

Friday, March 27, 2020

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 03/26/2020, “An Appreciative America!!” / “A Few Thoughts”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“An Appreciative America!!”

Trump’s approval rating surges to the highest level of his presidency. Most of America recognizes a strong leader in the face of this adversity. The CORRUPT media will not in any way come to grips in what has become more and more obvious. Trump is the right person to lead us out of the darkness and defeat this scourge that is the Chinese Coronavirus. The reasons are quite apparent his job approval is rising. Of course, it is due first and foremost to his president’s handling of the medical and financial crisis caused by this hideous pandemic. He has handled himself splendidly, not at all being distracted by every damn Trump critic.

Let us not forget that his early travel ban helped enormously. We do remember how he was excoriated for doing this. This was a real act of LEADERSHIP, what we have come to expect from anyone who sits in the Oval Office. His daily briefings help enormously and allow him to go over the heads of this CORRUPT media. It is deeply appreciated by millions in our beloved America. We are most impressed with his handling of this national crisis and how he wants to get things done. He never seems to lose focus. I will say it again that he is the right man to lead us to victory in this war against this hideous virus.

In these daily briefings, he makes sure to involve the medical experts. He has them close at hand. Of course, the CORRUPT media tries to pit him against them. We are not at all surprised by their stratagem. Trump is more than willing to work with the Democrats. He has received praise from Governors Newsom and Cuomo. But so many in the PARTY OF HATE are miserable for they HATE him so. The media is so awful in these press briefings as they play their reprehensible GOTCHA game. So utterly detestable are they. This FOURTH ESTATE knows no shame.

No matter how they try to bring him down it never seems to work. Trump’s political base is as strong as ever. From him, we will never split. Not only us but countless millions realize the great job that he has done. They clearly see it

A Few Thoughts… | Life and Day to Day things by a Pond Lover

“A Few Thoughts”

Congress is hiding the Bailout Bill from the public. Gee, I wonder why. If we saw the slew of ‘goodies’ in it for the radicals it would make us all so very sick,  perhaps even cry. Of course the GOP, the PARTY OF STUPID pretty much capitulated, maybe not as much as we first thought. The PARTY OF HATE seems to always have the Republicans over the proverbial barrel. That’s just the way it’s been and will always be. Nothing really changes. The Democrats are dangerous ultra radicals and the GOP is as cowardly a bunch as you will ever see.  The Republicans talk tough but in the end, the cave. Do any of them have any BALLS?? Aren’t you all sick at the way that they behave? If we keep on voting these spineless bastards in this is what you will always see. I feel for President Trump having to try and deal with this bunch and that Schumer and that vile reprobate, Nancy Pelosi.

 If the GOP had just a smidgen of the courage and resoluteness of our President that would go a very long way. But let’s face facts these two attributes you will not find in the GOP’s DNA. We are in the toughest of times and we have, as I have said multiple times, a President who has risen to the occasion but he cannot do it alone. It’s a shame that members of his party are always in a perpetual state of abdication. Trump tries his best to make do with the hand that he’s been dealt with. The CORRUPT media is constantly on the attack, spreading lies about his concern for those who are suffering, that his feelings are less than heartfelt. He expresses optimism and the media becomes unhinged. Everything that he proposes they defy. They take issue with his desire for businesses to gradually reopen. They become outraged and say that he’ll be held responsible if any people die. This is the first national crisis where politics has not been put aside in favor of the nation’s interest. That is most clearly evident. There is only one reason or this. It is because Donald Trump is our President.

Written by Joe Esposito,03/26/2020

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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