

Thursday, September 17, 2020




Joe Biden seems obsessed with not getting the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus (too bad he’s never told his family members to put more distance between themselves and China.) It’s why his speeches are held in the middle of bug-infested fields with carefully-disinfected microphones and the press held back at least 20 feet from him and confined inside hula-hoops on the ground.

So, if the coronavirus is so terrifying to him - and the way his campaign constantly slams Trump supporters for gathering in large crowds that aren’t BML riots, so the virus might spread there (”Science!”) – why was Joe perfectly able to vote safely in person in the Delaware Primary?

Doesn’t this disprove the entire Democrat argument that we must have national mail-in voting because it would be deadly for people to vote in person? Biden is 77, which puts him squarely among the most likely group to die of COVID-19 (he’s so old, he literally couldn’t remember where he was going to be the next day), and we know he’s incredibly paranoid about catching it, yet he voted in person with no problems. President Trump immediately jumped on the news, tweeting that if Biden, “as weak, tired and sleepy as he is,” can vote safely in person, “any American can do it!”

It’s hard to argue with that logic, but I’m sure the mainstream media will.

On a side note, there’s the question of why Politico would run such an article that makes Biden sound weak and paranoid. A glance at Politico’s home page will show that they currently exist for the express purpose of attacking everything Trump does (including creating peace in the Middle East) and trying to elect the Harris-Biden ticket. Rush Limbaugh has a reasonable theory: that the point of the story was to lay the groundwork for giving Biden an excuse not to debate. Why, he’s just being “responsible” by not showing up to risk spreading the virus.

But if that is the plan, I can’t imagine voters thinking that he could possibly stand up to the rigors of the toughest job in the world if he can’t even stand up at a podium for 90 minutes.


Rioting and looting apparently weren’t polling as popular as the Democrats thought, because all of a sudden, the revolving door on blue city jails seems to have stopped spinning.

In Portland, a “peaceful protester” who allegedly shined a laser powerful enough to cut through paper and start fires into the eyes of a police officer has been charged with second-degree assault, unlawful use of a weapon, and two counts of unlawful directing of light from a laser pointer. This happened to multiple officers, so I hope we can look forward to multiple indictments of multiple “peaceful protesters.” More good news: all the officers have mostly recovered, so they will not suffer permanent blindness.

Meanwhile, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a fed-up judge threw the book, a sharp corner first, at 13 alleged rioters who are accused of attacking police headquarters and setting an arson fire. This came during rioting over the fatal police shooting of Ricardo Munez, a mentally ill man who was off his meds and awaiting trial for stabbing four people last year, and who was running toward the cops with a knife in his hand when he was shot. The judge set bail so high ($1 million each for seven of the rioters) that they are still in jail. Joe Biden’s campaign staffers will have to pony up a lot more donations to bail them out.

Note that the dad of one young woman who was arrested insists she was there as “a medic” (yeah, that’s the ticket!) as she has been at previous protests, and claims her $1 million bail is “obscene,” “outrageous” and “clearly against the 8th Amendment,” which according to legal experts I’ve read, is not correct. In some places, arson is a felony that can bring up to 35 years in prison, and if it seriously harms or kills someone, whether intentional or not, the charge can escalate to attempted murder and life in prison. So yeah, your daughter is in serious trouble and could be considered a flight risk, hence the high bail.

Maybe instead of blaming the judge and venting to the media, dad should use jail visiting hours to have that little talk with his daughter about respecting the law and other people’s rights and not setting fires that he should have had when she was five.


While professional football allows players to kneel during the National Anthem and wear the names of felons on their uniforms, Little Miami High School in Morrow, Ohio, suspended two football players (the sons of a firefighter and a police officer) for carrying flags onto the field on 9/11 to honor police and firefighters who died on that date attempting to save others.

The school athletic director claims the boys were punished because they were told they weren’t allowed to do it but did it anyway, and “we did not want to place ourselves in a circumstance where another family might want a different flag to come out of the tunnel, one that maybe [one that] many other families may not agree with from a political perspective.”

Judging from all the angry messages the school is getting from the community, there aren’t too many locals who understand why the boys were told they couldn’t do it or why anyone would think that honoring fallen first responders on 9/11 would require some sort of equal time for opposing views.

This again illustrates how too many people running our schools have the “courage” to punish students for daring to express beliefs that leftists oppose, but quake with fear at the idea that leftists might complain about being exposed to beliefs they disagree with. And if one of the beliefs that you find offensive is that we should honor the police and firefighters who heroically gave their lives to save others on the anniversary of September 11th, then I think the correct and proper response to your complaints is “Go pound sand.”


Listen to the leader of Black Lives Matter responds with theatrical outrage to the accusation that the group is trying to destroy Christianity without refuting a single allegation of all the ways in which they are openly and admittedly trying to destroy the very foundations of Christianity.

And while we’re on this subject, you mean there’s a financial connection between Black Lives Matter and the Chinese communist government? Well, knock me over with a feather!


Tuesday, the US State Department issued a sweeping new travel advisory against travel to China and Hong Kong, due to the possibility of arbitrary detention and enforcement of local laws.

I doubt many of my readers were planning to travel to China, but I pass it along in case anyone in Joe Biden’s family happens to be reading this.

Speaking of that, Blaze TV has produced a documentary on the many financial entanglements between communist China and Joe Biden’s family members trading on his name and government position. You can watch it on YouTube while you’re still allowed to.


For convenience’s sake, here are Joe Biden’s three big cringeworthy gaffes from Tuesday, all in one article.

One of them (echoing Kamala Harris’ reference to a “Harris-Biden Administration”) is an example of the political definition of “gaffe” (accidentally telling the truth.) As for his confusing Iran and Iraq, I’d say the much bigger point is that he was trying to appeal to veterans by talking about all the soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. If he’s truly concerned about that, shouldn’t he recommend that they vote for Trump, who is bringing peace to the Middle East and returning our troops back home, rather than return to power the very people who kept sending our troops to die with their hands tied by PC “rules of engagement” in endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?


The Nick Sandmann Effect: Retired Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz has filed a $300 million libel lawsuit against CNN for editing his comments about President Trump’s impeachment to give them a misleading and out-of-context meaning and repeatedly airing the video while falsely suggesting it was proof that he had “lost his mind.”

I’m not a Harvard law professor, but if CNN would like my advice on how to avoid repeatedly being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars for libel and defamation, I might suggest this: “Try airing real news instead of fake news and lies.”

By the way, I’m not concerned that CNN could sue me for saying that because “truth is an absolute defense to libel claims.”


Writer/director Judd Apatow is not one of the few brave conservatives in Hollywood, but give credit where it’s due, he’s an honest liberal who actually has the guts to tell the truth about his colleagues: that “China has bought our silence with their money. They have just completely shut down critical content about human-rights abuses in China." And, he said, "it is shameful that no US companies and very few politicians speak up about concentration camps in China. The United States has abandoned the world when it comes to human rights."

Well, not the United States. Just a lot of self-righteous leftists in the worlds of entertainment, pro sports, big tech and the news media who love to attack America, the land that made them rich and famous, but are terrified to criticize China. On the other hand, I know lots of average Americans who refuse to buy anything marked “Made in China” anymore, and a certain US President that the China sycophants despise who’s been standing up to that brutal communist regime for several years now.

Still, that’s not to take away from what Mr. Apatow said, and I sincerely salute him for having the courage to say it in an industry that has otherwise sold its soul for Chinese cash. 

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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