

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Minorities Speak Out About Why They Refuse To Vote For Joe Biden

Trump 'actually has done many successful things'

Many young minority college students are on Team Trump and say that they will not vote for former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden no matter the case.

What are the details?

Campus Reform traveled to several college campuses where they spoke with minority students to gauge their responses on whether they would vote for Trump or for Biden.

Below you can read some of the more interesting responses as to why the students will not be voting for Biden on Tuesday:
"Joe Biden has been in government for almost 50 years, and that man was a racist. ... There's a video of him with Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... trying to justify the Confederate flag."
"You're telling me because of my skin color I have to think a certain way. That is racist."
"If he were to be elected, imagine how many more black people would be probably incarcerated. He and Kamala have contributed to black people's incarceration."

You can also watch some of the students' reactions in the video below.

VIDEO: Minorities speak out about why they refuse to vote for Joe Biden — and proclaim why President Trump is their man

And on Trump

You can read some of the more interesting points on Trump below, and watch a video of the students' responses.
"I don't think he is perfect, but I think that he is actually trying to make America great again in the best way he believes he can do it."
"Even when he referred to African countries as being 'craphole' countries, he was specifically talking about their economies, and that's just something that is not debatable."
"In 2016, I probably wouldn't be having this conversation with you. I was a Bernie bro to the fullest. ... He is a very blunt president, but ... when you take his Twitter aside, he actually has done many successful things as a president."
"Prison reform [has helped minority communities.]."
"I think a lot of his tax cuts benefit minorities as well."
"The economy [is] helping minorities. You see the African-American rate being all-time low, Hispanic unemployment being at an all-time low, Trump's economic plans after the tax cuts and jobs act have definitely brought up our communities of color, our minority communities."

You can also watch some of the students' reactions in the video below.

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