

Thursday, November 7, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 11/07/19 ~ The Newest Version of Beauty And The Beast: IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN DISNEY AND EPSTEIN?

Razin' Cain




On Aug 10, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein
died in what was supposed to have been a highly secured prison known as Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York while awaiting federal sex charges involving sex-trafficking of underaged girls. He also had detailed knowledge of the many wealthy, elite, foreign and domestic clients he serviced with minors. Epstein had great wealth, but no one seemed to know how he actually acquired his wealth.

Chief Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson performed Epstein’s autopsy and initially concluded there was no evidential proof Epstein committed suicide so she noted, ‘pending further study.’ However, she later changed her decision to conclude the cause of death as suicide by hanging. Epstein family wants to know how Barbara Sampson came to her conclusion.

Mark Epstein, brother of Jeffrey Epstein, hired veteran medical examiner and forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden. He had served as chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy; is Chief Forensic Pathologist for New York State Police and has examined more than 20,000 bodies; he was also hired by the FBI to examine prison deaths. There’s no question as to whether Dr. Michael Baden is qualified to provide a well-experienced conclusion for the cause of death of Jeffrey Epstein; homicide.

Baden maintains that an additional medical examiner is typically used to perform oversight of an often corrupt justice system. And most Americans who are ‘awake’, know by now, the intense evil which surrounds Epstein’s death.


👉 PROJECT VERITAS ~ VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything" ~ 11/05/19


Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ co-host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, explains how a witness came forward 3 years ago with information pertaining to Epstein, but Disney owned ABC News and refused to air the material. Robach vents her anger in a “hot mic” moment with an off-camera producer as she explains that ABC squashed the story in its early stages.

“I've had this interview with Virginia Roberts (currently known as Virginia Guiffre, an alleged Epstein victim).

“Who's Jeffrey Epstein? No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story.”

“The Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.”

Robach repeats a prophetic statement purportedly made by Attorney Brad Edwards “…[T]here will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.” 

Disgustedly, Robach states, “I had it all three years ago.”

But let’s take a closer look at what had been happening at Disney owned enterprises, especially those happening AFTER Epstein story was squashed in 2016


OCT 2017 . . .

Harvey Weinstein was working at Miramax (then owned by Disney) and also at NBC. Ronan Farrow had alleged that NBC didn’t expose Weinstein as a sexual predator in part because the Hollywood mogul leveraged ex-NBC anchor Matt Lauer’s own sexual misconduct. Weinstein's predatory behavior unraveled in early October after The New York Times published a story detailing numerous accusations of sexual harassment (too many to comment in this blog) against the powerful movie producer, whose films have won a number of Academy Awards. The Times detailed three decades worth of sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact accusations. At least eight settlements were reached with Weinstein's accusers through the years. However, when the story became a public news item, it started a flood of whole new accusations from dozens of other women, including some who said Weinstein had raped them. Weinstein has denied any claims of non-consensual sex. Rumors and stories about Weinstein had been circulating through Hollywood's grapevine for years, over 80 women came forward, leading many to ask how such alleged behavior could go on for so long.

Author and activist Sil Lai Abrams said she is “one of the many survivors that NBC silenced” and Ronan Farrow isn’t the only reporter to have a sexual misconduct bombshell shut down by NBC News. “Incredibly, a year after NBC botched Farrow’s reporting on Harvey Weinstein, they had the audacity to do it again.” Abrams wrote in a powerful first-person account in The Daily Beast, “It’s not just Ronan Farrow: NBC News killed my rape-allegation story too.”

Mark Halperin, ABC’s Political Director was accused of alleged sexual harassment by propositioning employees from sex to kissing and grabbing one's breasts against her will and other forms of inappropriate touching. Days later, more women came forward with other claims, including that Halperin masturbated in front of an ABC News employee and that he violently threw another woman against a restaurant window before trying to kiss her. Three of the women who spoke to CNN described Halperin as, without consent, pressing an erection against their bodies while he was clothed. Some women did not report Halperin's behavior to management because they feared retribution, given the level of power Halperin had at ABC and in the industry, or because they were embarrassed.  MSNBC:  "We find the story and the allegations very troubling. Mark Halperin is leaving his role as a contributor until the questions around his past conduct are fully understood."

NOV 2017 . . .

