

Friday, December 27, 2019


Razin' Cain



Three books were written 120+ years ago by author, Ingersoll Lockwood, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey and the final novel, 1900 aka The Last President; two of these novels went viral some time ago at the prompting of 4chan and Reddit users.  The Last President eerily describes turmoil that relates to events we are experiencing today, and, as we move into the 2020 presidential election.  

If you are interested in purchasing any of these books, or the complete works of Ingersoll Lockwood, they can be found on

Globalists fully realize their chosen Democratic puppets will fail due to President Trump's overwhelming popularity and major achievements accomplished for America and it's legal citizens.  The culmination of an FBI/NSA/CIA/FISA Warrant/Russiagate Dossier/Mueller investigation/Ukraine phone call, harassing actions made specifically against President Trump, have undeniably lead to the current impeachment scam by the majority rule of the Do Nothing Democrats in the House of Representatives along with Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House.  All of those acts have been played out in the capitol building of our nation's Congress.  

There is another very crippling course of action the Globalists are undertaking to stop another Trump presidency and we're seeing the start of it within the Civil War state of Virginia which just so happens to house the National Rifle Association's (NRA) headquarter. Virginians are about to experience tyrannical dictatorship by the pushing forth of an unconstitutional law which Democrats intentionally mislabeled as 'common sense gun policies'.  Citizens will be subjected to gun confiscations directed by a majority of newly elected Democrats (suspect voter fraud) as they enter office Jan 2020, action which is also supported by a Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, who approved late-term-abortions. This abortion bill approval alone alerts one as to what the Democratic party thinks about the value of people's lives.  It's all part of the orchestrated chaos brought upon Americans from the New World Order Globalists who, as of late, appear to welcome dark narratives.    

There are two videos within the above link. One is interlaced with comic projections mixed with facts.  The second video is more explicit when discussing key points discovered within the two books. As you watch the videos and read after clicking the link above, my opinion is to interpret time traveling, mentioned by the author, as a way to circumvent the label of witchcraft or lunacy as an acceptable way to explain his ability to have seen an event from the future and put it before the public without ridicule or slander. 

Two takes from The Last President that may make you sit up and take notice... 

The Last President opens in New York City on November 3rd, 1896, with the announcement of the newly-elected president of the United States, who happens to be an outsider candidate – the candidate who represented the “common man,” who would liberate the people from the grip of the bankers, and “undo the bad business of years of unholy union between barters and sellers of human toil and the law makers of the land. Aka, an anti-establishment candidate.'

The 2020 presidential election is Tue, Nov 3rd. 

"The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob... Would the troops be in time to save it?" 

According to Newsweek, Trump Tower sits where the Fifth Avenue Hotel once stood.   

Another author who concealed his vision by writing a book... 

Jules Verne predicted the Apollo moon landing in his book, “From the Earth to the Moon” which was also written over 100 years ago.


It is said that Nostradamus had the hand of God when he wrote his predictions.  All of his predictions were clouded because of his fear of being branded a heretic or a lunatic. Interestingly enough, Nostradamus had things to say about our current President Trump as well.

Could knowing of 
Nostradamus' predictions beforehand, 
make a difference in what was to come...
or has yet to occur? 

Below are some famous psychics who made astonishing predictions, predictions that were dismissed and sometimes, subjected them to ridicule:   

Edgar Cayce aka the Sleeping Prophet predicted that a great depression would take place in exactly the year of 1929.  Like many great psychics who saw the reality of the future, he attempted to teach people how to deal with what was to come, but alas!... people didn't believe him.


Psychic Medium Tana Hoy predicted the attack of Oklahoma City's Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building while broadcasting on air; two hours later, it happened.


Jeanne Dixon predicted JFK's assassination and Reagan becoming president.  


Terry and Linda Jamison, psychic twins predicted the 9/11/2001 attack of New York City’s World Trade Center... as did Nostradamus. 

the life of a psychic.
They're called witches by Bible interpreters... 
is this 'gift' a curse... 
or a blessing?

Were these writings from a vision 
depicting the future of things to come...
or just a mere coincidence? 

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. 
-- Plato (429-347 BC)



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