

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Red Scare: Love Is Never Having To Say You’re Socialist

Red Scare: Love Is Never Having To Say You’re Socialist

On this Valentine’s Day, the Democratic establishment is sending out its equivalent of “forget me not” saying “Love is never having to say you’re Socialist.” Alarm over the surge of Bernie Sanders has turned widespread alarm in Democratic and media circles (sometimes hard to differentiate on some channels) into full-blown panic. With now a double-digit lead over Biden in national polls, there is a constant drumbeat in the media against Sanders — the same type of bias that actually pushed many voters toward Trump in 2016.

The latest Morning Consult poll shows Sanders at 29 percent support with Biden at 19 percent followed closely by Michael Bloomberg at 18 percent. While the media tirelessly pumps Amy Klobuchar, she is still at most 5 percent with Elizabeth Warren at 10 percent.

Sanders has also surprisingly taken the lead in Texas. Moreover, Sanders accounts for over half of the young voters in the New Hampshire primary — more than all of the other candidates, including the young Pete Buttigieg, combined. Those voters are not likely to be swayed by figures like Hillary Clinton effectively campaigning against Sanders. To the contrary, this effort seems to be backfiring in spectacular fashion.

With establishment figures like Biden and Klobuchar struggling, the media continues to slam Sanders. We discussed the open bias against Sanders at CNN and MSNBC. It is now even more raw and obvious. Hosts remain undeterred with recidivists like NBC’s Chuck Todd objecting to people calling Sanders a “frontrunner.”

In the meantime, many continue to misleadingly call Sanders a “communist” — most recently James Carville who seems to be assigned the task of hounding Sanders out of the primary.

As I discussed before, the open bias shown in 2020 by media figures is more likely to have the same impact as the bias shown in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016. There is a total lack of respect for viewers in this virtually scripted attack on Sanders. Notably, Warren’s policies are quite similar to Sanders’ policies but she is not saddled with the label of “communist.” The result is a Democratically-led “red scare” — something I have written about in earlier columns.

The whole point is to get the public to loathe rather than love the authenticity of Sanders.


The drama of it all. Dems can not run on issues.
Instead, Dems run on big money, aging hated liberals and breaking the law to win by any method possible
Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force…
DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state… Developing...

Best tweet I’ve seen about Joe Biden —-> “You’re lying, face-lifted, hair plugged, senile pony soldier.” Ha! Yes, he is!

Let’s say it again, shall we? Joe Biden is a “lying, face-lifted, hair-plugged, senile pony soldier.” hahaha so true! and the Democrat/media complex all know it, but does Joe??? hahaha.

If there’s a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” figure in the Democratic race this year, it’s Tulsi Gabbard, who ran an honorable campaign while bravely representing her constituents, and not the whim of Nancy Pelosi. Gabbard and Bernie Sanders are being traduced by Tailgunner Joe McCarthy figures like Hillary Clinton and her attack dog James Carville.

Historians of the future will marvel at how the one-time Party of the Liberals had a nervous breakdown and didn’t just resort to cheap McCarthyism, they whole-heartedly embraced it. They’ll also be unforgiving at the national political press’s endorsement of McCarthyist narratives in the 21st century that the same press (but not the same journalists, sadly) condemned in the 1950s.



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