Matt Lauer, NBC’s Today co-host had been accused by 6 women for sexually inappropriate behavior. While it was a shock to some, again, as we’ve read in the case of Weinstein, rumors had been flying around for quite some time. “Management sucks there. They protected the shit out of Matt Lauer,” one former reporter said. According to Variety, Lauer’s office came complete with a button located under his desk that permitted him to lock the door without getting up [and no one knew?]. Lauer had many consensual relationships with staffers, which a former producer pointed out to Variety was problematic: He couldn’t just sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer (people would recognize him) and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within the office, where he exerted power, and he felt comfortable that people wouldn’t complain. Lauer would routinely pass over stories that dealt with cheating husbands. It’s thought that he only began to agree to take on stories about sexual harassment after the allegations against Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein emerged — which made for awkward moments for staff members aware of his misconduct. Lauer gave a female employee a sex toy as a gift, along with an explicit note that detailed about exactly how he’d like her to use it. He’d also ask female producers who they had slept with (and offered to share the names of his sex partners in exchange for theirs), and he’d play the quiz game “fuck, marry, or kill” about his female co-hosts, identifying which ones he’d most like to sleep with. He’d also frequently comment on female staff members’ bodies and appearances. 

John Lasseter, Disney's Pixar Chief Creative Officer, was assigned a ‘handler’ to ensure he would not engage in inappropriate conduct with women. At least Disney's got this hot topic under control.  Curious... whatever happened to the allegations made by the women in this article?  Were they paid off like Congressmen who have dipped into the Hush Fund specifically used for sexual misconduct settlements?  

By the way, has that Congressional Hush Fund been shut down now that Americans know it exists?  If not, why not??  Why can politicians dip into an account supplied by taxpayer money to pay for sexual abuse settlements?  What makes politicians so "special"?  If politicians are guilty of sexual impropriety or any other issues, they should be paying for their guilt from their own dang pockets! 😡 Everyday-Americans don’t have that luxury, to dip into a Hush Fund supplied by our paid taxes to cover guilt expense.

DEC 2017 . . .

Jon Heely, 58, Disney’s director of music publishing, worked for Disney since 1981, managing the licensing for hundreds of Disney films, as well as producing a series of Disney concerts around the world. A resident of Santa Clarita, he was accused of sexually abusing two underage girls approximately a decade ago. He allegedly victimized the first girl when she was 15. According to the charges, he began abusing the second when she was about 11 years old and continued until she was 15. Heely was initially arrested by authorities in Santa Clarita and released on a $150,000 bail. Heely pleaded not guilty to three counts of “lewd and lascivious acts on a child.” It’s been 2 years since Heely’s arrest, what was the outcome of his case?

JUN 2019 . . .

Michael Laney, a former vice president for the Walt Disney Company has been sentenced to more than 6 years in prison following a child sex abuse investigation. It began in 2009 when the victim was only 7 years old. Laney was found guilty of four counts of first-degree sexual abuse on May 7. Along with his prison sentence, Laney will have to register as a sex offender and pay a $4,000 fine. There was another victim that had reported sexual abuse in 2007, but there was insufficient evidence.  

Why haven't we seen others mentioned within this blog court ordered to register as a sex offender?

It’s important to expose powerful, left-wing companies which enabled countless allegations of sexual abuse that occurred under their protective, corporate umbrella.

JUL 2019 . . .

Last, but certainly not least, there is Q Anon’s post linking Disney Cruise Line to the underground entrances of Epstein Island. Post alludes to child trafficking from the cruise line, whereby "guests" would enter through what appears to be a doorway into an underground passage... 

After reading all of these sexual abuse allegations, it does raise a question about Disney’s knowledge . . .

Is there a link between 
Jeffrey Epstein & Disney . . . 

Because I truly love Disney movies, I wish I had never seen these articles!  
It sort of spoils the whole Disney illusion for me. This post made me think of ...

Beauty  &  The  Beast…

I'll let you ponder as to why 😉


💥 UPDATES 11/8💥 

  CBS News has reportedly fired the suspected leaker who released the hot mic footage of ABC anchor Amy Robach.

⏩  Katie Pavlich appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to answer the question:  Was ABC protecting Jeffrey Epstein?  
“Because their star anchor’s name is George Stephanopoulos and of course George Stephanopoulos worked as Bill Clinton’s communications director at the White House. 
And when was this information given to Robach at ABC? When did she bring all this to her executives to say we should put this to air?  
Right before the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton was running on the Democratic ticket.”
George Stephanopoulos had personal connections with Epstein.

💥 UPDATES 11/9💥 

MELTDOWN MEDIA ~ 11/08/19 ~ Wrongfully Fired By CBS News || Letter From the ABC 'Hot Mic' Leaker


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