

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Impeachment Inquiry By The Democrats is Nothing More Than An Old Fashion Lynching...

Impeachment Is Like “Lynching” Trump Says

Tuesday morning, President Trump got on the Twitter horn and called the impeachment inquiries “a lynching.”  Back in the old western days, when a person committed a crime, there was a “lynch party,” which would take the law into their own hands.  It was a group of people who were outraged by the person’s crime, and they were known to be guilty until proven innocent.
There is an excellent comparison with this old-fashioned way which died out years ago and what the Democrats are doing to our president in this present day.  They have him labeled “Guilty” before evidence is even on the table as they are ready to impeach him.  A check has also been placed on the president’s Twitter account, which shows this was the one and only time he used the term “lynching.”  Some black politicians are now calling it “racist.”
President Trump’s tweet stated, “So someday, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the president, without due process or fairness or any legal rights.  All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here, a lynching. But we will WIN!”  As always, Democrats took offense and began criticizing along with a few Republicans who are well known to go against the president.  Once again, the president spoke the truth and did nothing wrong.  The people who are offended show on their own accord they need to grow up.
GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois wanted the president to retract his post.  Kinzinger tweeted, “We can all disagree on the process, and argue merits. But never should we use terms like ‘lynching’ here. The painful scourge in our history has no comparison to politics, and @realDonaldTrump should retract this immediately. May God help us to return to a better way.”
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina, told CNN News, “That is one word no president ought to apply to himself. You know, I’ve studied presidential history quite a bit, and I don’t know if we’ve ever seen anything quite like this.”  In response, we can say, no, we haven’t seen anything like this.  President Trump is AWESOME and not afraid to tell it like it is!
Representative Bobby Rush, an African American Democrat from Illinois, had this to say, “Do you know how many people who look like me have been lynched since the inception of this country, by people who look like you.  What the hell is wrong with you?”
But it was the GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who put everyone in their places as he told reporters he agrees with President Trump.  He stated, “This is a lynching in every sense.  This is un-American.  The president’s use of the word in a tweet this morning is pretty well accurate in describing what Democrats in Congress are doing to the president by launching an impeachment probe.  This is a sham, this a joke!  I think lynching can be seen as somebody taking the law into their own hands and out to get somebody for no good reason.”
Graham continued to explain the meaning of the word to clarify the truth.  He stated, “What does lynching mean? When a mob grabs you, they don’t give you a chance to defend yourself. They don’t tell you what happened to you. They just destroy you.  That is exactly what is going on in the U.S. House of Representatives right now.”
The only African American to defend the president, GOP Senator Tim Scott, stated, “There’s no question that the impeachment process is the closest thing of a political death row trial, so I get his absolute rejection of the process.  I wouldn’t use the word lynching.”
Senator Scott was questioned if he disagreed with his other colleagues as seeing the word “lynching” as racially charged.  He responded, “Yeah, I do actually disagree. I think the fact of the matter is that you’re talking about something that’s akin to a death row trial from a political perspective, so we should keep our focus on the fact that this is something that is something that has been done behind closed doors.”
As this is the first time the president uses the word “lynching,” it has been used by others who described the impeachment process in the same manner.  Senator Ted Cruz of Texas called the Democrats a “lynch mob.”  It is what it is.

Impeachment Inquiry Faces New Hurdles
 The impeachment inquiry into President Trump's supposed quid pro quo is getting more farcical by the day, courtesy of Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff's laughably incompetent "leadership."

Gregg Jarrett, writing an opinion piece for Fox News, explains:

At first, Schiff wanted the faux "whistleblower" who triggered the impeachment farce to testify. Then, suddenly, he didn't. What changed? In the interim, evidence emerged that Schiff and/or his staff colluded with the "whistleblower" before the complaint was ever filed and then lied about it, earning Schiff "Four Pinocchios" from The Washington Post.

The chairman now wants to conceal his own role in engineering the pretext for impeachment and his subsequent deceit. This is why he has insisted that the "whistleblower" remain anonymous, despite no such right, guarantee, privilege, or entitlement written in the law, as I explained in an earlier column. Even though the undercover informant (reportedly working for the CIA) does not qualify for whistleblower status under the law as determined by the Department of Justice, any effort by Republicans to call him as a witness will be blocked by Schiff.

But Schiff's machinations are more malevolent than masking the key witness. Those he will call to testify are already on record dishing up prodigious plates of multiple hearsay and rank speculation. It is obvious from the released transcripts of the heretofore "super top-secret" inquisition that none of them have any firsthand knowledge of a "quid pro quo" allegedly demanded by President Trump.

For example, Bill Taylor, the acting ambassador to Ukraine who will testify on Wednesday, told Schiff's committee that it was his "understanding" there was a link between U.S. security assistance and an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden. How did Taylor arrive at his opinion? He heard it through discussions with other diplomats, although there is no indication that any of these individuals had direct knowledge of anything. The chain of hearsay went something like this: the European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland told National Security Council official Tim Morrison who, in turn, told Taylor that there was a purported "quid pro quo."

However, the truth is less politically convenient for Democrats. For Sondland originally testified that after a conversation with President Trump the commander-in-chief told him, unequivocally, "I want nothing ... I want no quid pro quo." Buttressing this initial claim, Sondland added that he never believed there was a precondition on military aid to Ukraine. Only later did he revise his testimony, stating, "I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anti-corruption statement." 

Of course, such anecdotes are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has rejected House Republicans' request to have two prominent figures testify at next week's public impeachment hearings. (The Week)

House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Saturday rejected House Republicans' request to bring Hunter Biden and the anonymous whistleblower, whose complaint about President Trump's phone call in July with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spurred the House impeachment inquiry, to the witness stand in the inquiry's upcoming public hearings. Rep. Devin Nunes (D-Calif.), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, had included Biden and the whistleblower in a letter proposing the GOP's preferred witnesses sent Saturday to Schiff.

In bringing Biden and the whistleblower to Capitol Hill, Nunes was aiming, he said, to treat Trump with more "fairness" during the investigation. But Schiff said the committee will neither "facilitate efforts" to "threaten, intimidate, and retaliate against the whistleblower," nor serve as "a vehicle to undertake the sham investigations into the Bidens."

Schiff did say, however, that the committee is reviewing the other possible witnesses proposed by Nunes. Among those names are Kurt Volker, a former U.S. envoy to Ukraine, and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale.

Nunes also wants the following people to testify:

  • Devon Archer, Ukrainian gas executive
  • Alexandra Chalupa, former Democratic National Committee staffer and political consultant
  • Tim Morrison, presidential adviser on Russia and Europe
  • Nellie Ohr, the former contractor for Fusion GPS
  • "All individuals" the whistleblower depended on to draft their complaint


This Impeachment Inquiry is Not about a President  that did anything wrong, it's about Democratic Control, not Justice If they wanted Justice they  would have gone after President  Obama and Hillary for treason, No my fellow Americans the Democratic Party is not the party of JFK when they cared about the American People and Listen to you, No its about Control of WE THE PEOPLE, and Hate of our A President that is in there way.

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