

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

THE I’M WITH STUPID MOVEMENT...Second Amendment...HR 5717: The End of Gun Rights


The #I’M WITH STUPID MOVEMENT that is currently overtaking the nation is the bigger threat. One politician does something stupid and the rest try to outdo him or her. Look at how willing people are to follow all the new restrictions put on our freedoms. A lot of the #I’M WITH STUPID MOVEMENT politicians are doing to gun stores, restricting their rights very openly by declaring them non-essential businesses, in Dumbocrat controlled states for now. But what about later?? We no longer have a constitutional republic, we have a political monarchy, and our elected royalty in Washington DC, the most corrupt city in the world are going to undermine the second amendment. The big question we face is, how far are we willing to go to keep our constitutionally guaranteed rights?

Oliver North On If We LOSE The Second AMENDMENT: ON Huckabee

Our right to bear arms comes from God himself and it is not given to us by our Constitution or Bill of Rights, rather these documents only say that the government of theses United States recognizes our God-given rights. Once the (gubmint) takes this so-called right or rights away then our Constitution no longer exists which would mean that the states agreed to allow themselves to be a part of and fall under the laws of OUR government via the constitution then too no longer exists either. (The glue that binds all of the States if you will)

We don’t need to fight the gubmint on this idea, simply declare, all of the States, that we are no longer a part of a failed system and from that point on each State should drop out of this ridiculous taxing system we now have and simply not participate in paying the so-called government any taxes forthwith! At that point, the government will fail to exist. Let them put that in their pipes and smoke it! How long before mayhem in the ranks will be seen with no money to pay them and most of all no tax dollars to be used against us or to be given to other countries for bullshit reasons.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >> 

The problem is that the ultimate goal will be gun control and confiscation under nonsense accusations and unfounded excuses. The Millenials have no knowledge of history and no fear of government. They believe war is something other people fight, and that government is there for their good and always benevolent. AOC is stupid because she is a product of a BAD education system that teaches compliance with the government. Some here have said it will cause a revolution, maybe, but mostly, those who would fight will be too old to fight by the time gun control really gets bad. We have Red Flag laws in many states already, and fully 50% or more of the confiscations are reversed but the guns have already been “lost” or destroyed. The Broward Sheriff whose department caused the deaths at Parkland has compensated by having red flag enforcement 1,000 times that of the rest of the state. With a 98% reversal rate. But only 10% of the guns have been returned so far.

You do not have to look any farther than the lefts OBSESSION with taking away your 2nd amendment rights to figure out what their end game is. I f you do not own a firearm get one or more if you already do buy more. Do not forget to buy plenty of ammo also. It is better to be prepared and not need it then need it and not prepared. LOCK and LOAD!!

In these trying times
I do believe it's time for 'We The People' to start a new party, The time has come to rid ourselves of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF HATE.  Step 1 -  Registering as a political party

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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