

Friday, May 22, 2020

8 More Democrats Announce They Are Switching Parties To Become Republicans

Just In: 8 Democrats/I’s Announce They Are Switching Parties To Become Republicans

Opinion: My father used to be a Democrat.
When he was going to college, in New Jersey. Back in the early 70’s he bought into the idea that the Democrats were the party ‘of the people.’
 Not too long after, following some real-world experience, and the Democrat party traveling further and further towards Communism’s ugly sister, Socialism, he stopped calling himself a Democrat and is currently a Trump-loving conservative.

He used to tell me that ‘I did not leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me’.

Now, I know he is not the first one to say this, nor will he be the last, but it has clearly stuck with me over the years.

I can not help but think, with a communist dictator praising, left described ‘Democratic Socialist’ (not to be confused with the National Socialist Germany Works Party, or as most people know them, ‘Nazis’) leading the race for the Democratic nomination for President, my father is going to have a lot of fellow defectors.

Those who are unfortunate to have read some of my writing may have picked up that I would not call myself a Republican, I live my life by, and share the values of, my conservative friends, but I would call myself more of a libertarian.

I mention this because I am in no way suggesting that the Republican party is perfect, or the solution to all our problems.

However, when compared to Bernie (or any of the other leading Democrats) economic and border security policies (I suppose open borders and handouts for all is a ‘border policy’ … right?) the Republican Party seems to be the only hope we have of, at the very least, slowing the approach of the inevitable debt crisis which we are in as a nation.

This recent news out of Mississippi has my father in some pretty good company.

Yall Politics is reporting:

‘Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Lucian Smith was joined by Governor Tate Reeves, Congressman Michael Guest, Treasurer David McRae, Speaker Philip Gunn, Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann and many others to welcome eight individuals to the Republican party.

“Over the last two and a half years we have had a relentless focus on switching conservative Democrats over to the Republican party,” said Lucian Smith. “They recognize increasingly that there is only one party that represents the conservative values of our state and that is the Republican party.”

“The Mississippi Republican Party is the Party that is building success for Mississippi by grounding government in the principles of liberty,” Governor Tate Reeves said. “These men and women on the frontlines of local government understand that and know a brighter future cannot be achieved by less freedom and more government. I’m pleased to welcome them to the MSGOP and look forward to their continued service to their fellow Mississippians.”

“Every year, the Democratic Party moves further to the left and away from the values of Mississippians,” Congressman Michael Guest said. The Republican Party is the home for conservatives who believe in the principles of limited government and individual freedom. Today, I am excited to welcome more elected officials to our growing Party.”

The announcement took place at the MS GOP Headquarters in downtown Jackson on Monday. Those joining the party were announced by Congressman Michael Guest:

1. Matt Sullivan, District Attorney for the Thirteenth Circuit Court District (Covington, Jasper, Simpson and Smith Counties)

2. Guy Easterling, Chancery Clerk for Covington County

3. Bobby Wayne Mooney, Justice Court Judge for the Northern District of Covington County (unable to attend news conference)

4. Cindy Austin, Chancery Clerk for Smith County

5. Anthony Grayson, Circuit Clerk for Smith County

6. Mary Lou Powell, Tax Assessor-Collector for Smith County

7. Danny Arender, Beat 4 Supervisor for Smith County

8. Hulon West, Justice Court Judge for the Southern District of Smith County (unable to attend news conference)

It looks like the Democrat's embrace of socialism is going to turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to the Republican party in some time.

As long as we are able to keep the radically leftist Dems from regaining control of the entire power structure I think we have a pretty good shot of continuing to restore American greatness. Welcome aboard y’all!



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