

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Trump Gets Multiple Police Unions’ and Major Democrat Leaders’ Endorsements, On Board With Him


Trump Gets Multiple Police Unions’ and Major Democrat Leaders’ Endorsements

President Donald Trump is most definitely the antithesis of the Washington, DC, establishment where career politicians remain ensconced in their ivory towers for decades. That may be why his support among conservative Americans remains so high and his policies are garnering support among traditionally Democratic party bastions.
Police Unions
The year 2020 has been marred by race riots in many Democrat-held cities such as Portland, Chicago, and Minneapolis. These have resulted in a Liberal push to defund police departments and put them in a chokehold when dealing with the unrest by forbidding them to use less-lethal weapons and physical methods of crowd control.

The president understands the men and women serving in law-enforcement truly are the so-called Thin Blue Line that protects the citizens from those who would cause harm to them and their families. This is why he has picked up endorsements by several police unions, such as: 

National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)

Chicago chapter of the FOP

Colorado State Lodge of the FOP

New York City Police Benevolent Association

International Union of Police Associations

Local Politicians

Groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa have incited riots across the country following the death of George Floyd while police custody in Minneapolis. Because of this incident and the ensuing violence, the mayor and City Council have effectively led the charge against the forces of law and order.

A coalition of six Democrat mayors from Minnesota has drafted a formal letter endorsing President Trump in the 2020 election coming in November. They cited the hard-Left movement of the party and how it was out of touch with the people that it purports to represent, as well as the job the president has done in terms of the economy and employment.

An Unlikely Endorsement

While former President Barack Obama has grudgingly endorsed Joe Biden — but only after he was the last candidate standing — his half-brother, Malik, has become a staunch and vocal supporter of the current occupant of the Oval Office. His Twitter feed is full of posts extolling all the good he has done for the country.
It really is no exaggeration to say that the upcoming election holds the future of the United States in the balance. Whether the country continues to dig out of the debacle created by the previous administration, or dives into the Communist/Socialist swamp that destroyed the Soviet Union and is currently doing so to Venezuela, is something that’ll be decided by the voters of America on November 3rd.

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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