

Monday, November 11, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 11/11/19 ~ ByPassing IMMIGRATION LAWS, Plus The STATUE OF LIBERTY, Does Not Equal American Citizenship

Razin' Cain



The Democrats enjoy pounding the airwaves with lies about our nation's immigration policies, as they continually call Republican politicians and Trump's administrative staff racists and white supremacists.  Hopefully, with the help of the video linked below, used as my reference point, it will help one to better understand some important segments surrounding our immigration laws as well as the truth behind the Statue of Liberty . . .

What the Democrats don't want you to know

This video may also help answer that 

🔥      Ever  BurninQuestion      🔥

Does The Statue of Liberty make it OK
for immigrants to enter America without
 facing immigration laws?

Since 1882, the United States had federal laws in place which prevented the entry of immigrants and enabled the deportation of immigrants who become a Public Charge. 

It is a responsible act for our nation to turn people away who will become a burden to the American taxpayer.  And, citizenship should not be rewarded to people who don’t contribute... anything. 

A Public Charge is an immigrant 
who depends upon government resources
to meet their needs

Aug 14, 2019, U.S Citizenship, Immigration Services & Dept of Homeland Security released a rule entitled:  Inadmissibility on Public Ground Charge

Immigration Act of 1882, signed into law by President Chester A Arthur, provided guidelines that restricted who can enter into the U.S, specifically in part: 
“… any person unable to take care of himself or herself without becoming a Public Charge.”

Immigration Act of 1891 went even further, stating in part:  
“… excluded from admission into the United States, paupers, or persons likely to become a public charge.

This gave the U.S an ability to deport any person who became a Public Charge within the first 2 years of arrival.
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, signed by
Democratic President Bill Clinton states in part:  
“Aliens have been excludable if likely to become public charges since 1882. Self-reliance is one of the most fundamental principles of immigration law.” (E) (1) stating in part: 

“In General…‘means tested public benefits’ including cash, medical, housing, food, and social services…” 

But the wording does not designate which programs would be counted toward an immigrant becoming a public charge so it is open for interpretation.

US Code Title 8 Section 1182, (4) (A), states in part: 
“Any alien… likely at any time to become a Public Charge, is inadmissible.

Public Charge Rule does not apply to immigrant children under the age of 18 who use benefits like national school lunch programs, WICK, CHIP, and Medicaid.

Aug 2019, Acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli (USCIS is a part of DHS) held a press conference to specify that the...

Trump administration 
would be enforcing immigrants 
to abide by self-reliance and self-efficiency as a means of entry

Cuccinelli explains: Public benefits are defined as federal, state and local as well as tribal cash assistance for income maintenance and a small list of non-cash benefits. Some examples that apply to this rule: general assistance, Supplemental Security Income, SNAP, most forms of Medicaid, and certain subsidized housing programs. Underlying a statute which was passed on a bipartisan basis also required officers to assess at a minimum, each applicant's age, health, family status, assets, resources and financial status, and their education and skills

Trump Administration's Public Charge Rule is so incredibly thorough, it even tells one how long it would take to read it...
“DHS estimated the time that would be necessary to read this final rule would be approximately 16 to 20 hours.” 

Prior to concluding the press meeting, Cuccinelli asked if there were any questions whereby a reporter from CBS News suggests that the plaque on the Statue of Liberty be removed because it states, give us your tired and your poor and Trump's administration's change to the immigration law, does not parallel with the sentiments expressed.

The Statue of Liberty's dedication was in 1886; Immigration laws were in effect since 1882, enhanced in 1891 and again in 1996; the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to America, not a green light beacon from our government to foreign immigrants to bypass federal laws. 

What would be the point of creating and updating 
immigration laws to protect our nation from terrorists
if the Statue of Liberty permitted all illegal aliens 
to freely enter the United States unvetted?

The Statue of Liberty project has been traced to a mid-1865 conversation between  
Edouard de Laboulaye, a staunch abolitionist and ardent supporter of the Union fighting the American Civil War and Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor and the statue’s designer.  Laboulaye told Bartholdi that he wanted to present the United States with a gift because he had admired what America had accomplished.

It was decided that the statue would be the representation of the Goddess of Freedom. This Goddess would exemplify the joining of two nations in support of America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain (as seen by the inscription on the tablet: JULY IV MDCCLXXVI; July 4, 1776) ... and to ...


Commemorate the End of Slavery
In the United States as Seen by the
Shackle Near Her Foot

Black Americans should see the Statue of Liberty in a different light by this revelation.  Many people may not have noticed the chain and why it was incorporated into the structure design... including myself.  In fact, I've never heard anyone refer to the Statue of Liberty as an "abolitionist".  And I had visited the Statue of Liberty on two separate occasions and never noticed the chain at her feet!
It took years to complete construction as many economic hardships came into play within both countries.  However, a torch-bearing arm was created to be displayed at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and in Madison Square Park in Manhattan from 1876 to 1882. It was used as a means to generate funds needed to continue building the massive monument. 

Emma Lazarus, a famous Jewish American author was approached to provide something written for the statue, but she initially refused. In 1883, Lazarus wrote a sonnet, The New Colossus, whereas she sold it to provide money toward the construction of the statue. While the Statue of Liberty was being built, Lazarus was heavily involved with helping Jewish refugees flee anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe, calling for Jews to unite and create a homeland in Palestine before the title Zionist was coined.  She also argued for Russian immigration rights. Her sonnet was a reflection of empathy toward their plight. 

Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

But those words were not added to the Statue of Liberty until 17 years after the dedication and after Lazarus' death in 1887. When Lazarus had passed away, a book was discovered containing the sonnet, The New Colossus. It was after the discovery, they decided to use it for the Statue of Liberty. In 1903, the words of the poem, The New Colossus, were put on a bronze plaque and  Georgina Schuyler, had  "placed upon these walls in loving memory of EMMA LAZARUS," inside the entrance to the pedestal of the statue. The plaque was NOT placed on the wall because of immigrants.

Now that you know a bit of history 
about the plaque and the Statue of Liberty,
what are your thoughts?

Please leave a comment below

Know this:  Emma Lazarus was not commissioned by the federal government to create the sonnet, a poem Democrats constantly remind people as a reason to allow illegal immigrants into this country nor did the federal government place the plaque inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty as a representation of our immigration policies. 

Her poem was just that, a poetic rendition imparting her desire to help Russian and Jewish immigrants.

Emma Lazarus' poem
has nothing to do with being
a proponent for open borders
or as an encouragement for immigrants
to avoid America's immigration laws... because...

1882 immigration laws had already been in effect when the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated in 1886; Emma Lazarus died in 1887, her plaque was placed inside the statue in 1903. The timeline of events is significant when realizing, what is the truth.

If Emma Lazarus' poem had been created to encourage illegal immigration into America, bypassing federal immigration laws as it is implied by today’s Liberals, Democratic Party, and MSM, then why would the federal government enhance immigration laws in 1891 and then again in 1996 by then Democrat President, Bill Clinton 

Who created the Rule of Law by which all Americans must abide by; a poet using a sonnet or the federal government?

Is it an oxymoron when Democrats claim non-American citizens have Constitutional rights? Or to refer to illegal aliens as Americans by providing them with the same amenities afforded legal Americans (yet more, through liberties granted by Sanctuary cities which allow them to commit crimes without suffering the exact same punishment administered to legal Americans)... it's not just about immigration penalties because of entering into the United States illegally. Some illegal aliens purposefully seek out residence in Sanctuary cities where they know they can commit crimes, including murder, given the opportunity to post bail after an arrest, then be sent back to the streets, back into society, to commit more heinous crimes (perhaps to even take revenge or intimidate a witness or victim).  To release an illegal foreign criminal into the public should tell Americans that the Democrats care more about an illegal aliens rights than the safety of Americans.  And hardened criminals who are illegal aliens know they will not suffer grave consequences for their horrific crimes as long as they have Democrats providing policies, for their benefit, within Sanctuary cities. Why?!  Americans who commit those very same crimes, may sit on death row or may never see the 'light of day'.  Is that fair?  Is that equality?

Can you believe 
some Americans actually support 
Sanctuary Cities?!  😕

The Democratic Party is trying very hard to control this country through lies and deceit as they manipulate the American public.

The video goes on to show Debbie Wasserman Schultz questioning Ken Cuccinelli because she claimed he was “bragging to restrict legal immigration”... 

Wasserman Schultz: 
Yes, Ken Cuccinelli is the tip of the spear of a white supremacist ideology that is the thread of the president’s immigration policy targeting people of color," she added. "And I’m a member of Congress on the oversight committee, and I had an opportunity to call it out, and I did, and I don’t regret it.
”  She referred to Cuccinelli as a "White Supremacist".

You’re certainly cloaked in legislative privilege. That means you can get away with not telling the truth.

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan defended Cuccinelli and slammed Wasserman Schultz for her accusations.

[Democrats are] going to attack our president because they haven't got a good argument to support their position. It's really sad because hearings used to be about getting to the truth, but its political theater now.
Wasserman Schultz then reflects upon the interview Cuccinelli had on CNN (seen within the referenced video) and she continued to brazenly lie during this forum, putting words into Cuccinelli’s mouth, for which honestly, he never said... watch the video and see it for yourself! There should be consequences for any person who works for the public, while holding office in Congress, for outright lying during a public forum.  

Interesting the Left has chosen to use CNN, which according to the Whistleblower's attorney, Mark Zaid, is purportedly part of a coup to take down President Trump; a platform to assist in pushing lies into the faces of Americans

However, one must question... 

Why hasn’t Debbie Wasserman Schultz been prosecuted for interfering with the 2016 election?  Shouldn't she be sitting in jail, when she handed over the DNC primary election to Hillary Clinton?

On a personal note... 

I believe Obama allowed many illegal immigrants (not just Hispanic) to remain in this country to cause financial stress.  As a lawyer with a strong background in constitutional law, who better would know the rules for Public Charge and the financial strain it would cause this country in the long term? Further, bypassing Congress to implement the DACA program also added to our nation’s financial stress (among other issues); none of the illegal aliens brought into our country during the Obama regime were satisfactorily vetted nor did they enter into our country based upon personal merit... many are currently on welfare or getting some sort of assistance. Not only did the NAFTA Trade Deal take away many of our businesses and as a result, diminished employment opportunities, creating a near economic collapse, but the American public was also forced to become caretakers for foreign individuals who could not fend for themselves.  Does this make sense??  This is what Obama has left for Americans; to be financially strapped to raise and care for foreigners during their lifetime until they are supposed to be able to support themselves. I worked hard at my job, supporting children as a single parent and resent that my taxes have gone toward the support of someone who isn't even a citizen of this country... and this Democratic decision, impacts Americans to this day! We have a homeless crisis across America and the Democrats are using taxpayer dollars to support the needs of a person who is an illegal alien.  It's one thing to be charitable when you can afford to be, but it's different when you are forced by a government to be 'charitable' to a cause you may not like.  Democrats know there is a crisis involving immigration laws, but have they taken the time to actively make changes for the better?  Trump: The Do Nothing Democrats.  The Democratic Party is treasonous and toxic to the welfare of America and its citizens. 


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