scheme

Photo Via Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

A newly discovered email revealed that a list of “key domestic contacts” for a Biden Family joint venture with the Chinese, included numerous top Democrats, including Joe Biden running mate Kamala Harris.

According to Fox News:

“A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden’s current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats,”

“An email exclusively obtained by Fox News, with the subject line “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects” and dated May 15, 2017, Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.””

The list reportedly included Democrats Kamala Harris, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe and others.

The email was sent from Jim Biden to Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski, Rob Walker, and James Gilliar.

The corruption doesn’t stop there, however, as it appears that even Former President Barrack Obama was in on it!

An email revealed by Steve Bannon’s War Room sent from James (Jim) Biden sends an email to Robert (Hunter) Biden indicates that Obama may have been in on their shady business plans.

“You need to call me now. Just got off the phone with your father. He is meeting with the O!! Some outrageous acquisitions!! We have the two biggest days of our business life in front of us!!!!”

The paranoid Biden family loves to speak in code. We’ve already seen them use “the big guy” in reference to Joe Biden, the “O” may very well be an Obama reference.

All of this explosive news implicating high ranking Democrats comes after Bobulinksi, an institutional investor who was recruited by the Biden family to run their joint-venture with now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Company, confirmed that Joe Biden was a part of their China operations.

Even more incriminating for the Biden family, a 2017 email from a top official with the Chinese energy firm details a $5 million forgivable loan given to the Biden family from the Chinese company as part of an agreement.

The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family.

Breitbart News contributor Peter Schweizer sat down with Bobulinski and determined that such a loan would constitute significant leverage the Chinese energy company officials would have over the Biden family.

“In a way, this would give CEFC greater leverage over the Biden family than simply giving them a gift or bribe because if they were dissatisfied with what the Bidens were doing they could ask for their money back,” Schweizer said.

The email also says that the $5 million loan is “interest-free” and asks how that $5 million would be used, and if used up, whether CEFC should lend more money to the Biden family.

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