

Friday, October 4, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 10/4/2019 ~ Why isn't it Proper for a Police Officer to Hand Over an Illegal to ICE?

Razin' Cain

 By RazMaTaz

A  Spoonful  Of  Sugar 
Helps  With  That  Bitter Tasting  Reality

And  I'll  Be  Passing  Out  That  Sugar!

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It all began in Fairfax County, Virginia when Police Chief Edwin Roessler Jr decided an officer violated a 2007 department policy when he detained an illegal alien because he noticed there was an outstanding federal warrant.  When ICE was notified, upon their arrival, this officer placed the illegal into ICE custody.

Roessler: "This is an unfortunate issue where the officer was confused. We have trained on this issue a lot. This is the first time we've had a lapse in judgment, and the officer is being punished.  The police department has banned officers from taking people into custody based only on an immigration law violation which dates back to 2007."

Which reads in part:
If the response reads 'OUTSTANDING ADMINISTRATIVE WARRANT OF REMOVAL' and the individual is not in custody or being taken into custody for any other violation of the law, officers shall not confirm the hit through LESC and shall not take the individual into custody based solely upon the IVF hit. The majority of such administrative warrants represent civil violations of immigration law.
Officers receive training that "reinforces to our personnel that we do not enforce nor detain for administrative warrants and we have no authority to enforce federal law."

But wait! 😕 If an American citizen were not to obey a judge's order to attend a court hearing, whether it be federal or civil, what happens next?  Most likely the judge would issue an arrest warrant.  Hmmm .... no different than this case whereby a federal judge issued a warrant for an illegal who failed to show up for a deportation hearing. Yet the problem seems to be a federal warrant which stipulates it's only for failing to show up for a deportation hearing.  Is Fairfax County Police Dept then promoting anarchy against United States federal laws? It would appear that when granting an illegal immunity from a federal warrant, that illegal would have little respect for our laws and the judge that issued that warrant.  Is that what we want to teach foreign nationals?  It's OK to disrespectfully thumb noses at our laws and judges?

This is not just an ICE issue, but a failure to respect the Rule of Law.   

There exists an arrest warrant for this illegal, regardless if it's civil or federal. As an American, we must adhere to the Rule of Law or sit in jail.  Without laws, there exists anarchy, chaos, and violence. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS go through a process that teaches them a bit about the Rule of Law when obtaining their legal citizenship. The Rule of Law is a guideline for general acceptable and expected behavior within a diverse culture when interacting in a society that should foster mutual respect, support, and empathy. It is for a migrant's benefit to learn responsibilities and rights as an American. This is what is taught when they apply for citizenship. When liberals promote illegal immigration, they promote anarchy, not only against our federal government, but also against our federal judicial system, and against judicial systems as a whole within cities, states, and the entire nation. There is a reason immigrants go through this legalization process.  To bypass this procedure is to deny illegals or immigrants the right to know their entitlements and society's expectations. 

Why should illegals be exempt from adhering to our nation's laws simply because they are here illegally?!  

It's as though illegals have been given this 'free pass' that reads. . .

I'm exempt yet entitled because of my Illegal Status. 


Roessler: An officer "violated our longstanding policy and deprived a person of their freedom, which is unacceptable..."

Deprived an ILLEGAL of his freedom?!  Freedom from paying what every American has to pay . . . taxes?  Freedom to work at a job that should be filled by an American? Freedom to collect benefits supplied by hard working, taxpaying Americans?  Freedom from being documented like all Americans who are required to provide a social security number or driver's license to work, buy or rent a home, attend higher education and to even get credit? Why should special privileges be made because someone is an illegal?  What works for one, should work for all.

Roessler: "Our county is one of the most diverse counties in the nation and no one should have the perception that (Fairfax County Police Department) is acting as a civil immigration agent for ICE." 

My interpretation . . . diversity within his community includes people who ignore the Rule of Law.  Ignoring a warrant is encouraging diversity?  When you know you have to attend court, but refuse, that's diversity? Your police department should be upholding a federal warrant that any American would have to abide by.  Because it's a deportation issue, it makes that warrant null and void?

Legal immigrants are diversity. . . in religious beliefs, race, ethnicity, language, customs. Is it necessary to also include undocumented illegals too?

I don't think it fair to immigrants who have entered into this country legally when those who enter illegally, are give special consideration. Personally, illegals should not have any rights whatsoever because they do not fulfill their obligation as a member of American society just by not becoming a legal citizen. . . however, more so if they are abusing the American system.

In conclusion, this police officer is returning to full time work even though there is an internal investigation pending.

It seems we live in a society that is quick to feel sorry for illegals who come into our country undocumented, and yet these very same illegals take no steps whatsoever toward becoming a legal citizen.  Why not?!  Why wouldn't  someone want to become a documented American? Because of the special treatment illegals receive when entering this country, a county in Virginia chooses to mandate through policy, that a police officer who protects and serves his community, should ignore a warrant, the Rule of Law.   😞


To anyone who challenges my right to make these statements: my mother became a legal, documented citizen over 60 years ago.  She didn't come to this country expecting other Americans to pay for her cost of living, medical expenses or to receive exemptions from the Rule of Law.



Toby Keith - American Soldier

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