

Monday, October 12, 2020

Benghazi Betrayal, Charles Woods & Nick Noe

 Father Of Slain SEAL To WH: "You Have The Blood Of An American Hero On Your Hands"

CHARLES WOODS, father of Tyrone Woods: I can’t imagine anyone with any heart that would watch a battle rage for seven hours knowing that heroes were there that were going to be slaughtered if you didn’t have help sent in. Because we know that C130s could have been sent there in less than an hour. Jets could have been scrambled in minutes from many different parts of the globe. The order was 'don’t help them, let them die.'

You know, I'm sorry, the people in the military are honorable and when they make a vow, they're honorable enough to live up to it. Part of that vow is to defend American lives on American soil, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. This compound was American soil by international law. I'm speaking as an attorney. By international law. A diplomatic compound is on American soil, no matter where it's located. So we had 30 American citizens on American soil. This is no different than if it happened in L.A. or any other city. It would not take seven hours, normally, to scramble the jets, to send the 130 if this was on American soil in California, New York, or any other place.

But to political would be dishonorable to my son's life and death. However, I am here to honor my son. Part of the process of honoring is to forgive. But part of the other process is true and to make sure that justice is pursued. I hope that it is because justice has to be paid.


WOODS: I don't want to point any fingers, but obviously people in the White House were watching this happen. Real-time. They -- someone in the White House or many people in the White House watched the events unfolding and knew that if they gave the order to stand down, that my son would die. They watched my son die. As far as I'm concerned, there are people in the White House -- whoever it was that was in that room watching that video of my son dying, their cries for help, their order 'don't help them at all, let them die' -- whoever it might be, might be numerous people, you have the blood of my son, you have the blood of an American hero on your hands. I don't know who you are, but one of these days the truth will come out. I still forgive you, but you need to stand up.

RELATED: Father Of Slain SEAL To Obama: "Better To Die A Hero Than Live A Coward"

Related Videos:
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The heartbreaking story of Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) and how he was lied to by the Obama administration after Benghazi at AMP Fest in Florida on October 11th, 2020. Charles received intel about what truly happened that terrible day. He explains with Nick Noe, Benghazi whistleblower, explosive NEW information about Benghazi, Osama Bin Laden, Seal Team 6, and its connection to the 152 Billion Dollar Iran "nuclear deal". ALL of the documents and audio proof is coming out shortly!

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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