

Friday, January 3, 2020

This List Shows All 319 Results And Promises Kept From Trump Administration

This List Shows All 319 Results And Promises Kept From Trump Administration

He’s just a few weeks away from being in office for three years, President Donald Trump has kept what seems like almost too many promises to count.

Aides say that this is what gives him such a competitive edge for his re-election campaign, particularly considering he’s currently being impeached.

We can count how many of these results and promises there are, and his team has compiled an impressive “results” list.

Vice President Mike Pence recently told Secrets that their message is simple: “Promises made, promises kept.”
“Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, we are living in a stronger and more secure America with the best economy in the history of this country,” he added.
Of the lengthy list of administration results that were provided to Secrets, pollster Jonathan Zogby said: “You really see the genesis of why Trump was elected in 2016 and will probably not be hampered by the Democratic impeachment and wins reelection in 2020.”
Newswars notes that:
Certainly, he will need a big list to overcome being only the third president in U.S. history to be impeached. But Trump appears to be starting with polls on his side, many showing that a majority want him punished but not removed from office and others showing that voters don’t believe any of the top Democratic candidates can beat the Republican.
“If things continue the way they are until Election Day, it’s hard to see how Trump can lose, and it might even become more clear to all voters as to why the Democrats rushed a partisan impeachment of a president who has delivered on a lot of campaign promises,” Zogby also said.
He added: “The impeachment of Trump will play little into how voters decide who should be president in 2020. Remember, it’s the economy stupid, and you can’t impeach that.”
Well, here it is without further ado:

This List Shows All 319 Results And Promises Kept From Trump Administration

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