

Monday, November 18, 2019

WEST WING READS:11/01/2019

It’s Democracy — Not Trump — That’s on Trial on Capitol Hill

“Public impeachment hearings have begun in Washington, but nothing has changed. The Ukraine ‘rebound’ scandal simply follows from the Russia collusion probe as the latest front in a smoothly operating, taxpayer-funded, propaganda war of political intimidation: an attempt not only to undermine President Trump but also to demoralize and break the will of those who voted for him,” Augustus Howard writes in the New York Post.

“Democrats, trying to ‘move on’ from the disastrous testimony of Robert Mueller, offer us a new cadre of government-insider witnesses, most of whose evidence would be laughed out of any courtroom in America.”

House Democrats’ real goal is to tell President Trump’s supporters that “those who dared challenge the permanent, elite government class — to know they can never win.”

Click here to read more.

“Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff isn’t a constitutional scholar, but he plays one on Impeachment TV. His latest gambit is an attempt to redefine ‘bribery’ in the Constitution to include President Trump’s behavior toward Ukraine.” Of course, “he’s wrong about the law and constitutional history,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. 

The Trump Administration took two huge steps toward improving American healthcare on Friday. “Just about every person in the U.S. has had an experience of confusion, frustration, anger, and sometimes severe financial distress due to the bureaucracy and sheer obscurity of healthcare pricing . . . With these two rules, the Trump administration is trying to provide the price signals and other information necessary for patients to be informed,” Quin Hillyer reports in the Washington Examiner

“Ivanka Trump and USAID Administrator Mark Green will announce on Monday an additional $50 million for the W-GDP Incentive Fund, which aims to help 50 million women in developing countries by 2025,” Evie Fordham reports for Fox Business

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